It's just a filed trip Peter!

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For the shake of story Tony doesn't know Harley, he only knows what Peter has told him, okay now in with the story brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Deadpool ⚔️.

Word count: 4254

Peter looked at his dad, he then looked at the paper that was in his hands, then back at his dad,he shook his head and slammed the paper in the desk.
"If you do this I won't talk to you for a month maybe even longer." Peter growled. Tong smirked, then clicked his pen, he brought it down to the paper, and signed his name. "You are no longer my father." Peter said walking out of Tony's office.

- sometime after -
        Peter walked down to dinner and saw his pops cooking, Steve smiled at his son and put down a plate, Peter sat down and glared at Tony. "You can't be mad at me forever Pete." He said as he worked on a new Spider-Man suit.
           "I can and Will Mr. Stark." Peter smirked when Tony spit out his coffee.
             "You take that back! I'm dad not Mr. Stark Peter! I raised you!"
             "Then cancel the Internship Contest."
              "Why? Why are you so dead set against it?"
               "Because you're inviting my whole grade to the tower! And you have me as your intern. Why need another one?" Tony signed.
                "Pete... the Avengers think that two interns is better then one... because with you being Spider-Man and all." Peter looked at his plate. Steve was quite this whole time, just eating his food.
                "Then the Avengers don't NEED a intern... all they do with one is push them around and bully them." Peter stood up and walked away. Tony sighed putting his hard in his hands.
                   "Too hard?" Steve sighed and put a hand on Tony's shoulder.
                   "A little bit. But it's Peter..." Steve stood up taking Peter's plate and walking out. Tony sat there, Peter has always been the Intern for the Avengers, and Peter was right, the Avengers but Steve and Tony picked on him, a lot.

- the next day -
                 "I'm telling you Harl, I just hate how they treated me. Bucky, My Dad, And Pop never treaded me like the Avengers do. I mean I've looked up to them since I was a kid... since..."
                  "You mom died and Tony married Steve. I know Pete." Harley moves some hair out of Peter's face. "But you can't blame Tony. He needs some help, maybe I could win." Harley smirked. Peter rolled his eyes.
                  "Maybe, Loki and Thor come this weekend, we might do paint ball, wanna join?" Peter asked Harley smiled and kissed him on the lips.
                   "I would love too." Peter smiled at Harley, they got on the bus, duffel bags in their laps, Harley whispers in his ear, and kissed his cheek, Peter just giggled and put his head on Harley's shoulder. "Everything is gonna be okay Pete. Just know I love you." Peter nodded .

- at the tower -
"We don't act like that!" Clint said slamming his fist on the table, Tony crossed his arms, Nat looked at Steve and Tony.
"Yes you guys do. Stop acting like children and push around Interns left and right. These people help us out! Why bully them?" Tony asked as he lend on the table, he was putting all his weight into his arms, the team looked at each other. "Peter was one of them. He called each and everyone of you aunt and uncle when you weren't looking or around, he LOVED you, all of you. And how do you repay him? By pushing him away like he's some toy! He's not, he's a kid. A KID!" Tony was now on a full blown rant, Steve couldn't stop him, Tony was pacing back-and-forth, yelling at the team. "Peter is the only happy thing that has happened to me, To Steve, to this tower, to THIS team!" Tony had a vein popping out of his neck, Steve was kinda turned in but didn't say anything, The team was quite.
"Tony, baby... calm-"
"Sir, the school is in the labs as we speak would you like me to tell the head intern to start the com?" Friday said, Tony nodded, licked his lips, and walked off, Steve not far behind, the team just sat there, quite.

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