Its a Field trip

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There are two types of a*s, Captain America's A*s, and Tom Holland's a*s. Choose wisely. Because Tom's but is a bubble gum bum don't change my mind k?

     Everyone sat at their desks, talking to their friends or throwing a paper ball like a football, or sleeping because they were out Spider-maning til the late hours of the night. Peter had his head on the table when the teacher walked in.
"Okay class settle down, flash put that ball away, and yes Parker I see you sleeping." The teacher smacked his desk, Peter fell out of his seat, everyone laughed, Peter sighed and got back into his seat. Class started, it was boring for Peter, he learned all this with Bruce and Tony, he sighed. Class was about to end. "Before you go, I have a announcement! Thanks to the Thompson Organization, we will be able to go to Stark industries!" Everyone cheered, Peter just sat there, dumbstruck, that's what pepper was complaining about this morning. "Get your slips when you leave, and Parker I need to talk to you." The bell rang for the end of the day, everyone got up getting the slips, Peter slowly walked over to his teacher.
"Yes sir?" Peter asked, the teacher looked at him, a worried look.
"Are you okay Peter?" He asked , Peter nodded and waved him off. His teacher sighed, "Peter I hate to break it to you but you can't go, the Thompson's had seen your attendance records and you can't go on the trip."
"Oh... well... I guess I can catch up on some sleep..." Peter stood up, the teacher looked at him.
"Mr. Parker you do know that you can't just skip school that day right?"
"Oh, well I was gonna get let out early because of some stuff with Mr.Stark." Peter said.
"Mr. Parker are you really gonna keep up that lie?" Peter looked at him confused. "About the Stark internship, you can't just lie about working for a big company like Stark industries, you can get arrested for that." Peter was shocked at this, even his teachers didn't believe him, of course.
"Ugh..." Peter looked at him, confused.
"But I'm not lying about it sir." Peter said, "I have a real internship at Stark tower." The teacher rolled his eyes.
"Please Mr. Parker, do not lie. If you continue to lie, we are gonna have to expel you." Peter sighed and nodded, he walked out of the room, down the hall, out the doors to Happy's car. He got in the car, putting down his bag and told happy to drive, the man did as told and started to drive to the tower.

Peter got home putting his bag on the ground next to the door where Cap's shield, Thor's hammer, three of Loki's knives, Clint's bow and quiver, Bucky and Natasha guns, and Wanda's jacket were. He walked into the living room to see Sam and Clint kicking each other so they could make the other one lose in their game, Steve and Natasha cooking, Bucky and strange reading (strange a news paper, and Bucky a Murder mystery), Tony was working on some stuff for something Peter couldn't remember, Loki and Thor were at the dining table Thor was eating a pop tart and Loki was on a stark pad, everyone else was around the tower.
             "Hey peter how was-" Tony was cut off by Peter just walking to his room, "school..." Tony sighed, "guess he learned about the trip."
"I'm sure he's okay." Nat said, everyone looked at her, "Pepper okay? Don't ask questions." She then continued on what she was doing, everyone did as well, but Tony, he was worried. Pepper was ranting about two people in legal wanting a school to have a field trip and the 'special treatment' meaning the Avengers taking time out their day to talk to kids about their work, Pepper knew they didn't have time for that, but Tony said it was okay and told her a good date, this Friday was when they all could meet together, no meetings no Nick fury, nothing.
            "Well, at least he gets to stay home." Sam said as he won another game, Clint sighed, "but we get to meet his class."
              "I think that's what peter is scared about." Tony said, then Peter walked in a sad look on his face. "What's wrong Bambi?"
               "My teachers don't believe me when I say I work here! I mean I live here but I also work here!" Peter said, "I just don't get it, how did Flash Thompson of all people get me out of a field trip that I wasn't even going on anyway?" Peter asked himself as he walked into the kitchen getting some stuff.
                   "Thompson? As in the two lawyers son Thompson? They were the ones to get this trip in the go." Tony said standing up, Bucky looked up, Peter like a brother to him, he wasn't gonna let anything happen to him.
                   "But that's the all is it Peter?" Bucky said, Peter stopped what he was doing, everyone looked at him, "Peter."
                    "Thor the love of Thor do not finish that-"
                    "Stark." Bucky was now standing up, arms crossed, Peter looked at his apple and threw it at Bucky and ran, the solider following. "YOU LITTLE!" Peter laughed as he ran.
                      "Tony you think this Thompson kid had anything to do with this?" Steve asked.
                       "It's a chance. I'll go down to legal tomorrow see if I can talk to them." Tony said everyone nodded and went back to what they were doing, while hearing the screaming and yelling of the two brothers running around the tower. Some of the avengers laughed.

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