Goodbye. Part four

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                "Mr. Stark where are we going?" Peter asked as Tony and him walked down the street in Queens.
                "You didn't get to say goodbye to your aunt and uncle... so... I'm taking you to them." Tony said as they walked into the grave yard. Peter looked around and saw four tomb stones. Tony stoped walking as Peter walked towards them. He fell to his knees and cried.
                "No..." Peter hugged the tomb stone that said Ben Parker. "Uncle Ben..." He let tears fall down his face.
               "It's okay..." Tony said as he rubbed Peter's back.
               "W-we never got to go to the exbo Ben..." Peter cried. "I love you so much..." He yelled at the stone. Tony looked down at the ground. "Please... don't leave me..."
               "Come here." Tony pulled Peter to his chest as he cried. Steve and Nat soon came with Bucky following behind. "I'm here for you Pete." Tony said.
               "He was gonna take me..." Peter said. "Why Ben... why?" He choked on a sob. "May... she was so sweet and kind... she loved me like I was her son..." Tony rubbed his back. Steve gave Peter a sad look. "Mom dad... They always got me what I wanted even if we didn't have the money... always said I was more important.." Peter rambled on. "Now they're gone.. and not coming back.."
              "Peter..." Steve got next to Tony. "We're here for you." Peter hiccuped.
             "Yeah Pete... we're here for you. And we won't leave you..." Tony said to the teen. Peter looked at them. They smiled at him. He looked at the stones.   "Peter, I never got to say a proper goodbye to my dad... now I regret it, there isn't a day I wish I could go back in time and tell my dad that I love him... and just say the goodbye he deserved."
                  "How can I say goodbye if they're already gone?" Peter asked.
                 "Because they're not..." Bucky said going over to him. "They are always with you no matter what happened, they died because they wanted to keep you safe, to know that the last Parker will be the one to make their Memory live on..." Peter sniffled. "I love you Peter... and I didn't want to do it... but I had to... I was forced to."
                  "It's never to late to say. I love you." Tony said. "And it's never to late to say goodbye." Peter nodded. Tony and Steve got up. "We'll leave you alone..." Tony and them started to walk to the gate.
                   "Mom, Dad, Aunt May, Uncle Ben... I just want you to know, I love you.. and I'll never forget you..." He wiped away the tears from his eyes. "I'm gonna be the boy or man you wanted me to be Dad, I'm gonna be kind and loving like you May, I'm gonna do my best and try my hardest even if everything feels like it's falling apart like you mom, Ben... Ben, I'm gonna be myself and stand up for the little guy, I'm gonna be just like you... I loved you the most Ben... your the one who introduce to me to Tony Stark, and I'm gonna make you live forever..." Peter looked up and smiled at the stones. "I guess this is now my goodbye..." He said but before he left he saw a flower growing right next to Ben's grave.
                 "With great power comes great responsibility..." some one said. Peter turned around and saw a man with sun glasses. "Someone wise told me that..." He smiled.
                  "Thank you..." Peter said and gave the smile back.
                  "Don't worry kid, I know everything will be okay." He said.
                  "How do you know that?" Peter asked the man.
                  "Because, even heroes have bad days some time." The man said. He then turned around and started to walk away. "Excelsior." Was the last thing he said before turning into gold dust and a flower popped up next to it. Peter ran to the grave the flower was at.
                  "Stan Lee..." He smiled. "Excelsior." Then he walked back to Tony and them.

After a few months Tony adopted Peter, Steve and Tony got married, the Avengers lived in up state New York. Everyone was living a vary happy life.

But every year on Peter's birthday. Peter, Tony, and Steve would go to the grave yard with a cake and flowers. They would have a small little party there. Peter would tell his family what was going on and how much he loved them. Then they go back to the compound and had a bigger party with the Avengers.

              After a few months Peter was Bitten by a radioactive spider that Tony and Bruce were working on.

         "Whoa..." He looked at his hands. He smirked and started to make a suit. He made a design for web shooters. "Spider-Man." He said. He put on his suit and climbed out the window. He got to the top if Stark Tower. "Here gose nothing." He ran and jumped off the building he free fell "hell yeah!!!" He shot a web at a building and started to swing through New York, doing flips, swing low to the street, and yelling. He landed on top of a building at Queens the one right in front if the grave yard. "This is for you Ben, Stan Lee... and we'll my family." He smiled and swang back to the tower. He climb in the window and took off his mask.
                   "WHAT THE FU-" Tony yelled.

I hope you enjoyed this small multi-Part story. I'll see you in the next one! Bye and Stay gold~

"Love you 3000."

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