Davy Back Fight Round 1!/Donut Race!

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Before you guys even knew it, the Foxy Pirates began to set up a bunch of booths, and they were selling lots of food too!

Luffy: FOOD!!! SO HUNGRY!! 

Luffy begins stuffing his face like crazy, with meat, takoyaki, ramen, burgers, pizza, and pretty much any other food he can find!! 


Sanji: My thoughts exactly!! I don't even want to participate in this Davy Back Fight! 

Vivi: Unfortunately we have to Sanji. 

Twilight: I am still mad at the fact that Luffy just accepted it! Look at him! 

Twilight points over to Luffy who is still stuffing his face! 

Zoro: Freaking Dumbass! 

Rainbow: So what do we do? 

(Y/N): We'll just have to go along with it. 

Nami: Alright, but I'm not happy about it. 

Alvida: To be honest, none of us are happy about it. 

Chopper soon walks over with a huge stick of Cotton Candy! 


Robin: Chopper, you're eating too? 

Chopper: I LOVE IT!! 

Robin: (giggles) Okay then if you insist. 

Soon ..... 

A small guy walks on a stage and begins to speak up! 

A small guy walks on a stage and begins to speak up! 

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Itomimizu (Member of the Foxy Pirates!) 

Itomimizu: Alright everyone! May I have your attention? It's time for another Davy Back Fight! Where two pirate crews compete to see who's the best, and who gets new members! 

Pinkie: CALLED IT!! 

Itomimizu: Let me lay down some rules then! First the contestants for each event are chosen by the captains before the game begins and the contestants cannot be changed. Second if a crew member is lost in one event, they can be won back in the next event, but not in future Davy Back Fights after the current one is over, unless the captains of both crews involved agree to another Davy Back competition. Third, all crew members that are won must immediately swear permanent allegiance to their new captain. And finally, no cheating is allowed! 

The Foxy Pirates and all of the entire crew soon head to the first event! 

The Foxy Pirates and all of the entire crew soon head to the first event! 

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