Chapter 27: Bye Jersey, Hello Cali

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I woke up to my alarm clock. It was 5am. My flight leaves at 8am and my mom hates to be late so of course we have to get to the airport early. I walked downstairs to see her watching tv. "Are you ready???" She asked frantically. "Yes calm down." I said with an attitude. "I think you should tell yourself that one." My my replied. "Guess what mom I don't want to leave! So I can careless what you think!" I screamed. "Go up and get ready! We are leaving in 15 minutes!" She yelled back. I rolled my eyes and went back upstairs.

The flight was going to be 5 hours long so I throw on a pair of black Victoria's Secret sweatpants and Grayson's sweatshirt. My 2 favorite things in the world- comfort and Grayson. I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and threw my hair up in a messy bun. I saw the bracelet that Grayson got me on my wrist and thought about him and last night. Tears started to form but I didn't give in. I couldn't. I had no choice.

I packed a little plane bag- candy, my headphones, my phone, tfios book, a blanket and seventeen magazine. The flight was 5 hours away. Great.

I ran downstairs and saw my mom packing the car up. I sat on the steps and already felt nauseous and I remembered something. "Mom!" I called out. "What?" She asked. "I was supposed to go to school today! It was supposed to be my first day back!" I yelled. "I already called the school don't worry." She screamed back. I sighed. That was my last hope of getting her to stay but as usual she's always one step ahead of me.

I got into the car. "Wave goodbye!" My mom said smiling. I just sat there staring out the window. "Why are you so sad? So many kids your age would die to move to California!" She said. "Mom I love Grayson. I don't want to leave him. I'm so torn apart right now and you don't care at all." I mumbled. "Oh sweetie your 15. You'll get over him it's just a phase." She said while driving. "Loving someone isn't a phase mom." I said in a stern voice. "What ever to say." She said sarcastically. I turned up the radio to get my mind off things when mine and Grayson's song came on "thinking out loud" by Ed Sheeran came on. I pressed the button so fast to change it. "I liked that song!" My mom said going to press it on again. "No mom!" I said already crying. "Geez what's wrong now?" She asked. "That was mine and Grayson's song." I squeaked out. "Umm okay." She said.

We finally got to the airport and we unloaded the car. I took a picture of the air port for snapchat and wrote "going to hell see you all never."

I texted Grayson because I knew I wasn't going to get reception on the plane.

Me💁: hey gray I'm about to get on the plane. I love you so much and I'll see you soon. FaceTime me when you get out of school sorry I couldn't be there our first day back tell Ethan and Ryan(Grayson and Ethan's best friend)I miss them already too. Love you cupcake❤️😘we will make this work💘 remember : to the moon and back🌜

I sat in the seat with my mom and glanced out the window and we took off. First I played games on my phone. Then I read my magazines and then I read tfios for the 1000 time. I ended up falling alseep. "Hello passengers we are getting ready to land in the sunny land of California! I hope you enjoyed you're flight and you will fly with us again!" The flight attendant said over the speaker. I jumped up. "Honey calm down it's okay." My mom said rubbing my arm.

We got off the plane and waited for our car. We shipped it down a week in advance. We threw everything in the trunk. "Your going to love the house! It's in a small neighborhood and it's just the right size for you and I! It has 3 bedrooms, every bedroom has its own full bathroom, a kitchen, a tv room, a dining and room, another bathroom, a laundry room and a basement we will get remodeled! There's even a pool!" My mom said so excited. Part of me wanted to smile but part of me didn't. I did anyway to make her feel happy.

We took all of our stuff in and my mom already had all the new furniture up. "This place is really nice mom." I said.

I ran upstairs to my new bedroom. It was brown and creme colored with a Paris theme. I loved it! My mom and I unpacked all our clothes and toiletries. "Well I need some food in this house so I'm going to go find a supermarket wanna come?" My mom asked. "I think I'll just stick around here maybe take a bike ride around the neighborhood." I said to my mom smiling. "Okay just make sure you have your phone on you." She said leaving. I plopped myself down on the couch and flicked on the tv. I turned on keeping up with the kardashians. Nothing like good reality tv. I looked down at my phone and still got no text messages from Grayson. Ugh. I tried calling him but he didn't answer. "Maybe he has wrestling." I thought to myself.

