Page 14

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You waited for them to calm themselves down, especially Boss, he was not happy at all when you called them cute. After a few moments, you started to chuckle a little  ''Heheheh Sorry guys I didn't mean to embarrass you all.'' You say while rubbing the back of your neck. "DO NOT WORRY (Y/N)! I CAN SEE WHY YOU WOULD SAY THAT! YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH COOL SKELETONS SUCH AS US!!!" He then did a little pose, and out of nowhere a small gust of wind then started to blow on his scarf.  You then gave a smile and said" Hehehe you can say that again..... Ummm...I have a question for you you guys want some tv or a movie?"  

Everybody Thought P.O.V

(Y/N): "Good job me that didn't look weird at all, yup...yup...not weird at all! (In case you're wondering this first sentence you say in a sarcastic tone.) I knew I would choke up. Probably for the best though. Why would they want me as a caretaker, we just meet yesterday!!! Sigh...I  just have to stick to the plan.

Sans: She's lying. Why is she lying though? What's going on?

Red: What the f#ck? Why the h#ll is she lying?

Boss: Somethings not right.

Papyrus: Why is (Y/N) acting weird? Is something wrong?

After a few moments of silence Sans spoke up and said " A movie is just fine." You smiled at them and said, " Alrighty hope on guys." You then place both hands on the bed. Papyrus quickly ran to your hand. As soon as he got on your hands he gave you a big smile. Boss came over and was slightly glaring at you. Sans teleported on your left shoulder. Red teleported onto your right shoulder. You then start walking out of your bedroom, and into the living room. You came to the couch and placed both Boss and Papyrus on the couch. Sans and Red teleported on the couch. You grab the remote from the coffee table. You then turned it on to find it was on The Steven Universe movie. (Sorry for those of you that don't like Steven Universe.)

All eyes were glued onto the tv. You then started to feel a little hungry.

(Y/N) Thought P.O.V

"How am I hungry again? Wait... now that I think about it.... what's the time?" I look on my phone to see that it was almost lunchtime. "How is it almost lunchtime? Man.... time does fly by... I wonder what the bitties want anything to eat?"

Everyone P.O.V

(Y/N): "Hey it's almost lunchtime. I was wondering if you guys want something to eat?"

Sans: "Sure, I could eat."

Papyrus: "Yes please!"

Boss: "Fine, whatever."

Red: "What did you have in mind?"

(Y/N): "Ummmmmm...What about some sandwiches? I-if not I can think of something else."

Sans: ''Sure I don't mind some sandwiches.

Papyrus: "I would love some sandwiches!"

Red: "Sounds good."

Boss: "Fine."

(Y/N): "Alright. What do you guys want on your sandwiches?"

Sans:"...I'll just have some lunch meat, and... can I have some ketchup on it?"

(Y/N): "Sure. What about the rest of you?"

Red:" I'll take the same as Sans, but I want some mustard."

Papyrus: Can I have some lettuce on mine? 

(Y/N): "Sure, do you want some ketchup on yours, or some mustard?"

Papyrus: "No thank you."

(Y/N):  "Okay, now what do you want Boss?"

Boss: "I'll just have what Papyrus is having."

(Y/N): "Alright I'll get started on it right away."

Papyrus: "Wait! Can...I help you?"

(Y/N): "Ummmmm...if your sure then I don't see why not."

Papyrus: THANK YOU!!!!

You walk over to Papyrus and place your hands down next to him. He then hopes on your hands and gives you a really big smile. You smile back at him and start heading to the kitchen. As you walk over you feel a weight on your shoulder. You look to see it was Sans, he had a small sweat drop going down his head. You gave him a small smile and continued walking to the kitchen. But what you didn't know is that Sans saw something he did not expect to see.

Sans Thought P.O.V

"What the....why does she have some scares near her neck? They look faded and you have to look very carefully to see them. I wonder how she got them?"

You place Papyrus on the counter near the fridge. Sans teleported near his brother while giving a concerned look to you. You didn't see it, because you were garbing some lunch meat from the fridge. As well as a ketchup bottle, a mustard bottle, and some lettuce. You then put on the counter near Papyrus and Sans. You then look in a cabinet above your stove to grab the bread next. You also grab a k#ife, and a cutting board. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

"Alright, Papyrus can you open up the cheeses pack while I get the plates?" "SURE!" Papyrus said with a very big smile. "Thank you, and Sans do you want to help out, or are you good?" Sans looked a little surprised when I asked him. "Umm no thank you" " Okay" I then walk over to the dishwasher, and grab some plates. I place them on the counter with the rest of the stuff. I look to see the cheese pack opened up, and Papyrus standing proud. "Thank you very much Papyrus." "NO PROBLEM (Y/N)!!" I then get the bread out of the bag and place some slices of bread on the plates.  "Alright Papyrus I'm going to cut up the cheese, and when I'm finished you can put them on the bread. Sound good?" "YES!" "Alright" I start slicing up the cheese, and handing it to Papyrus, he looks very happy to help. After getting enough slices I then grab the lunch meat and place it on the bread. I then grab the lettuce and give it a good washing. I then start breaking off some pieces and handed them to papyrus. After putting the lettuce on, I grab the ketchup and the mustard and start putting some on. After finishing up I start cutting the sandwiches. "Thank you very much for helping me Papyrus," I said with a smile. "NO PROBLEM." "Now you ready to eat?" "YES."  ''What about you Sans?" "Yup" "Alright then let's head to the living room."

Sorry going to have to stop here. And I'm sorry for the late update. I hope you all enjoyed this page.

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