Chapter 2 page 5

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----After Red and Sans examination ---

---James Though P.O.V---

"Reds magic is stable for the most part, but he will need extra calcium, likely more milk or maybe calcium pills. It depends on what Miss (Y/N) wants to do and what Red wants to do. On the other hand, Sans will need regular healing magic injected into his soul every day to help deal with...what's going on with him. Just to help him heal and get his HP back to what it was before. It's honestly a miracle that he's still alive and kicking. Normally, a bitty in that condition would've kicked the bucket at that point."

---James thought P.O.V Ends---

---James P.O.V Starts---

James saw how the whole group was looking at him in anticipation, waiting for something to happen. "Alright. I will have to inform your caretaker about how some of you will need to take it easy for the rest of today, and some of you will need calcium pills and a mixture of healing magic for a while. Now I'm going to hand each of you a piece of paper and a pencil, that's your size and a series of questions on that paper. Please check the box that most applies to you."

I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and went to the drawer with bitty size paper and pencils, both in separate sandwich bags. I grab them and take the bags to the group. "Alright I'm going to leave you to answer the questions, I do ask that you do it by yourselves and remember to be as honest as you possibly can. I'll be back in a little bit, I'll Dewdrop in here so he can get me when you're done with the papers." I walk out of the room and go to my desk where Dewdrop was reading a tiny book about swords. I go sit down in my chair and wait for Dewdrop to finish the page he's on. Once he did he looked up and smiled at me, as he put down his book, after putting a bookmark on the page he was. "You okay?" Dewdrop asked as he flew up to my face. "Sigh. No...just stuff. Can you go in and wait for the group to finish the questions? I gotta go and check in on the special group. You know where to find me when they're done." I saw  Dewdrop nod. "Wait! If your going where I think you are can you give this to Swap and his bro? I forgot to give it to them this morning." I took the tiny books from Dewdrop and nodded.  I walked away and went to a different hallway, where one of the doors said 'Do not enter unless you have a worker with you'. 

(Just letting you know it might get a little uncomfortable in this paragraph.)

I opened the door to see the terrariums with a bitty house in each of them. I grab the clipboard that is hanging on the wall, as well as a pen. I walk to one of the terrariums and gave a gentle knock on the glass. A few seconds later a Swap Papyrus came out of the house, with a tired look, but manage to smile at me anyway. "What's up doc?" Swap said in a bugs bunny accent. I chuckled at the accent. "Just checking up on everyone. How are you and your brother doing? Are you both still having trouble sleeping, and have you both been eating well?" Swap avoided eye contact while rubbing his neck. "Not really. I feel tired and hungry, but can't bring myself to sleep or eat. I can't right now." I saw how Swap didn't want to talk about it anymore, so I dropped the subject. "Okay. I ask that you try and eat just a little bit, maybe read a book before you go to bed. Alright?" Swap started to rub his neck, but he nodded. "Do you think it's possible if I can see your brother?" I saw how Swap looked back at the house and then back at me and sighed slightly. " I'll see what I can do." I nodded. "He doesn't have to come out just a wave out the window will do." Swap nodded. He walked back into the house. I waited for a few seconds. Soon I heard a knock on the window and for a split second I saw Swaps' brother, but before I could wave or say anything back he ducked back into the house.

I smiled at his progress. Swap walked outside the house while rubbing his neck. "My bro said that he's been sleeping well, but not eating a whole lot though." I quickly take notes of what's been going on for both of them. "Alright. Here I have something for both of you." I open the lid of the terrarium and handed Swap some books. "Dewdrop meant to give them to you this morning but he forgot, so he asked me to do it since I was on my here." I saw how excited Swap was to receive some books. I saw how one of the books was called Tips & Tricks of Trapping. "Nice. My bro was wondering about the next shipment of books. Can ya tell Dewdrop thanks?" I smiled, of course, but only if you tell your brother that I'm proud of his progress. Sounds fair?" Swap gave me a thumbs-up. 

I start walking to the next of the terrarium with caution. I gently tap on the glass, waiting for a response. I waited for a couple more seconds but there was still no response so I was going to knock again until a rusty nail was thrown against the glass. "Wake up my brother from his nap, and you will find yourself with a couple of missing fingers." I look in the corner of the terrarium to see Slicer, the Horror Sans type bitty. I nodded. "Alright. I apologize." I said in a whisper. "I just came here to check up on the two of you." I saw how Slicer walked over to grab his rusty nail, but he never did once break eye contact. I figured this was going to be an interesting conversation.

---Sorry, I'm going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this page see you all next time!---

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