Chapter 2 Page 10

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---(Y/N) P.O.V---

I notice a small bitty that looks similar to my Sans. But he was different from him. He wore a blue scarf and a long-sleeved light blue shirt with a white cat on it. He also wore some black pants with tiny white stars on them. He even had on some light blue sandals. I saw how he had a nervous and concerned look on his. "Ummm...hi? Did you need something?" The bitty looked nervous. I scratched the back of my neck in anxiousness. " b-bend d-d-down a little? pl-please?" I heard him say in a whisper. I nodded as I sat on the ground to make him feel more comfortable. I saw how he looked a little calmer. "You doing better now, my tiny friend?" The bitty nodded. "What's your name?" I saw how he fiddled with his hands slightly. "I'm c-called Onyx, wh-what's your n-name?" I smiled warmly. "What a lovely name! My name is (Y/N), I'm new here! Speaking of here, where is here exactly?" I saw how Onyx looked surprised. "Y-you d-don't k-know?

---Narration starts---

But before Onyx could say anything, something teleported on the ground with you. You saw how he looked similar to your Papyrus but more tired. He wore an orange hoodie that said ''Pun Master' on it, and he had on grey sweatpants with orange slippers. "Hello...human. The names Topaz. Thanks for talking with my bro. And to answer your question, you're in the bitty care rooms reserved for bitties who need extra care." You nodded. "No problem, Topaz, and it's nice to meet ya, especially to another pun master." You said as you slowly put your pinky out, to give him a handshake. He backed up slightly but shook your pinky anyway. "Right, back at cha ya (Y/N)."  You smiled until you realized what Topaz just said. Soon, you looked as pale as a ghost when you heard that. "...what? Did you just say?" Topaz looked a little confused. "Right, back at cha ya?" You shook your head. "No, before that." Topaz still looked confused. "You're  in the bitty care rooms reserved for bitties who need extra care?" You looked even paler. "Oh...dear. I'm dead, I am so dead!" You said, panicking a little. "What's wrong?" Topaz said in confusion. You looked at the two skeletons in a panic. "I'm not supposed to be here! I only came in here to help calm me down, and now I'm in the one room I'm not supposed to be in!"

You quickly got up in a panic. "If you guys promise not to tell anyone, I promise to give you all candy. When I'm allowed back here!" You said as you rushed towards the door. You didn't even wait for a response as you rushed out. Leaving both memorable and impressionable experiences, not just on the two skeleton brothers, but on a few others as well. 

You rush out the door and close it before you go back to James and the group. As you get closer, you feel a sense of dizziness. You stop for a moment and take a deep breath. You fix your shirt and apron to look more professional. You open the door leading back to the room where you left Boss and the rest of the group. You saw how Boss was on the table with Sans, Papyrus, Red, and Dewdrop. You looked to see James holding a bright orange folder looking a tad disoriented. Papyrus was about to speak until Sans pulled on his arm. Sans motioned for James and Dewdrop to leave the room for a moment. Both of them left the room and went to the front, where the waiting room is.

You take a deep breath in before speaking. "I know we, just met a few days ago. I know that you guys don't fully trust me, and I know that it will take a while, and I fully understand that. You don't have to tell me about what happened to you with your old owner. You don't even have to tell when I'm old and gray. I won't ask questions until you're ready. All I ask is that if you need to go to the bitty clinic or hospital or vet or whatever is that, you tell me. I don't care if it's the middle of the night, early in the morning, or even when I'm cooking or cleaning just... please tell me. Okay? Please." You looked at the group and saw how they all looked guilty. Papyrus stepped up. " you hate us now?" He said with tears in his eye sockets. You sighed and walked over to the group. You bend down a little and use your pointer to lift his tiny little jaw. "I don't hate you guys one bit. A little mad, yes, hate no. Now it would be a different story if say... you broke that vase on my desk." Suddenly Sans, Papyrus, and Red froze.

Red looked a little nervous. "...was that vase important to ya?" Red said while looking to the right slightly. "Oh...yes that vase is a precious family heirloom, my great-grandfather gave it to me, it was a gift from his father, and he hoped that I would be able to give it to my grandchildren. Wait...why do you ask? Did something happen" Red cleared his non-existent throat. " ta put this. I... kinda...broke it." 

You looked completely shocked and quickly turned around putting your hands on your face. Making it look like you were about to cry, right there and now. "Please don't cry (Y/N)! I'm sure we can fix it if we try!" Papyrus said trying to cheer you up. "Ya, kid! It just needs some glue!" Sans said. Boss sighed. "Alright, you got your laughs (Y/N). Stop messing with them. Or else Papyrus might start crying, and then Sans and Red will kill you." You turned back to the group, with a grin. "You're no fun Boss! You couldn't let me mess with them for a little longer?" Red looked confused. "Was...that whole thing a trick?" You nodded. "Yup. Get ready, because there's going to be a few more until I consider us even. Ya know with not informing me about stuff, lying to me, and breaking some of my stuff. I think playing some tricks on y'all are well deserved." You said with a grin. Sans looked a little awkward. "And... you're not mad at us?" You took a long sigh. "I'd be lying if I wasn't a little mad, but I can't get too mad since...forget it. Look I'm gonna go talk to James, that way I know how to properly help all of you, epically Boss here."

---Gonna have to stop here! I hope you all enjoyed this page see you all next time!---

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