At least the Kid likes me

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Tony hated the avengers, after the whole 'civil war' thing, Tony was stuck with them. They push him to his limits thinking he was the same person he was. sleep deprived, ran off coffee, cold hearted, and unlovable. They would yell at him for not joining for game or movie night, no one told him about it because he was busy making upgrades to their suits and/weapons, they would call him rude names and make fun of him when they think he's not listening or looking, he was he always was, and it hurt him, they would tell him that the upgrades they have aren't good enough or okay for their level. Sam one time smacked Tony across the face for almost getting him killed because of broken wings (that clearly wasn't finished). Bucky was okay with everything Tony was doing for them, Tony was talking to him once about upgrades to his arm, with the help of Shuri Bucky had a new and better arm then before, Bucky was thankful for Tony.
But out of everything Tony has done for the team, they never even thanked him, or said that they were grateful, or that they were happy for giving them a home to live in and food to eat. All of that came out of Tony's bank account.

Tony needed sometime away from his lab, so he went to the intern's lab, there he was met with his favorite intern, Peter Parker, Peter always had a smile on his face, talking about Star Wars or other geek type stuff to some of his intern friends. Peter was also really smart, incredibly smart really, Tony had him come to his lab once, the two laughed and talked about anything and everything, Tony got to know Peter a bit more. Apparently Pepper hired him, she was doing something with schools and each school in the District would send their best students and they would take a test, only three of them got in, Peter were one of them. He was 15 and lived in Queens with his aunt, his uncle died a year ago. He went to midtown tech, he was a straight A student, his attendance wasn't good but Peter told him that he had to help out his aunt who was sick, and couldn't pay rent most times. Tony went over there a few times to have his own movie night with the Parkers, they would watch Star Wars or Disney movies, but right now they were watching all 15 seasons of supernatural, there were on season six episode five. He loved how Peter would curl up next to him when he got scared or when he was tired, he loved it when Peter talked in his sleep not knowing what he was saying, he wanted to call Peter his son. May talked with Tony, asking him if she doesn't make it then Tony would take him in, Tony agreed, he loved Peter as his own, and May knew that.
"Hey Pete what are ya working on?" Tony asked, Peter slammed his note book shut scared, he looked behind him to see Tony.
"Nothing really..." Peter said, Tony rolled his eyes and held out his hand, Peter sighed knowing he couldn't lie to the Great Tony Stark, he handed the notebook to the billionaire. Tony opened it, looking through it, his eyes were wide when he saw all the formulas or designs for Spider-Man.
"You work with Spider-Man?" Tony asked, Peter shrugged.
"I guess you can say that..." Peter said, he looked down, "are you mad that I didn't tell you?" Tony laughed and sat next to Peter.
"Mad? Peter you're a tiny me, that probably isn't a good thing but you're a younger Version of me! Of course I'm not Mad!" Tony said pulling the teen close to him. "Wanna go up to my lab and start working on this stuff?"
"You sure that's a good idea? I mean I saw Miss. Black Widow down here earlier, she looked really mad." Peter said, Tony looked at him, he had fear in his eyes.
"She didn't hurt you did she?" Tony asked, Peter looked down, "Peter."
"I accidentally bumped into her... I was getting coffee for Miles and Gwen, and I wasn't looking where I was going... I slammed into her spilling all the coffee... she pulled a knife out on me... it took Mr. Barns and Mr. Rogers to pull her away." Peter looked down, "I said sorry and cleaned her up a bit but she was really mad... muttering something about her widow bites not working." Peter looked sad. "I didn't mean it Mr.Stark.." Tony hugged the boy, he sighed, he's gonna have to talk to Natasha about that.
"Go home Peter, we can work on this stuff the next time you come in, we have movie night tonight right." Tony asked, Peter nodded, "I'll see ya then, stay safe okay?" Ting kissed Peter's head, he watched as Peter packed up his stuff, before he left the lab he turned to Peter. "Oh, hey Peter?" Peter turned, everyone was now watching them. "Don't feel bad about spilling the coffee on Nat, she deserved it, she was complaining about those Widow bites for a week, she didn't listen when I told her to take the back up ones. Pay back hurts." Peter smiled and laughed and nodded. "See ya around Kid!" Peter waved and smiled made his way to the main elevator while Tony went to the private one.

"That little, ohh. He's gonna pay!" Nat was still very mad about both the coffee and bites, she was trying to get the coffee out of her cat suit, Steve just rolled his eyes, Bucky was earring fruity hat he bought, he felt bad for using Tony's money so he bought the food with his own money that he gets for working at a subway (restaurant).
"The kid probably didn't mean it Nat." Steve said, Natasha looked at him.
"Doesn't matter! My suit is gonna smell like coffee!" She said, Steve sighed.
"Natasha!" Tony yelled, he walked into the kitchen, "you pulled a knife out on one of my interns?" Tony asked, Nat was now fed up.
"Why do you care Stark?" She asked standing up, Tony looked really angry.
"Because he works here! A safe place, I don't need you scaring my workers!" Tony said back, "they come here to get work done, to make the world a better place! They don't need to be scared out of their mind!"
"Like you would care about a kid!" Nat said, Tony grabbed her and pinned her to wall.
"Listen here! I do take care of my workers! I make sure they all go home and get sleep, I make sure they have fully stocked break rooms, coffee Machines working and have all the stuff they need for their coffee, I make sure they don't fall asleep, I have so many beds in the medical bay just so they can take a nap if needed, I check to make sure they have the equipment they need and safety supplies. I have so many protocols just for them. So next time you talk, think, I do care for them, I care for all my workers. Young or old." Tony let go and walked off, everyone was quite, Tony never did that. But they just thought it was all an act.

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