Hey kid, how's it been?

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Peter put Edith on his face, he took a deep breath, and actives her.
"Okay. Edith put this in the 'Dear Dad' file would ya?" Peter said, he smiled. "Hey Mr. Stark, it's my birthday day today, I'm 17 now. It's weird. After all everything I still like that dumb 15 year old kid that you met." Peter laughs. "I... I messed up badly. I let someone get close to me just to have them betray me, give the whole world my identity. I live with Pepper and Morgan now, Aunt May lives with Happy who is now Uncle Happy!" Peter looked at his door, Morgan ran in, he laughed. "Morgan misses you, I miss you, the whole world misses you."
"Mamma says dinner is almost ready Peter!"
"Tell her I'll be down in a few okay?" Pater said, Morgan nodded and ran out. "Morgan's all grown up now.. she's always wanted me to tell stories about the lab, and when I met Dr. Banner for the first time. She loves the story about when you testing out the Ironman suit." Peter's smile faded. "I wish you were Here Mr. Stark." Peter sighed. "Well I have to go, before Pepper kills me for being late." Peter turned off Edith, he put her down on the desk and walked away. Edith then turned on again, the blue light radiated the room, almost like it was happy and calm.

Down in the lab, all the lights turned on, it wasn't Friday nor Edith, it was something else. On a lonely table in the corner of the lab the iron man helmet's eyes flickered, then they were on.
               "Peter, there is something for you in the lab." Friday said, Peter looked at Pepper who was kinda confused and pleased at the same time, what ever was down there will help peter. She knew that, but no one used the lab since Tony... she nodded telling peter he can go.
                 "Whoa..." Peter said, all the lights were off but one, the helmet, they flicked a bit, then a hologram showed up, Peter stepped back. It was Tony, and he was smiling at Peter.
                   "Hey kid." Peter fell to the floor, tears in his eyes, a small smile on his face, Tony bent down, Peter wanted to hug the hologram. "It's okay to cry Pete. It's okay. Everything will be okay."
                    "You heat everything I say?" Peter asked, Tony smiled and stood up, Peter watched as Tony went into file, and opened it. All around him was the videos and messages Peter had for Tony.
                     "I'm smart enough to put my mind into a AI Peter, I've been with you since Europe. I'm not happy about what you did, but I'm proud of how you handled it. Quentin Beck tricked you into giving him the glasses, and you took the bait. But you didn't give up peter, you never gave up, you back out there and took him down, knowing every move he did, heck even loki the master of Illusions himself would be proud." Tony said, Peter looked at him, tears still in his eyes, "well you know birthday boy, I've always got your letter when you were younger. You always looked up to me and never gave up on me when people said I was a bad guy. I'm not gonna let that happen to you."
                     "Mr. Stark, I can't be the next Ironman, I'm nothing compared to you and your smarts. I mean, you made yourself as an AI!" Peter said, Tony got down on the floor he was looking at Peter, he moved so peter could look at him in the eyes.
                        "Remember my words peter, Don't do anything I would do, but don't do anything I wouldn't do." Tony said, "You proved that to me, you are way better then me Peter, way smarter! I'm happy to be your father Pete." Tony smiled. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have figured out time travel."
                          "You went back in time for me?" Peter asked, "Mr. Stark-"
                          "Peter listen." Tony put his hands on Peter's shoulders. "You are always the reason, yes. I have a kid, yes. I didn't want anything to change. But a world with out you? Well that's a world I don't want to live in." Peter smiled, he wiped away his tears, "you are my world Peter. I love you for that." Tony kissed Peter's cheek. "I miss you too you know?"
                         "We all do." Peter laughed.
                         "I'll be your AI from now on Peter, I'll take the role of Edith and I'll be with you when you need me." Tony said, Peter smiled, the lights turned on and Tony was gone, Peter ran upstairs to his room, he opened the door to see Edith and a card.

Happy birthday kid, now, let's kick some butt.
          -T. Stark.

Peter cried tears of happiness, pepper walked in and hugged him, she smiled. Morgan joined, they sat in Peter's room, crying happily as Edith was on, and Tony was watching.


Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one bye and stay gold~

You're gonna kill me in the next chapter. And I'm sorry for that, but also not sorry.

"Love you 3000."

Spiderson and Irondad one shots. (Requests Closed) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