Chapter 11: Bang

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We turned around fast and peered up at the window seeing the leader slowly begin to stand up. I started crying. "He's gonna hurt me he's gonna rape me again I know it!" I cried to Grayson. "Don't you even think about saying stuff like that I will die before that man touches you ever again baby I swear." Grayson replied. "We gotta go!" I said quickly. Grayson nodded and picked me up again since I was so sore to walk still. He began to run and the leader saw us. Shit.

"Oh Brianna I knew you wouldn't get far!" He said calling and he turned around and ran down the stairs. "GO GRAYSON!" I screamed through tears at the top of my lungs. Grayson darted away. I've never seen anyone run so fast and while carrying someone. We ran through the dark forest when we can across a little ditch. The leader was catching up to us and we jumped in Grayson got out to make sure I was covered enough so I wouldn't get caught. "Grayson no get in please!" I pleaded. "I need to make sure your safe and you won't be found." He replied. "No please get in Grayson I can't watch loosing you please I love you!" He turned around and smiled. "I know and that's why I'm doing this."he said. "Well well well where is Brianna?" The leader said to Grayson. "I don't know" Grayson replied. "Bullshit" the leader laughed. Grayson just stood there. The leader took out a gun and loaded it. "I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where is she?" He said pointing the gun at Grayson. I began to cry and pray. "Well it looks like I'm gonna have to kill you if you don't tell me where she is." The leader said tapping the gun. "I would die before I let you touch her again." He said through his clinched jaws. "Okay so I'll just kill you and then I'll find her on my own." The leader said. " I'd love to see you try." He said smiling. The leader turned around. "Brianna Brianna come out come out where ever you are!" He said in a Baby voice. I stayed quiet just as I promised Grayson I would do and I kept crying and praying. Grayson jumped on him while he was turned around and brought him to the ground and started beating him up and bashing his face into the ground. I could see everything though a small opening. Grayson stood up thinking the leader was knocked out again and started walking towards me, when the leader slowly raised his gun. I couldn't take it anymore. "GRAYSON RUN!" I cried. BANG. Grayson dropped quickly to the floor. He didn't move. My whole world stopped. Grayson was gone.

Hey guys I hoped you liked this chapter!💋 I will have another one up today although it might not be till tonight idk what I'm doing today. Don't forget to add this to your library, vote and comment!💘 thanks and have a terrific Saturday💙 ~kirsten
P.S. Thank you so much for over 300 reads!❤️ you guys are amazing👏

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