Zoro vs. Mr. 1!! There's Nothing I can't Cut!

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Rainbow dashed throughout Alubarna's streets! She noticed that Zoro was nowhere to be found! 

Rainbow: GOD DAMN IT ZORO!!!! OF ALL THE TIMES FOR YOU TO GET LOST!!! Now where could he have gone off to? 

The rainbow haired speedster of the Straw Hats skims the entire city looking for Zoro, but can't find him anywhere! 

Rainbow: Where is he? Where could he even b- 

She soon spots Zoro looking right at her. 

Rainbow: Zoro, there you are! I- 

Zoro points his sword at her! 

Zoro: Dash, don't move a muscle. 

Rainbow: What are y- 

She soon hears the building behind her chop into many pieces! And behind her, stood Mr. 1, the most powerful Officer Agent of Baroque Works. 

Rainbow: M-M-M-Mr. 1. 

Mr. 1: Well well, I find two Straw Hats all alone in the middle of the city. Get out of the way girl, or I'll have to remove every single bone from your body. 

The bottom of Mr. 1's fingers turn into blades. 

Rainbow: Uh ..... Zoro, he's yours. 

Rainbow speeds to watch from the side! 

Zoro: So, you're a Devil Fruit user huh? 

Mr. 1: Correct. I ate the Dice Dice Fruit, with it, I can turn any part of my body into a living blade. 

Rainbow: In other words, he's a human sword. 


Rainbow: Uh ... how about a "Oh thanks Rainbow, you're such a good friend?!" Oh yeah, it's Zoro, a compliment from you is not really something I expect. 

The Straw Hat swordsman just growled in annoyance! 

Zoro: Nevermind. I'm wasting time. I've got a Rebel army to stop. 

Mr. 1: And my Boss expects me to eliminate all of you. Which, I'll gladly oblige with. 

Zoro and Mr. 1 rush at each other!! 

Zoro: ONI GIRI!!! 


The two clash with their blades and finger blades respectively!! 

Zoro: Got you now! How about this?! TOWER CLIMB!!! 

Zoro does an upwards slash with his swords! 

Zoro: CRAB GRAB!! 

He does another upwards slash, which does end up injuring Mr. 1 slightly! 

Mr. 1 then turns his fingers and arms into complete blades! 

Zoro: What are you going to do now? Dice me into little fish pieces and make me sushi? 

Mr. 1: It's not what I intend to do. But you I have the same idea. DAISY BLADE!! 

Mr. 1 puts his arms together and unleashes a mighty slash attack! The attack not only dices everything around Zoro, but he is pushed back so far, that he is confused on what had just happened. 

Zoro: What was that? Where's the rest of your attack?! 

Rainbow: ZORO!! LOOK, ABOVE YOU!! 

Rainbow points to above Zoro! 

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