I love you Peter...

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Sorry to break y'alls hearts but this needs to be done before it leaves my mind.

Warning this chapter will have graphic murder, a character death, and a vary pissed off Tony Stark.

It was near the end if the battle, and it looked like they were losing, Cap and Thor swang mjolnir and Stormbreaker at bad guys killing them instantly, Bruce couldn't do much but he could make sure people were still alive, everyone else fought like the world depended on it (which it did.) Clint came running he had the  Gauntlet in his hands.
               "Hey, have this! What am I supposed to do with it?" He yelled over the fight. Hope and Scott said to go to the old van, but was gonna be impossible, it was in enemy territory. He hands it off to Black Panther and he runs before getting knocked down Peter grabbed them and swang Valkyrie caught him.
                 "Oh hi... I'm Peter." He said she just smiled at him then he fell off he land and hugged the don't let the best. Then a light went through Thanos' ship. Carol Danvers stood in front of him. "Hi... I'm peter Parker..." He said scared. She gave him a warm smile. Like a mother would her kid.
                  "Hi Peter Parker. I hear you have something for me?" She asked he nodded and handed the Gauntlet to her.
                   "How are you gonna get through all that?" Peter asked as they looked out onto the army.
                    "Don't worry." Okye said.
                   "She has us." Wanda said as they started walking. The women of teams started to help the the Gatlin to Scott. Then Thanos had his hands on it. Coral tried and tried with the help of Tony and Steve. Tony looked at Starnge as he held up a one. Tony looked down and a feeling of determination rushed through him. He ran and grabbed the gauntlet, he was pushed back a bit but was able to get the Infinity.
                "I am inevitable." Thanos said and shaped his fingers. But when nothing worked he looked to see the stones gone.
               "I... am-" Tony looked to see the stones were taken from him as well.


        Peter looked at the stones that he grabbed as well as a gauntlet from Tony. He cried as he raised his hand and snapped his fingers, all the bad people started to disappear, Tony looked around and found Peter. He ran over fear in his eyes.
                "Peter?" His voice broke. He cradled Peter in his arms. "Why?" He asked. Peter looked at him weakly and smiled that broke Tony's heart even more. And words that haunted him more than 'I'm sorry'
                 "I-I wanted t-to be like yo-you.. D-Di-Did I make you p-proud Mr. Stark?" Peter asked. Tony smiled and kissed his head.
                  "I've always been proud Peter... no matter what you always make me proud." Tony said Peter gave him one last smile before going limb. Tony cried as he hugged his son. Saying something that Peter never got to hear. "You've always been my son." Pepper helped him up. He looked to see Thanos still there. Range rang through Tony as he started to walk over to the titan.
             "Still didn't work." He said. Tony glared at him.
             "Your army is gone.. soon you'll be next." Tony said then charged at him. Thanos move his sword up to block the man's attack but it didn't. Tony grabbed the sword and plunged it through the titan's stomach. "You killed my son!" He pulled the sword out blood stained it, Thanos fell to his knees, and looked at the blood on his hands. Tony riased the sword up as tears fell from his eyes. "You took the only happiness that I had in this world!" Tony brought The Sword Down on to Thaons' arm cutting it off he stabbed him again. "You don't get to die a peaceful death, you don't get to have people worship you like your a god! I second Loki, you'll never-" he cut off Thanos' other arm, then stabbed him again. "Will be-" he slammed the sword into the side if the titan, watching as the blood spilled out of him. "A GOD!" Tony screamed  as he pulled the sword down into Thanos' neck. He watched the now lifeless body of what once was Thanos fall to the ground. Tony fell to his knees tears fell from his eyes. Steve and Pepper got next to him and hugged him. Everyone looked down, tears fell, some didn't.

- After -

      May slapped Tony. Saying she never trusted him, yelling that he should never go near her again. Tony looked down. Tears fell as he looked at the picture of him and Peter getting the Stark internship, he hugged it and broke down even more. Then the door opened and Morgan ran in.
              "Hey baby." He said and brought her into his lap. "What are you doing here."
              "I wanted to see if you were Okay! And if Peter can play with me and Harley!" She pointed to the blonde. Harley gave Tony a sad look.
               "I-I don't think he can baby.." He said his voice breaking. Morgan tilted her head.
                "Why daddy?" She asked. Harley walked over.
                "Peter's never coming back.." He said. Morgan looked at her crying dad.
                "Yes he is! He told me!" She smiled and got off Tony's lap. "He even showed me his work shop!" She laughed and ran down the hallway. Harley put a hand on Tony's shoulder.
                 "You okay Tony?" He asked.
                 "I just need some time to myself." He said. Harley nodded and left, some tears fell from his eyes.
                  "Peter didn't do it to make you proud... He did because he loved you and Morgan... He wanted to the world to have the iron man that everyone deserved... a hero that onced saved him." He sighed "he wanted to prove that he was your son..."  He then closed the door behind him. Tony cried even more.
                   "I love you Peter..." Tony looked at his Arc Reactor. He got got and walked to his lab. Turning off the lights to his office.

Please don't kill me...

"Love you 3000."

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