Chapter 2 Page 16

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Peppermint gathered the bitties and started to put their plan into action. They knew they had to be subtle and smart to win their owners' attention. The key was to create a situation that would naturally draw (Y/N) and Mary towards them. First, they staged a little "accident" in the living room, where some small objects were intentionally knocked over. Boss and the other bitties pretended to be puzzled by the mess, glancing at it with innocent expressions, as if trying to figure out how it happened. Meanwhile, Mary's bitties took a different approach. They initiated a playful commotion in the kitchen, making it seem like they were trying to whip up a tiny bitty-sized feast. The clinking of miniature pots and pans was bound to capture Mary's attention.

As (Y/N) and Mary started to notice the unusual activities, they couldn't help but investigate. Peppermint, with a carefully concealed smile, directed their owners' attention to the so-called "chaos" in the living room and the "culinary experiment" happening in the kitchen. "What on earth is going on here?" (Y/N) said with a laugh as they joined the bitties in the living room. Mary, equally intrigued, followed the sound of her bitties' culinary adventures. "Well, it seems like someone's in the mood for a cooking lesson."

The bitties played their parts perfectly, allowing (Y/N) and Mary to become engrossed in their antics, feeling like they had to supervise and help out. Little did the humans know that this clever scheme was devised to ensure they didn't feel left out and to win their attention. The bitties couldn't help but share amused glances, confident that their plan was working brilliantly.

---Time skip---

It was about time for you, and your tiny friends, to go home and start to prep dinner. You all said your goodbyes and promised to do this again. The car ride home was filled with chatter, about the hangout, until you got home. You walked into your apartment putting Red and Sans on the couch with the remote, to watch some TV. You take Boss and Papyrus to the kitchen and start prepping the ingredients, you also make sure to have the recipe on your phone. You grab the final ingredient, which is a can of pasta sauce, a herb, and garlic flavor. (You can change it to some other flavor if you like, this one is just my favorite.

Boss goes to the can and uses his bone attacks to loosen the lid. "(Y/N) Go and put a good amount of water into a pot, make sure the water is hot, and go and put it on the stove. Once you're done with that, get another pot, with a lid, and put it on the stove, then get a cutting board and some black pepper! Papyrus get the onion and start peeling it back, once you're done bring it to me!" You and Papyrus both nod. "Yes, chef!" You say jokingly. Boss looks pleased with you calling him a chef. 

You see Papyrus getting a little jealous. "Chef, Papyrus do you need anything?" Papyrus looked happy to be called a chef too. "Yes! I need you to grab some salt and oil!" You nod and quickly start doing all the tasks you were given. It takes a few moments for you to get everything, but you get it done. You are currently looking for a lasagna pan, you look in the oven to find it there, but you realize you never turned on the oven. You quickly clear it out and look on your phone for the temperature, you quickly set it up.

---Time skip to about an hour and 50 minutes ---

You find yourself on the couch, waiting for the oven timer to go off, you feel tired. As much as you loved Boss and Papyrus you didn't like how they were arguing a little over who will cut what ingredients or even if they should use salt or oil for the water, to stop the pasta noodles from sticking to each other. It took a lot of energy to stop them from arguing and by some miracle, you were able to help them agree. You hear the timer and quickly go to grab some oven mittens and carefully take out the lasagna, it smells pretty good to you, you're tempted to take a bite now, but you stop yourself since it's as hot as the sun. You let it sit on the stove, to cool down and rest.

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