Page 7

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Everybody P.O.V

(Y/N) And that's the short version of why there was screaming, crying, and yelling.

Sans: Red, Boss is that what happened?

Red: Yes, and so help me if you make fun of me your dead.

Boss: Yes, that's pretty much what happened.

Sans thought P.O.V

So this human comforted Red and didn't even get mad at Boss when he hurt her. This human is much different from our old owner. I should still keep an eye socket on her though, just to be on the safe side.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I look at the time on the stove and see that it's 7:34 Am. I better get dressed and head down to the store, before it gets too crowded. "Umm hey, guys I need to head out and get some stuff." "Where are you going?" Sans asked. "I need to get a first aid kit, a sewing kit, and some fabric." "Why do you need that stuff?" Red asked. "Well I need to properly treat your wounds, that way they don't get infected, and you won't get sick." 'Wait can they get sick? I'll ask them later.' I thought. "The sewing kit and fabric are so I can patch up the holes, and tears in your clothes." ' Actually, now that I think about it I should ask if they want new clothes instead, It wouldn't hurt to ask.' "Or do you guys want some new clothes?" Papyrus looked happy.  "WOWIE, WE CAN REALLY GET SOME NEW CLOTHES!?!?!" You gave a small nod. "If that what you guys want then yes. "

Everybody thought P.O.V

Red: How is she this kind? All we did for her was just cause trouble. I wonder... is her soul trait is kindness?

Sans: I wonder why she is being so nice to us, especially since all we did was hurt her, and yell at her? Hmm...I wonder if kindness is her soul trait, maybe that's why she is so nice to us.

Boss: Something is wrong. No one is this kind.


(Y/N): Why are they being so quiet did I do something wrong?... Oh no, what if I did do something wrong! 

"Umm..... Are you guys okay?" You said while fiddling with your hands. "Yes why do you ask?" said Boss said in a rude tone. "Oh well you were all being a little quiet, and I thought I might have done something wrong".  "It's alright right." Red said. "So do you guys want some new clothes?" "YES PLEASE!!!!!!" "Sure." Said sans. "Yes" mumbled Red. Boss just nodded. "Okay let me get some proper clothes on real quick, then we'll leave." 

You get up, walk over to your room, and get on a tee shirt with some jeans. ( You can change the color if you want.)

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Everybody P.O.V

( Sorry for all the P.O.V changes)

Papyrus: "See I told you that (Y/N) is a good person!!! "

Red:  "I'm not going to lie I kind of like her, but how is she this kind?"

Boss: "See that's suspicious! No human is this kind!!! This has to be a trap!!!"

Sans: "Maybe kindness is her soul trait, but I doubt that no human is kind."

Papyrus: "Brother I know we had a really bad owner before, but (Y/N) is different. She is going to help treat our wounds, and get us new clothes. Even after she got hurt, yelled at, she never got angry or even raised her voice at us. She has been showing nothing but kindness towards us." 

Boss: Just because she is kind doesn't mean we should trust her!! This could be some type of trick!

Red: " I've got an idea. Why don't we ask her to show us her soul, so we can find out if it's an act or if she's the real deal? That way we know for sure if we can trust her or not."

Sans: That's not a bad idea

Papyrus: Good thinking Red! 

Boss: For once my worthless brother has a good idea.

Narrator narrating 

You walk out of your room, headed towards the living room, and grabbed your peruse off the couch. Then you head to the kitchen table and say. "Do you guys want to ride in my purse or my shoulders?" Papyrus was fiddling with his skeleton hands. "(Y/N) before we go could you do us a favor?" You looked a little confused. "Sure what do you need?" "Well, we-" Red got cut off. "We want you to show us your soul." Boss said in a tough tone. You looked very pale. "I...I'm sorry but no. I don't like showing my soul to people.  I'm sorry please understand." "Why?" Boss said in an angry tone. "Showing my soul to people is very uncomfortable, and brings some bad memories!  Can we please drop this!" You said in a slightly mad tone. You then realized what you had done. "Sorry, it's... just...really........"

Everybody thought  P.O.V

(Y/N): Out of all the favors they could have asked why did it have to be about my soul! The one question I hate more than anything else than...them!

Papyrus: I wonder why it's comfortable for (Y/N) to show us her soul? Did something happen?

Sans: Strange. I wonder why she doesn't want to show us. This just makes me more suspicious about her.

Boss: Something is wrong with this human.

Red: It must be a pretty sore subject, for her.

Sorry but going to have to stop here. I hoped you enjoyed this page. The next update will be soon, until then Stay Determined!!!!!!

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