You're safe

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In this chapter there will be
-no civil war
-Winter Soldier

When Peter Parker was three his Parents died in a plane crash, when he was four his Aunt and Uncle died due to a break in, when he was five he was taken by Hydra. He has been there since then. Never been outside, never seen the sun, never breathed fresh air, he's never seen the colors of the world, and most importantly he's never had anyone kind to him, love him, take care of him. He lived in a world of fear and torment.
         Peter was now 12, sitting in a cold cell. No blanket, no bed, no food, no water. He played with the chains on his hands. Then the door opened. Peter looked up fear in his eyes. A graud and a man walked in. The graud threw the man onto the ground. Peter scooted back to the wall scared for his life. The door closed and the man just laied on the ground not moving. Peter's heart dropped. He crawled over to him.
            "Umm... are you okay?" He asked the man moving him a bit. He felt something wet, he moved his hand up, he gasped. Red, cinnamon, liquid stained his hand. The man was bleeding. Peter looked around and found a old rag they gave him. He grabbed and started to wrap the man's arm and anywhere else he was badly bleeding.
                 "Agh..." the man groans. Peter looked at him.

                "Umm mister are you okay?" Peter asked. The man looked at him and sat up.

                "What happened?" The man asked his voice deep and rough. Peter shrugged looking down and his hands.
                "The men, that's what happened..." Peter said. "Who are you? I'm Peter!" Peter gave him a small smile. The man gave a small one back. Peter now got a good look at him. He had long drown hair, cold but warm blue eyes, light skin, and a metal arm with a red star on it. Peter knew who he was And started to back away. "The Winter Soldier."
                "Bucky... just call me Bucky." He said. "I'm not Winter okay.." Peter nodded and looked at the ground. "How did you get here Peter?" Peter pulled his lags up to his chest.
                 "My mom and Dad died in a plane crash, my aunt and uncle were shot in a roddery, I have no other family..." Peter said. Bucky was taken back by this. "I've been since I was seven..." Bucky went over to him and pulled him close. "I want to see the world..."
                  "Don't worry... I know my friends are on their way to save me... I'm taking you with me." Bucky said. Peter looked at him a smile on his face he hugged Bucky tears wetting Bucky's shirt. "I'm here ребенок паук don't worry. They can't hurt you."


   After sometime Peter fell asleep. Bucky humming a song from the 40s. Bucky rubbed Peter's back to let the small, fragile, almost broken child know he wasn't going anywhere.

            "Bucky?" Someone yelled. Said person looked away from the boy in his arms.
            "Steve?" Bucky asked standing up. Holding the sleeping boy close to him. He heard foot steps and a door opening. Steve smiled when he saw Bucky.

           "Thank Thor you're okay... who's this?" Steve asked pointing to the boy in Bucky's arms.
            "This is Peter... if you don't mind we need to save him... he's been here since he was seven." Bucky said getting Peter to a better spot. Steve nodded and waved his hand for Bucky to follow.

            "Bucky?" Peter asked goggley. Bucky stroked his carly Brown hair.

             "It's okay ребенок паук. We're getting out of here." Bucky said. "Just go back to sleep okay? When you wake up don't freak out okay?" Peter nodded putting his head in the crook of Bucky's neck.

              "Nat I got Backy. Also tell Bruce to get some medical stuff. We have someone who needs help." Steve said into his com.

              "Bruce is a little busy right now." Nat said a roar could be heard in the background.

                "Well we still have someone who needs medical attention." Steve said hitting a few people with his shield. 

                 "Don't worry Cap! I got this!" Sam said. Steve smiled and thanked him. They got out of the building and Peter stirred a bit.

                 "Hey it's okay Pete. It's just the sun." Bucky said. Peter looked up. His tired eyes looked around.

                  "Thank you Buck." Peter said with a small smile. Bucky smiled back.

               "We're almost to the jet, okay?"  Bucky said. Peter nodded. When they got to the jet, Bucky put Peter down in a chair, and sat next to him.
                 "Who do we have?" Tony asked when he walked in the jet.
                  "Tony shouldn't you be doing something?" Steve asked.
                  "I got done quickly." Tony saidbgiving Steve his fake smile. Steve rolled his eyes. "So who's that." He pointed to Peter and Bucky.
                  "A boy who needs our help." Bucky said pulling the sleeping boy close to him. Tony nodded and walked over to Peter.
                  "He looks good from here..." Tony stood up. "But when Bruce is back to well Bruce I'll have him look him over more." He Said when the rest of the team walked in. They started the jet and made their way to Avenger's tower.


   Peter woke up in a room he's never seen before. He sat up and looked around. His heart dropped when he didn't see Bucky or anyone. He started to get up.

               "Hello young Peter." A voice said. Peter looked up fear in his eyes. "Boss has been in formed that you are awake. Bucky and him are on there way to the hospital wing of the tower. Please remain calm." Peter started to freak. Bucky ran in and pulled him close Tony right behind him.

             "Hey hey, ребенок паук you're okay." Bucky said. Peter nodded. He took a deep breath and hugged Bucky.

              "I don't wanna go back.." Peter said under his breath. Bucky nodded and stroked his hair.

               "You're safe ребенок паук. They won't come back okay?" Bucky made Peter look at him. "I promise you that you'll never go back to that place again." Peter hugged Bucky tears stained his shirt.

                "Hey Pete." Tony said slowly making his way to Peter so he won't scare the boy any more then be is. "You're gonna be safe. I know you are." Peter hugged Tony who was taken back by this. Tony smiled and hugged back.

                "Thank you..." Peter said. Tony smiled.

"ThAt iS AmErica'S aSs."

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