The Personal intern

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Everyone HATED Tony Stark's personal intern, he was just brag about how much fun he gets to have just sitting around and playing video games with Hawkeye, or what Avenger tech they were working on, sometimes even what Captain America serves for lunch. Everyone hated him. But there was this one boy, who got a internship by Pepper Potts herself, he works in the lower labs with some of the downgrade scientists, he was sweet and kinda, and when someone needed to take a nap or go on break the boy would fill in for them till they got back, when they did they would see their work a 100x better.
          Peter walked to the cafe at the floor of the Tower, he walked to get some food, looking through he backpack for some money, only to find 69¢. "Hey Peter why do you look so down?" Shuri asked, Shuri was the princess of Wakanda, but she bumped into Peter once while he was delivering some projects to Mr. Stark.
              "I only have 69¢..." he said, Shuri took this opportunity to be a Vine Queen, like she is.
              "69 huh? You know what that mean right?" Peter knew, he looked down at the change, giving it a sad look.
              "I don't have enough for chicken nugget..." they both laughed, "but anyway, I guess I won't eat today..." Peter made his was back to the elevator, Shuri just watched, a sad look in her eye.

"I think we can do better than that!" Harley told Peter, Harley was one of the Interns for Tony himself, he became close friends with Peter because he too hated the 'Personal intern' of Tony.
"Harley it's better then a Potato gun run by a arc reactor." Peter said, "plus Shuri can join if you want."
"I don't think that counts, Shuri is gonna be a judge." Harley said as he put his hands in his white lab coat, Peter took his off a long time ago, he didn't want to get it dirty again. Peter's stomach then rumbled. Harley looked at him. "Did you eat?"
"Harley, I barley have enough money to get a cheeseburger... much less a sandwich, which by the way dose not taste good, from the Tower's café... Harry gave Wade some money today, they're going to the store today, hopefully." Peter wrote out a formula, Harley watched, Peter looked dead, Harley put a hand on his back.
"Peter take a break. I can look over this, and see if T'challa can give us some Vibraum from Wakanda okay?" Peter looked at Harley, "go to the medbay and tell them that you're taking a nap." Peter nodded and walked off, Harley picked up Peter's notebook, he started to walk, when he got to the 'Stark Labs' as people call it, Caspian stood in the door way.
"What do you have country boy?"
"Look Caspian, I know that you want to be good as me! Live in the tower with Tony and the avengers, get free food, and all that. But you don't have to be rude about it." Harley said, "and this is non of your business." Harley walked to his own lab, locking the door, and sitting down. "Wow Peter I knew you were Spider-Man but making suit designs for Deadpool is different..." He shook his head. "Lightsabers, yes that's what I have to look at." Harley looked at his phone, and his lock screen of Peter, Harry, Wade, and Him at the cherry blossom trees in Japan. He smiled at Peter's lovable face.
"I KNEW IT!" Clint jumped out from the vents with Natasha, they both smiled, "you like that boy!" Clint smiled.
"I hate both of you!" Harley said, "get out."
"Oh no, you're telling us everything you know." Nat said, Harley groans he knew that he was gonna be there all night.

Tony and Caspian worked on a arc reactor, Tony was focused, Caspian was bored. He looked at The computer. "Change it I will hurt you." Tony joked, Caspian nodded, he sighed. "Do some homework kiddo, you go to Midtown right?"
"It's boring school Tony. I don't even want to be there anymore."
"Well Harley is starting next week, maybe you can show him around, or I can get someone else to do it if it's too boring." Caspian looked at Tony, he smiled, and said yes very quickly.
"Ahem... I mean Yes! I would love to!" Tony nodded, "now what do you want me to do?"

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