The backstory of 'Painc Attack'

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So I've seen a few of you share your stories about someone yelling at you when having a panic attack. So I thought I would go a little deeper into mine.

About two summers ago when I getting out of my depression or something like that, we went to Florida for the 4th of July. And this was the first summer without my grandmother (my dad's side). But I still had my Yiaya (my mom's side). And she is Greek and mentally sick. (Again I won't go deep into it) but she's hates everything and I mean everything kinda. And has to pick in something while we're done there. So she decided to pick on me, it was raining in the morning and Florida thunder is much different then thunder in Kentucky. Florida has very loud snapping thunder but sometimes rolling thunder (the thunder I'm use to). I was sleeping on the couch and thunder snapped. (They also live on a Island so there is a river and ocean right next to each side of their house) and it was really loud and very scary to me. I ran down the hall and outside (my mom was outside on the porch with my dad and Popu) and hugged my mom while she was trying to calm me down. My yiaya came out and asked what was wrong with me and my mom told her. Yaiya said that I needed to grow up and not cry like a child. She compared me to a dog that was not scared of thunder. She pointed to the dog and said. "That dog isn't whining! I get if was crying but a 14 year old should not cry over thunder!"

See where I'm going with this?

The second time she yelled at me was sometime after Spring break. Mom got hurt so Yaiya came up to Kentucky to help out. And at the time we were living in a pretty small house with a few cats and two dogs. And with a small house there's not really much to clean. She yelled at me and my brother saying that we should be cleaning the house. She started cleaning our back room which was the mud room where the dogs go to the bathroom and where the cats have their litter boxes. When my brother said he had to get ready for work I got scared, meaning I was in the same house with the crazy Greek woman and my mom, I looked at my mom and had panic in my eyes. I started cleaning a bit, but was crying, trying not let her see me. But I couldn't take it, I finished what I was doing and walked in the living room and curled up with my mom. She started to ground me and tell me everything was gonna be all right. But my Yaiya saw and said to stop babying me, tell me and my mom that I needed  to grow up.

That was about six months ago.

Now, Thursday the day after Christmas, I had a panic attack because my got lose. And I was having a very bad time. Yaiya complained and complained about everything! The house, the animals, my dog.

Thing was she brought her dog up here without even asking us to bring it. And this dog is a pretty small dog he's a Bichon frise, while my dogs are a pit bull hound mix and a husky shepherd mix. So I have very big dogs. But she liked my pit then my shepherd. My dog, who is basil who is the shepherd mix husky, was trapped in my room the entire week that they were there. And so I let her out of my room for a couple of minutes because she needed to go out and I thought she should be out of the room for a few minutes before she had to go back into her little cage that is my room. My mom was doing something and left the back door open, I was in my room trying to call basil so she wouldn't run out the door. But she ran out the door, and when my dog runs she runs.

So you can understand where it's kind of coming from. My mind just went blank because the day before my Yiaya yelled at Basil, complained about a whole bunch of things, and well was very rude to my Poppou over some presents that he got her. So I kind of had enough with it in my mind just couldn't comprehend anymore of it so I backed into the corner of the kitchen and started crying. I was scaring and yelling. My mom was trying to ground me but she couldn't because Yiaya we're saying stop "cuddling her stop treating her like a baby she needs to learn to grow up." Stuff like that. She was trying to comfort me it's just made the situation worse because she was the one that started the attack in the first place. My mom got me to a different place in the house, my brothers room which was in the basement, and started helping me my dad and brother went to go and grab my dog.

She's OK by the way. Just give me the spokes.

So that's why I wrote that story, it kinda helped me. I talked to my boyfriend and he was pretty mad that she did that. I am to, thing is she's a toxic person but I can't get her out of my life because she is my family. So you can see that I'm stuck, so I don't know what to do.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed what ever the hell this was and I'll see you in the next one bye and stay gold~

Also my parents are watching Star Wars... first was the Mandalorian now it's the whole freaking series. Well cya!

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