Page 5

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You were about to leave when Papyrus said. "Wait (Y/N)." You look over at Papyrus. "Yes, do you need something?" He was twisting his tiny skeleton hands together. "N-no I just wanted to tell you to bandage up your cheek." You looked at him confused for a second."My cheek?... Oh right thank you, I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me." He gave you a tired smile. "No problem!" You gave a small smile. "Alrighty, does anyone need anything?" They all shook their heads no. "Okay, goodnight then." You close the door, next you walked over to the bathroom to get a band-aid, but sadly you had none. Next, you walked over to the couch and plopped down on it.

(Y/N) Thought P.O.V

Okay, when it's for the store to open up I need to get some medical supplies to properly treat their wounds, that way the wounds don't get infected somehow, then some fabric, and a sewing kit as well. That way they don't have holes in their clothes. What els-Yawn, man... I'm tired, better get some sleep while I can. I get the feeling there is going to be a lot of craziness, and work.

Everybody P.O.V

Red: "H-hey Boss what's our next move?"

Boss: "I'm... not sure. We can't go to the Bitty adoption center, we might get someone like our old owner."

Sans: "True, but then our other option means we live in the streets again."

Papyrus:" Maybe we don't have to let's ask (Y/N) if we can live with her!"

Sans: "Paps... we shouldn't trust her, we know nothing about this human, and her being nice is probably an act."

Red: Your brother is right ya know. We know nothing about this human.

Boss: For once my pathetic brother is right. We shouldn't trust this human. She could be just as bad as our old owner.

Papyrus: If she wanted to harm us she would have done it by now, but she didn't! I believe this human, (Y/N) is a good person!


Red: .....

Sans: Sigh... paps... sigh...Lets... just get some sleep.

-- Morning--

You wake up, and look at your phone it's 6:45 Am in the morning, you feel completely exhausted. You go to the kitchen and start brewing up some coffee (also if you don't like coffee sorry.) You start thinking of what you should make for breakfast. Then it hit you, you have to check up on the skeleton bittys, and make sure they're okay. You quickly, and quietly walk over to your room to see how they are. You open the door to see four still sleeping skeletons.

(Y/N) thought P.O.V

Okay, they're still sleeping, then again it makes sense it is still early in the morning. I'll just make myself some breakfast, and wait for them to wake up, and ask what they want to eat. Then tell them I need to go to the store to get some stuff.

Red P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of footsteps. "The human was coming!!" I whispered. I pretended to still be asleep. After a few moments, I slightly open my eyes to see the human leave and close the door. I quickly teleport to the door and open it up with my magic. I then follow the human to see what she was up to. She went to the kitchen and was cooking something. Whatever it was it smelled pretty good. Then I see the human looking at me. "Sh! th the human saw me!!!" I said under my breath.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I close the door and head to the kitchen thinking about what I should make. I got it I'll make some (F/B) (Favorite Breakfast) for breakfast it's been a while since I had some. After grabbing the ingredients I start making it, it started to smell pretty good. Then I feel like I'm being watched. At first, I thought it was just my anxiety, so I tried to ignore it, but I just couldn't shake the feeling. I look over to see that Red was watching me. Huh for once the feelings were right, that's new. "Umm... hi Red what are you doing here?" He looks at me with complete terror in his eyes/eye sockets. I turn the off stove and looked over to Red. He starts to shake, I could hear his bones rattle. "Red what's-" I was cut off. "I'm so-sorry p-please don't hurt me. I-I didn't know I wasn't supposed to leave the room. Please don-don't hurt me." 

Red starts crying and saying how sorry he was. You walk over to him bend down, picked him up, he kept pleading not to hurt him. You hugged him and said in a gentle voice. " Red everything is okay, you don't have to apologize for anything, I'm not going to hurt you." After a moment Red calms down and asked. "Y-you aren't go-going to hurt me?" You tilted your head slightly. "No why would I? You did nothing wrong." After saying that Red starts crying even more and louder. Red- you were about to say something, but something warm went down your cheek. You move your hand to see what it was, it was blood. You look on the ground to see Boss, and he looked very p!ssed. "GIVE ME BACK MY BROTHER!!!!!!"

Hey hoped you enjoyed this page. The next update will be very soon. Until then Stay Determined!!!!!!

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