Peter Stark in a fight? Don't make me laugh.

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Warning bullying, fight, blood, and teachers not doing anything.

Thank you and enjoy.

The news spread like wildfire
Tony Stark has a son! Who is this mystery boy?
And then it had a picture of Peter and Tony sitting at a ice cream shop, laughing and talking. Peter had a hood on, the camera still didn't get his face. Then it had a huge paragraph about who could the mystery boy. Tony had talked about the topic in the recent interview that his son goes to Midtown teach in midtown New York (is that a real place I don't know.) then the whole school went off, everyone trying to find out who was Tony Stark's kid, Peter on the other had just watched as they acted like chicken without heads.
Peter was simple, he never really grew up in the eyes of the public especially after his dad "I am Iron-Man" thing back in 2008. Plus Peter hated how the media talks, they tell lies so they could get more viewers we're looking at you CNN and other new companies. Other then that, Peter just never grew up with camera's in his face, or being on stage with his dad at press conferences, or done a Vogue Magazine shoot... okay maybe that last one was a lie, but the issue was never published. He was okay with it all, he told his dad when he takes over the company he won't tell anyone about being Tony Stark's son. But know, his Peter luck (that makes sense right?) has struck, and everyone wants to know who is Tony's son. Little did they know it was the quiet, shy, and nerdy Peter Parker who didn't even have friends. Well except one but he lives in Tennessee and he's more like a brother then a friend.
"Harley I don't know..." Peter said as they faced timed at lunch, Harley was in New York for something Tony needed him for, Peter was happy he got to see his brother. Harley laughed.
"It won't be that bad Peter, you overthink too much." Harley said, Peter rolled his eyes as he took a bite out of his sandwich, peter then sighed.
"You don't get it Harley... no one here like me, much less wants to talk to me, I sometimes wish I was homeschooled..." Peter said.
"And be stuck in a hose full of Loud,
obnoxious, video gaming Superheroes? Peter you barely get any sleep as it is."
"Clint is always wanting to beat my score in Mario kart I can't let that happen Harley! I earned that spot fair and square! You should've seen the look on Sam's face." Peter smiled, Harley likes Peter's smile, he always loved it when Peter smiled.
"Well maybe I can help you take down Clint one last time so you can get some sleep." Harley said, Peter smiled.
"He's gonna be pissed that he's gonna end up in like 12th place." Peter laughed.
"He sure is." Harley said, then a bell went off.
"Sorry Harl... lunch is over, I'll see ya when I get home." Peter said, Harley said goodbye and they hung up, Peter threw away his trash, and put his left overs in his lunch box. Peter and Tony have this inside joke, where they both get Iron-Man themed stuff. But they were never use it, but Tony got Peter a Iron-Man lunch box for his birthday a year or two back and Peter has been using it ever since.
Peter made his way to his locker when his phone started to ring, he looked at it and saw it was his dad. "Hey dad what do you need?"
"Me and Bruce are kinda held up at the moment, we kinda did a bad thing... anyway, Happy is gonna pick you up today, I know you really wanted to the store the new LEGO set, but me and Bruce kinda need to get chewed out by Natasha and Pepper... and you know how scary they are together." Peter laughed.
"Don't worry dad, I'm sure if I put it on hold Harley can drive me to the store and get it. We don't have to do it today." Peter said. Tony sighed.
"I know, I just want to do it with you so it could be my apology gift for dragging you into the spot light. I knew you didn't like it."
"Don't worry dad, I still love you, and if it's anyone thing to blame, it's the daily bugle! They're the one who published it." Peter put his stuff away and got his stuff for his next class, he then started his way.
"Well I'm trying to get everything sorted out... but since I said you went to Midtown the media won't stop trying to find you."
"Well I'll be find dad, I'll see- you know, I don't think I'll see you today. Have fun with Auntie Nat and Auntie Pepper! I gotta get to class, love you." Peter then hung up, he sat next to his lab partner, Flash Thompson, Peter's bully. And the son of Mr. Thompson from the Thompson Organization, a company that has been trying to team up with Tony's company. But Tony said No multiple times to it, by the Thompsons won't stop. And now since there is Tony Stark's son, they have a even bigger reason to team up, so both sons could be friends. Peter hated that idea.
"Who were you talking to Parker? Your dead parents?" Flash laughed, Peter rolled his eyes and started to pull out his stuff for class, the teacher started to talk in what they were gonna do for that lesson till someone walked in.
"This is Ezra, he's new. And I'll be in your class Mrs. James." The teacher nodded, the only seat left was next to Flash and Peter since they were the only group that could have three students. She told him to sit next to Flash, and the boy did, he smirked at Peter, who looked down. Fear ran down his body. Peter hated that. Soon class went on, Flash flicking Peter's ear while Peter took notes so flash can copy the next day. Then the bell rang, Peter grabbed his stuff as he started to pack up for his next class when Ezra walked over.
"So you're Peter Parker. Heard a lot of interesting stuff about you..." Ezra said. Peter sighed.
"Please I don't have time right now." Peter said as he stood up, he started to for the door just to have Ezra follow him.
"Really now." He smirked, "then why are you walking slow?"
"I fell down the stairs yesterday, twisted my ankle, gotta take it slow." Peter said as he got to his locker, Ezra smirked and slammed Peter head into the locker holding the boy down. "Let go!" Peter yelled, everyone was looking.
"Why? Wanna cry to your mommy?" The new bully asked, he let go of Peter, the smaller boy looked at him, he had a busted lip now, he tried to hold back his tears. "Oh look at that Parker is gonna cry like a cry baby!" Everyone started to laugh, Peter got up and walked away, wiping away the tears and blood. He got to his next class, the teacher not even noticing the busted lip. He sat in the back alone, looking out the window. Then Ezra and Flash walked in talking and laughing. Peter's heart stopped. This day was just getting worse.

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