Leaving Alabasta!!/Four New Crewmates!!

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Luffy woke up in a bed, inside of the palace of Alubarna! 

Luffy: HUH?! WHAT?! WHERE AM I?! 

Vivi soon appeared! 

Vivi: Luffy, you're awake! Great to see you! 

Luffy: Oh hey Vivi! Good morning! 

You soon appear alongside Zoro, Rainbow, Twilight, Sunset, Rarity, and Nami. 

(Y/N): Luffy, morning? It's afternoon. You've been sleeping for like 3 days straight! 

Luffy: THREE DAYS?! I missed 15 meals. 

You all fall flat on your butts from that claim. 

Nami: How can you eat that much?

Luffy: I love food. Say, where's food? I'm starving! 

???: Oh goodness! Your captain is finally awake then!

The door opens and out pops this woman! 

The door opens and out pops this woman! 

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Sunset: Mr. IGARAM?! IS THAT YOU?! 

Zoro: Why the hell are you dressed in drag again??

Vivi just giggles at you guys! 

Vivi: No guys, tha Terracotta, she's Igaram's wife and our royal chef. 

Terracotta: I must thank you all so much for looking after Princess Vivi! 

(Y/N): It's a pleasure Ms., Vivi's important. 

Terracotta: I know! My husband has mentioned so much about you! 

(Y/N): Really? Whew thank goodness he's alright. 

Terracotta: Indeed! And soon enough you can talk all about your travels with us at the feast. 

Luffy: FEAST?! 

Nami: Oh yeah, we came to tell you about a feast that we were having and- 

Luffy: ALRIGHT!! FOOD!!!

Luffy dashes out of the room and screams food more and more! 

Vivi: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's Luffy for you. 

Twilight just shakes her head and smiles. 

Twilight: Sometimes I don't know what we are going to do with him. 

And so ...... 

Yes, it was quite the celebration! And after that, you guys went to the Royal Baths!

(Y/N): Ah, that's more like it! Hey Carue, want to scrub my back? 

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