He is my son

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The day Peter was born Tony didn't know what to think, all he did was hold him close to his chest, and said "I love you." He meant it, when Pepper found out about Peter she was Beyond mad, she left them, but stayed CEO of the company, after a few weeks Natasha found out about little baby Peter, she helped Tony out when he needed a break or had a mission. When Peter's first birthday rolled around, Fury wanted Tony to come in for a meeting, he tried to tell Nat that he couldn't, it wouldn't be fair to Peter, he did promise the one year old that they will go out to get a ice cream cake. 
                "I just can't, he's already sad Nat... I don't want to break his heart and say I have to work on his his birthday.." Tony said, Nat sighed, then a idea popped in her head.
                 "What if we do a video call?" Nat was already in the meeting, Fury getting impatient with Stark. "Or I could put you on speaker. We won't be to long."
                 "Okay, give me a sec." Tony put the phone down, Fury growled at Nat, the others just stared at her, she said wait, "okay I'm back." The meeting was an hour, Peter was getting upset, Tony sighed and said he had to go. When he hung up Clint stood up.
                "You're not telling us something Nat, what is it?" Nat looked at Rhodey who also knew about Peter.
                 "I don't know what you're talking about." She stood up, Rhodey followed her out.

                "Where's my favorite nephew?!" Nat said, Peter ran to his aunt and hugged her, he hugged Rhodey as well, a binky in his mouth. "You're one Pete, why do you still have a binky." Peter giggled as she boopped his nose. Nat picked him up and walked to the kitchen where Tony was, Rhodey sat at the bar, talking to Tony, Nat and Peter sat in the living room, playing with building blocks. A few minutes later Tony walked out, with a coat in his hands, and a hat. He walked to Peter and put him in a coat, and put on his little captain America hat, it only had a shield in the middle on the band, but it was red/white/and blue, Tony picked up Peter and hey walked out. They got to a ice cream parlor, and sat down, Nat walked over with a Avengers theme ice cream cake, Peter smiled.
               "Happy birthday Pete." Tony kissed Peter's head, they ate the cake, soon Peter fell asleep, Tony carried him back to the tower, Nat looked kinda sad, after Tony put Peter to bed, he walked over to her. "Something wrong Nat?"
                "I never got to give Peter his present." She pulled out a bag, "I had Maria take this from the weapons vault in shield, I had the Avengers sign it, tricking them by saying it was fake and for a family friend." She smiled pulling out a old captain America shield, "I knew Peter would love this, here." She handed him a pen, he smiled and signed 'your dad Iron-man' he smiled.
                   "He's gonna love it."

- after civil war -
            Peter looked at his dad, tears in his eyes, he fixed the arc reactor the best he could, Tony woke up to see Peter working on a new arc reactor. "mini boss, boss has woken up." Peter turned to see his dad sitting up, he walked over and pushed him back down.
             "Thanks fri. Lay back down Dad, you need rest." Peter said, Tony smirked.
              "Right like I'm gonna let YOU handle a arc reactor." Peter laughed.
             "I fixed some of it... it's just really hard. I'm not as smart as you." Peter said, Tony smiled, and ruffled Peter's curly hair.
              "Your right, your smarter!" Peter laughed, Tony pulled Peter in a hug, and kissed his head. "Love ya Pete." Peter smiled and hugged his dad.
               "Love you two dad."

A few months later the Rogue Avengers were forced to stay at the compound, Nat was freaking out, she hasn't seen Peter since Her and Tony's falling out, but she has texted him, and wishing him luck at times. She enjoyed all that. Nat never told the others about Peter, keeping Tony's Secret, plus she didn't want to share Peter, but she had to with Tony and Rhodey.
Peter walked into the compound living room, looking at his phone, he walked to the kitchen, getting a granola bar, and still looking at his phone. The rogue avengers just stared at him, Nat stood up, she walked over to him, he looked up and smiled, "Auntie Tasha!" He said hugging her. She hugged back, he laughed when she tickled his sides. "No not that!" He laughed she smiled.
"I missed you ребенок паук." She said, Peter smiled, knowing a little Russian.
"I've missed you to мама паук. But I've enjoyed the texts you send every morning!" He said, she ruffled his hair.
"Go do your homework." He laughed and walked off. Everyone just stared at Nat, she waved them off, then Tony walked in.
              "They saw Peter didn't they?" Tony went white.
              "He didn't seem them Tone." Nat said, Tony breathed out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
              "Let's start shall we?" Tony sat down in a chair next to Nat, they started talking, about the war, Tony sighed. "Fine! Bucky can stay, but touch that boy all of you will be kicked out."
               "Why didn't Nat get yelled at?" Clint asked, Nat smirked and sat back, Tony looked at him.
               "She knows him." Tony said, then there was a bang from the lab. "PETER!" Tony ran to the lab, Nat not to far behind. Peter was walking out of lab, coughing, and DUM-E putting it out. Tony to Peter and pulled him closed. "Are you hurt? Are you okay? What happened? He's bleeding! Nat get a bandage!" Nat went to the bathroom and got a black widow band-aid, she took it out of its wrapper, and placed it on Peter's cheek. Peter sighed and looked at his dad and aunt.
                 "I'm fine dad." Peter said, "I wasn't looking at the levels of the arc reactor... I'm sorry."
                  "No, no, Peter don't blame yourself." Tony said, "I understand stuff blows up all the time." Tony hugged him, shaken up, Peter looked at his dad.
                 "Dad? You're shaking." Peter said, Nat left to check on the others. Tony now couldn't breath. "Fri?"
                 "He's having a Panic attack mini boss." Peter helped his dad in a chair, Peter ran to the kitchen, getting water, and running back to Tony.
"Here." Peter said, Tony took the cup, and drank some of the water, Peter helped him breathe, Tony smiled and kissed his son's head. "You okay now?"
"Yeah, just got a little scared that's all." Tony said. They walked out of the lab, all the Avengers but Nat and Rhodey stared at the two.
"Time to explain Stark. Who's the kid?" Steve asked, Tony pulled Peter close.
"He's my son." With that they left, Nat following, and Rhodey not to far behind.

Fu*k this sh*t I'm out! YEET! *throws wade out the window*

I'll see you guys in the next one bye and stay Gold~

"I'm spooder-man."

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