Fight through Cipher Pol!/Break through the Wave!

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On board the Rocket Man Train ....... 

(Y/N): I still can't believe that you guys are going through with this. 

Paulie: Like I said, no one gets away with attacking Iceburg like that. 

Chopper: Speaking of, he should be healing just fine. 

As soon as one of you was about to speak up, Lulu cuts in. 

Lulu: About that. Who are CP9 anyway? 

Tilestone: Right right! We didn't even figure out their identities. 

Twilight: Should we tell them or- 

Paulie: I'll handle this. The identities of CP9 are .... Lucci, Kaku, Kalifa, and Blueno from the bar. They tried to kill Iceburg. 

Lulu and Tilestone: AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!! 

Twilight, Sunset, Trixie, Starlight, and Paulie: YOU MEAN YOU GUYS NEVER SUSPECTED THEM!? 

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Twilight, Sunset, Trixie, Starlight, and Paulie: YOU MEAN YOU GUYS NEVER SUSPECTED THEM!? 

(Y/N): Morons. 

Meanwhile, back on the Puffing Tom ........ 

Applejack, Sanji, and Pinkie strolled into one of the cars, where there were thousands upon thousands of Cipher Pol agents surrounding them. 

Sanji: (quietly) Crap! 

Pinkie: Oh hello there! We're just the delivery guys! We got a bunch of hot steaming ramen waiting for you! 

The Cipher Pol Agents frowned, and then- 

Cipher Pol Agent: FREEZE! DON'T MOVE PIRATES!!! 

Applejack: Well, looks like we're fighting! 

They begin firing, but Applejack whips out her twin pistols and shoots the guns out of their hands! 

Applejack: Now, where's Robin? 

CP Agents: TEMPEST K- 

Pinkie whips out her Galaxy Slingshot!! 


She fires a bunch of rotten eggs at them!!! 

CP Agents: AAAAAGH! 

Sanji: MUTTON MALLET!! Gigot Charlie-le-Horse!! Sélle de Ouch!!!

Sanji continues to use his kicking techniques on all of the CP Agents that attack him! 


Applejack throws her lasso onto a CP Agent's neck and then slams him into many of the various barrels and other objects in the car!! 

Soon after enough attacks from the three Straw Hats ...... 

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