The Long Dark

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Okay look, I really like this game if you don't know what The Long Dark is. It's basically a survival wilderness game where your plane crashed and you're surviving in the Canadian wilderness. I play in the sandbox mode but they also have a story mode to it. You guys should check it out.

Just know I changed it up a bit, so I could make it a story, this is the sandbox by the way.

Peter held his side, blood went down his face, his vision was blurred. He pulled himself up. He held his head once he was able to stand on his own, he looked around to see a small jacket and a wool hat. He saw a medical kit, two or three flares, and a pocket knife. Some Energy bars and a gallon of water was with him so he was happy about food. He started to walk, a wind picked up, and he started to get colder and hungry. After walking for a few minutes, he saw a cabin, he smiled and ran to it.
            "Hello? Is anyone here?" Peter asked out in front, he looked at the sign, "Mystery Lake camp office? Maybe there are people here to help me." He opened the door to find everything dark, and everything a reck but still in tacked, he walked around and saw there was a upstairs, as he started up the stairs he smiled when he saw someone. "Hello sir, so mind helping me?" Peter asked, the person didn't say anything. Peter walked up to him, he tapped the man's shoulder just for the body the fall, the person in front of him was froze and dead. Peter stepped back. Peter's stomach flipped.
          "I'm guessing you won't need this.." he took off the coat the person was wearing, Peter was shaking, he continued up the stairs, he was a little warmer. Peter looked around, finding more medical supplies, and some long underwear, he decided to make the camp office his base for awhile. While he was looking around the office he saw a radio, he smiled and started to work on it, but all he got was white noise and static. He signed, and put down the old radio, he got up and started a fire, he stood in front of it. He put some wood and newspapers, he read some of them, trying to understand.
    "huge storm headed right for us! Be careful, if you are out on Mystery lake it would be wise to head in land and not in the woods, coastal Highway will shut down soon, please head to bigger cities, and we will keep you updated." Peter read, so everyone just up and left? But why was there a dead man on the stairs? Did he not leave in time? Was the storm really THAT bad? He put the paper in the fire again, he then read a rifle book, he might never need to use a gun but he can't be to sure. He sighed as it started to get dark, he went up to the beds that were in the second floor, passing the corpse, he got to the bed and sat down.
              "I'm gonna get home dad. Don't worry." Peter said as he looked out the window to the stars.

- early morning -
           Peter woke up to the wind blowing hard on the roof, it was still a little dark, but that was fine, Peter got up. He stretched, and ate some of his snack bar, and started out. He got more food, and some paper just in case he had to stay somewhere else. He also found some really good snow boots, so he put them on and tied the laces. He started out, he headed out onto the froze lake, he was scared at first he didn't know how thick the ice was, but he stepped on it, and smiled when it didn't crack, he started for a small hut on the lake. There was no door and the hut was green in the outside, but on the inside it had a small cooker (fireplace) and some cabinets, he looked through the drawers and found a sewing kit it was small but it could help him patch up his clothes, he found some more food, and some cloth. He then made sure he had everything he needed and re-checked everything, he even looked in the cooker and found caracole. He started deeper into the lake, he saw more cabins and started for them, he saw another frozen corpse, he checked to see if there was anything he could use, he heard a howl not too far, the wind started to pick up. He ran into the closest cabin, he closed the door, and banged his boots on the floor getting the snow off of them. He looked around, the cabin was small with bunk beds, a chair, and fireplace. A dresser, a table, and small things were in there too. He started to look around, he found a shirt better then the one he had on, he also found some pants, but they were badly damaged so he tore them Making cloth, he also found two more flares, and a revolver now all he had to do is find bullets. He sighed as he opened a box, more food and some Stacy's Grape soda, and Orange soda. Some wire, and bullets for the revolver, and a another book. He also grabbed the paper.
"It's starting to get cold... I need to head back." He picked the stuff and started to go to the camp office again, but then he was attacked, he turned over to see a wolf ripping his coat and pants, he grabbed a flare and put it in the wolf's face, he kicked it and ran, there was another wolf, then the entire pack was ruining after him, he slid on the ice, he saw the office and started to run after, he threw the flare at one of them, hitting the wolf in the face, the wolf went down sliding on the ice, a wolf snapped at his legs, he fell into the snow, but got up and got to the office, he slammed the door shut, he heard the wolves scratching at the door. He slid down the door, and started to cry at the pain he was feeling. He looked over his medical kit, he took the cloth and wrapped it around his leg putting pressure on his wound, he poured some water on another cloth and in a bowl, he started to clean the blood up and the wound, he hissed in pain, he took a needle from the sewing kit. He started to stitch up his leg, he then wrapped it in a new cloth, he took some of the pain meds he had in the kit, and gave himself a shot. He was really tired after that, but he knew he couldn't sleep just yet, he didn't want to die. So he got up and walked to the fireplace, he started it with matches he found somewhere in the office, he sighed as he started to warm up. He then started to read more of the books, he got a cooking book, he learned that he could melt snow into water but it would have to boil, he started to read about the gun he had. While he did some cleaning he found a crafting guide, he could make a coat from wolf hide or any other animal hide like a deer or bear.

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