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Not really I was in the 7th grade maybe 8th grade when I really started this account, but there was this type of writing I did, and I kinda liked it.

Here's a little background from a long time ago.

I started as a Markiplier account,

I started as a Markiplier account,

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(This lovable idiot)

And now I'm a marvel account but with a Markiplier name, because well you'll see.

Anyway I had this one book called adopted by him, and it was a Xreader type stuff. I don't that anymore because.

One). X reader is a very hard thing to do. Because you have to do stuff like this.
        Y/N- Your name
        F/C- favorite color
It's just hard to type out and I don't like doing it as much as I did.

Two). X reader kinda sucks to be honest, I never really liked it as much as Character x Character. That's because it's easier picturing them then myself.

But what I'm saying I have this idea, with a character of mine, and some of Mark's egos.
       Wilford Warfstache who kills people. But apparently I'm in a love triangle with him and his 'best friend', we don't talk about it.
       Darkiplier (who is the king of my heart and I've been married to the dude since 2017, and he's a demon)
        Host he's cute, I love host like a brother. Even if he has two crazy a*s brothers.
And many more, I just don't want to name all them.
      Now don't go to the book because one) I was in 7th/8th grade when I wrote the damn thing and it's not that good, you thought my Grammar and spelling was bad, it was way worse when I was in middle school. And two) it's the old me, I'm thinking about re-doing the book, and making sure it's not like Batman and more like a 'horror'.

I won't put mark's egos in this book because well it Marvel, I have this cool cross over with Markiplier and Jacksepticeye with marvel and I think it would be cool to do.

But I came up with this cool idea and the reason why I gave you all this background was because of Raspy Hill.

I have this Version of Raspy hill with the YouTuber's egos go and live in one huge Mansion together, but then they split off into the East, West, North, and south.

   The capital is north, with a huge Castle and town, the east is controlled by Jack's egos (I won't talk about them now but I will later), they have a smaller mansion then Mark's. The south is the border to the mortal realm, where the creepypasts live, Like slender man, Jack the Ripper, Jeff the killer, and smile dog. (Don't who Creepypasts are just go look them up, I thought it was a anime at first. I was dead wrong, but it would be cool) and the west is Mark's egos, in their mansion.

There is a huge forest the is call 'the forest of death' because if you go in their you can see things that you don't want to see, the monsters and Creepypasts don't like unwanted guests. But you go in there without a guide you can do will get lost and die. It's dark and filled with beasts that you can't speak about that's how deadly it is.

Would you guys be Interested in reading some with raspy hill? A place no Demons nor angels are welcome, only monsters, spirits, and entities. A place where death is everywhere.

There is a backstory to this raspy hill but I'll talk about it in the chapter.

So yeah. I think it would be cool to do that.

If you want MORE details with how the story would go it'll be like this.

Dr. Stephen Strange has a worried look, he fears that he unleashed a terrible evil upon the mortal realm, that was in till a injured girl with beautiful white wings came to Avengers tower seeking help. Stephen is worried that she was the great evil and informs his friends, the Avengers, about her Presents. Peter finds her interesting and unique, he helped her and asked where she was from, she told him a place of spirits and monster, it was like the mortal world but a lot scarier.
              "Fran Bow? Ever played or seen a game play of the game?" She would asked. Then explain that there was two worlds and she lived in the ghost world.
           The girl then went to Stephen knowing he could get her home and stop the evil spirit he accidentally let out, he agrees.
           What happens if Peter wants to help with the war that is going on in her world? Dose Stephen warn the Avengers about him and Peter going on a mission without them? Can the girl with the white wings be able to watch over and make sure her two new friends don't end up like on the hanging in the forest of suicide? Or will they all fail when the great evil turns out to be someone of great power?

Would you like the read that? I think it would be cool, and it would help me get back into writing Markiplier stuff again. Combining two of my favorite things! I think that would be cool. I'll make something with all the people that would be in the story so you don't have to keep thinking about what they look like.

But they look like the idiot I showed up there ^^.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this A/N and I'll see you in the next one bye and stay gold!

Oh, and small update on my personal life, I'm on my last week of Vacation and I'm staying with my dad's brother (my uncle) because we are no longer welcomed at my grandma's house. I miss my grandpa a lot.

So yeah that's my life right about now.

"You do you, I do me, we won't do each other... probably." - Markiplier five nights at Freddy's (don't know which one though.)

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