Page 21

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You walk out of the store not caring what just happened and head to your car. You continue to walk until you make it to your car, after unlocking it you get in it. (Also lol. I completely forgot to add the part where you get your stuff out of the locker. Just pretend before you left you got your stuff out of your locker, and then flipped off your now ex-boss. Sorry I'm a little lazy to go back and fix it.) You gently put Boss on the passenger seat, along with your purse.

(Y/N) P.O.V

"Hey Boss you okay?" I heard nothing. "Boss I just want to say that I'm sorry for letting that guy grab you, and not being fast enough." I said while looking down at the floor of the car. "Why? Why are you apologizing?! YOU JUST LOST YOUR JOB ALL BECAUSE OF ME! WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE THAT I ALMOST GOT TAKEN AWAY! WHY? I... I don't understand...why?" I gave a sad look at Boss. " Alright Boss let me ask you this, do you think I was happily working there?" "No."   "Then no, I don't care that I quit. I should be thanking you. So thank you very much for giving me the courage to quit. Also, I do care that you do get taken away, because to me your family. Not only that but I think we can both agree that you didn't want to go with that man." Boss then nodes his head. "Can...I ask you a question?" I then nodded my head. " you see us"  "Of course why wouldn't I !?" I saw how Boss had some tears in his eye sockets. I gently pick him up and gave him a soft hug. At first, he was tense but slowly started to relax. " mean it?" I heard his voice breaking up a little. "Yes, I do mean it." I felt his grip tighten up. I stay quiet while he calms himself down, after a while he took some ver deep breathes, it sounded like he was calmer now. I didn't know what to do or what to say, so I just blurted out something random. "Hey Boss...want to go and get some ice cream, or do you want to go home?" I heard Boss sigh. "I...would like to get this... ice cream, then go back to your home." "Don't you mean our home?" I feel his grip tightening even more. "Right...our home." I felt Boss letting go, I then gently place him down on the passenger seat. "Alright, let's get going." I start the car and get out of the parking space, and got on the street,

Meanwhile, the bunny lady tried to follow you but lost you in a huge crowd of people.

"Where did they go? I take my eyes off them for two seconds and now they're both gone! Sigh...hopefully they are still around here somewhere." I said out loud to myself. I keep walking, seeing a few stares from some young children and a few adults I ignore them until I see a car pass by with the girl from the cafe. I then start running towards her car, but the car was going too fast, so I wasn't able to catch her. "Oh no...maybe... if I'm lucky enough I'll see her again?" I said in a whisper.

Back to you and Boss

"Alright Boss since this is going to be your first time trying ice cream, we got to make it special!" You said in an excited tone. Boss looked at you in a very confused manner. "Why does it need to be special?" He said in a slightly confused tone. "Well, a few reasons, the first being that you deserve it, I mean you are the Great and Terrible Boss! The second being since this is your first time trying ice cream so it needs to be special! The third is you are the Great and Terrible Boss! You of course deserve something that is just as great as you!" You said in an excited childish tone.  

Boss thought P.O.V

" (Y/N) is very strange,  first she acts like an adult, but then she acts like a child. Most human adults I have encountered are usually very loud, aggressive, and they always smelled like alcohol with a mix of smoke. But I don't smell anything like that, I don't sense any emotions like that from her, only...sadness, happiness, and emptiness? Strang...I have never encountered a human-like this before."

While you were focusing on the road you notice how Boss was staring at you. You wonder if you say anything or just ignore it. For a few minutes you try and ignore it, but you couldn't take it anymore. "Boss... is everything okay?" "Yes, just...wonder how the rest of the gang is doing without my great presence." " that you mention it I wonder how they're doing?"

--Back to the bitties after you left--

When you shut the door Papyrus woke up, rubbing his eye-sockets. He took a look around and saw how there was a note on the bed. He walks over to the note and starts to read it.

--The letter--

Hey guys, sorry that I left without saying goodbye, I just really didn't want to wake you guys up. I'll be back in nine hours or so, also don't worry I got a bunch of snacks for you guys, I left them on the couch, just in case you guys get hungry. There is also another note on the couch on how to work the tv. One more thing please don't break anything, and if so don't touch it I don't want you guys to cut yourselves, I'll clean it when I get home. 

                                                                                                                                Love: (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)

P.s don't open the door if someone knocks on it. Wait...I just realized that you can't reach the just ignore this part. Unless... you can, and it's something magic-related, if so don't open the door. Also sorry this was long.

Papyrus thought P.O.V

"She left? Why did she leave? Wait...I remember now she said she had to go to work. Aww, I wanted to make breakfast with her, and then say goodbye to her. Sigh... I should wake up my brother, and our friends too." I say in a low whisper.

Papyrus then walks over to them to hear Sans and Red making puns in their sleep. He frowns at both of them and gently shakes his brother. When that didn't work he gets ready to say something, but Sans woke up. "Yawn...what's-yawn...up bro?" Sans said while rubbing his left eye socket. "Brother, you and Red were saying puns in your sleep!" Papyrus says in an upset tone while whispering. "Heh, sorry bro," Sans says waking up. "So what's up?" Sans said in a confused tone. "(Y/N) is gone, she left for work, there's a note over there." Papyrus points over to where the note is. "Alright-yawn- I'll take a look, can you wake up Red and Boss?" Papyrus nods his head. Papyrus then goes over to Red and gently shakes him. "Red can you please wake up?" Red then wakes up. "You better have a good reason for waking me up!" Red says in a slightly p!ssed tone. Papyrus was about to say something when Red cut him off. "There better be food or Boss is calling me!" Red said in a still slightly p!ssed tone. That's when Papyrus looked around, only to see Boss was gone. "I... don't know where Boss is?" Red then shot up. "WHAT!?" Red shouted in a very worried tone.

Sorry going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this.

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