After about 15 minutes into the show, my door bell rung. I ran up and opened it up. It was a tall boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes. He had brownies in his hand. "Um hi." I said awkwardly standing there. He didn't say anything and just stuck out the plate of brownies. "So hot." He mumbled. "What?" I said with a tone. "I mean uh this uh weather it's so hot." He said blushing. "Yeah it's pretty hot.." I said looking at my feet. "Oh I'm josh by the way, my mom wanted me to bring these over." He said smiling. "I'm Brianna." I said back. "Well hi Brianna you have a really nice name and face and hair and eyes uh I took that way too far." He said blushing again. "Um thank you ahaha." I said awkwardly. "So are you going to go to LA high?" He asked. "Yeah I'm pretty sure." I said. "Well you should come over today you know.. I'll be your first friend. I'm totally normal too we can watch movies and YouTube videos. I'm down for whatever!" He said smiling. "Sure I don't have anything else to do." I relied as my mom pulled up he driveway. "Well Ill see you later!" He said as he walked away. "Bye!" I screamed back. I watched him walk across to his house so I could see where he lived. My mom walked in with a few bags. "Well I see you made a friend!" My mom said smirking at me."don't get any ideas mom , I'm still dating Grayson" i said giving her a look. "I know I know I'm just saying." She said giggling.

We ate dinner and then watched mean girls together. "So your going to go to LA high in a week. I just wanted you so adjust here before sending you right off to school."she said. "Okay thanks mom and sorry I want being rude to you before." I said hugging her. "I know it's hard and I'm sorry to." She said.

Crap! I totally forgot I was supposed to go to Josh's house. It was only 7pm so I figured I could go over for an hour. "Bye mom I'm going across the street I'll be home in a hour!" I called up.

I rang the doorbell. Josh answered. "I didn't think you were coming!" He said sadly. "Sorry we were unpacking and stuff." I said. "It's okay come on in." He said. He had a really nice house. "Who are you?" A little blonde haired girl asked me. "Hi I'm Brianna I just moved here! Who are you?" I asked. "I'm paisley are you the girl who josh says is really pretty? He likes you he made those brownies himself!" She said getting excited. I blushed and looked over at josh. "Paisley mom wants you upstairs." He said pissed off. She ran off upstairs and he led me to the basement. "She made that all up." He sided hesitantly. "I'm sure." I said laughing back.

"So where are you from?" He asked. "Jersey"
I relied. "So your jersey girl? No wonder your cute." He said flirty. I ignored it. "Yeah so what do you like to do?" I asked. "Well I love YOUTUBE and vine you should follow me!" He said opening up the vine app. He was showing me all his re vines when he came up to one of Grayson's vines. "Do you know them? They have over 2 million followers and there twins! It's crazy plus they get all the chicks!" He aids nodding at me. "Yeah I know them a little to well."I said staring at the screen. "Really haha what are you a crazy fan girl?" He asked laughing. "No I'm Grayson's girlfriend. "YOUR WHAT?!" He asked. "Grayson's girlfriend." I replied again. "Yeah right." He said nudging me. I gave him my phone and he saw all our photos. "Holy shit!" He said with a frown and a smile. "Please don't tell anyone at school I don't want people to treat me differently." I said. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me!" He said. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Oh it's nothing..." He said looking down. "Josh just tell me." I said picking his head up. "I just thought you were pretty and I was hoping you didn't have a boyfriend but clearly I was wrong. " he said really fast. "Um sorry." I said awkwardly.

"Well I should get going." I said putting on my shoes. It was to awkward after what he told me. "Uh okay." He said. He walked me upstairs and opened the door for me. "We should defiantly do this again." He said hugging me. "Yeah for sure." I said hesitantly. "Bye." "Bye" I walked home thinking about Grayson. I still had no texts from him what the hell?

When I got home, I called him 5 more times leaving a voicemail every time. It was unlike him to be like this. He wasn't even active on social media until I got a notification on my phone on Twitter saying Grayson just tweeted something it said: @/DolanGrayson: you never realize what you have until it's taken away from you.

I knew he was talking about me And I couldn't agree more. I just don't know why he won't respond to my texts. A few minutes later, I got another notification on Twitter. : @/DolanGrayson: I'm going off social media for a while I gotta clear my head... Missing someone really bad right now bye...

Hope you liked this chapter! I made it long for you guys!💝 sorry if there's any grammar problems lol but please comment vote and follow me love you all xoxo -kirsten ❤️

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