You are Worthy?

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Before this starts I just want to thank all of you for 70k I wouldn't imagine getting this meany reads plus I'm almost to 500 followers, again I wouldn't imagine getting this far. I could just say thanks to the people who inspired me to start writing, but I just want to thank all of YOU, because i could never push myself to write or use my imagination.

So I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll you in the next one bye!!!

Edit: this was a request by CloudyBlueSky sorry I didn't do it that first time. I feel bad now 😖.

            "Why is it always so dirty?" A janitor said as he cleaned up the compound living room. The Avengers where somewhere around, the old janitor thought since they were not around he could clean.

             "Oh, hey Mr. Lee..." Peter said with a smile. Stan or Mr. Lee smiled back at him. "You haven't see my bag anywhere? I have to get home before my Aunt calls the cops." He laughed running the back of his neck.

             "I told you Peter, call me Stan Lee." Stan Lee said. Peter just smiled. "And I have I think it's by Thor's hammer." Peter nodded and ran over to get his bag then ran out of the compound. "Sweet kid." Stan Lee laughed. He continue to clean the room till he got to the table. "Well, Thor needs to put his stuff in the place for them. So off to the coat rack you got Meow meow." He picked up the hammer with no trouble, some lighting flashed outside and thunder rolled. Stan Lee placed the hammer on the coat rack by the door and went back to cleaning.

    Tony who stood in the door way, phone in hand, mouth open, eyes wide. "How- what- Stan Lee is worthy of the hammer!" Tony said running to the game room.

       Stan Lee looked at the now perfectly clean living room. He smiled to his self. Then the elevator opened a muddy Bucky Barns and wet Sam Wilson walked in. Stan dropped his broom. Then sighed in annoyance, "I better get the mop..." and he walked off.

             "Hey didn't Thor leave his hammer on the coffee table earlier?" Clint asked as he walked in. Thor gave them a confused look.

             "Yes I did Eye of Hawk.. where is mjolnir?" Thor asked as he looked around. Then Tony ran in, out of breath, phone in hand, a smile on his face.

                "You have a ruler Thor!" Tony said as he showed the team, or who was with them at the moment. Everyone had third mouths dropped. Especially Thor who looked kinda sad.  Then they heard Wheels or a cart. They looked over to see Stan Lee cleaning up the mud and water that Sam and Bucky dragged in.

             "You two! Take a shower! I'm tired of cleaning all the mud and Water! You're making a mess of this once clean room!" Stan said to Sam and Bucky. They nodded and ran off to get cleaned up. Thor looked at Stan Lee as he cleaned to couch and floor of the mess.

              "Son of Lee! You are Worthy of mjolnir and now the new ruler of Asgard! Tell me how did you pick it up?" Thor asked then they heard evil laughing. Loki then stood next Thor with a arm on his shoulder.

               "Oh, can't you see Brother! He's Worthy because he isn't a foolish buffoon like you." Loki said. Stan Lee just looked at them. He shook his head and started to walk away.

                 "Hello Peter I thought you were going home." Stan Lee said. Peter laughed.

                  "I call my Aunt and told her I was staying at Harry's place tonight... the storm was getting really bad for me to swing home... and I couldn't ask Mr. Stark for a ride." Peter said. Stan Lee smiled.

                   "Well your room is clean they way you like it! And I put some old comics on your desk. I know you like to read those." Stan Lee said to Peter.

                    "Thank you Mr. Lee!" Peter said. He started to walk away, but then stoped, and turned to Stan. "Mr. Lee... I just want to say, your a really good friend... and maybe someday you could hold mjolnir or just be a great writer and tell our story."

                     "I'll think about it Peter Parker." Stan Lee said. Peter smiled and walked away. Stan pulled out a book and wrote down some stuff.

The amazing Spider-Man
By: Stan Lee.

Peter stood in front of Stan Lee's grave, with the whole team of Avengers, and the other heroes. Peter held the book that Stan Lee gave him before he passed.

         "Excelsior." Peter whispered.
         "Excelsior." The other said.

"Excelsior!" - Stan Lee.

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