Chapter 2 Page 9

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(The picture will make sense as you continue to read this chapter)

"You... HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH THE SCARS ON YOUR SOUL OR YOUR BODY!" I gave Boss a sad look. "Boss...what if I told you that I do know how you feel? What if I told you I have scars on my soul and body." Boss didn't understand what I was going on about. "Boss...would...can-can you please summon my soul...I want to show you something."


Boss was taken aback by what you had just said. "Why? What would be the point? And can you not do it? I thought all humans could do it." Boss said in confusion. "I can, but if I do it again, twice in the same day, I'm afraid I might...lose control and try to break it. So I need you to do it." Boss had a troubled look on his face but started to summon your soul, ignoring the feeling he had. Holding back all your urges to destroy your soul, you clenched your fist tightly. You look to see Boss with a disbelieving look on his face. You look up to see your soul... you are filled with disgust and hate. You see a faded light rose pink soul mixed with a deep color of black and a hint of F/S/Ts (Favorite Soul Traits). (If I remember correctly a pink rose color means compassion. If it's not right feel free to correct me.)  You saw how Boss was completely shaken over the state of your soul. His eye lights said it all.

---(Be prepared some really heavy stuff is about to be mentioned, such as child abuse, self-harm, mentioning suicidal thoughts/attempts.) (I would also like to mention that if you or a loved one is having thoughts or might be attempting to do self-harm please call 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.)

---(I would also like to say that you are not alone, I know it will feel that, but you're not. You have a lot of people who care about you! )---

"Soooo...I assume you have questions?" You said while trying to keep your cool. Boss looked at you and nodded. "What happened your soul to become like this? Why do you have those chains? Do you know what they mean? And... how is your soul not broken... how are you even alive? " You scratched at your arm, hurting yourself a little, but immediately stopped and sighed. "Well...I...I went through a bad ordeal during my childhood, which involved people who...were my so-called "family. "You said as you used your hands to quote that one word. "And it lasted for a long time. It would go from starvation to beatings to locking me in a small closet." You start to shake a little from the memories. "As for the chains... I think they represent the promises I made to the ones who are my actual loved ones. Promises include living your life, not hurting yourself, enjoying the little things, not being pushed around by anyone, and continuing to go to therapy. I think they're the only things keeping me tied here to have the will to keep living." You said as you shrugged.

Boss stared at the ground as he clenched one of his bandaged rib cages. "Do you have scars from the experience?" You looked back to the ground and gave a big sigh. "Sadly, yes." You said, showing a deep scar on your left and right shoulder. Boss looked furious and sad. "You okay?" Said in a somewhat monotone voice. Boss looked like he was about to yell, but quickly calmed himself down. "Why...why are you asking if I'm okay, you idiot!" You shrugged. "Now...that we got that out of the way...can you please explain what's going on with you? going to die?" Boss sighed deeply at this question. You could tell that he wasn't ready to talk about it. You felt one of your panic attacks coming on, you quickly summon your soul back into your body.

 You start to walk towards the door. "Where are you going?" Boss said before you could open the door. "I...need to leave for a moment, I'll be right back. We...are going to continue this talk when I get back." You turn around to see Boss looking hurt. You took another deep breath. "Don't worry I'm not going to leave you behind or abandon you. I...just need a moment to myself." You said in a monotone voice.

You walk out without hearing what Boss had to say. You see James with the bittys, Dewdrop, Red, Sans, and Papyrus, on his shoulders. You ignore them and start to walk down the hall. "We...are going to have a nice long talk when we all get home. Understood." You in a strict tone, barely looking at the group. You could tell they were surprised by your sudden tone and body language change. You continued to walk away from the group, and you soon turn to a corner, out of sight from the group. As you do you feel your breathing get funny, you feel a panic attack coming on, and you see an open door and quickly duck in. 

You ignore the entire room and quickly sit in the corner of the room. You hug yourself tightly while shaking at the same time. You feel like the whole room is going dark. " down! Please! I'm safe, it only happened twice." You summon your soul out of anger and despair. You have it floating in your hands. You start to crush it little by little, your HP started to drop: 68/70, 60/70, 57/70. "This...this is all your fault. Why-why won't you just return to normal!?" Before you could do anything else you hear a *Clink-clink* sound coming from somewhere. You quickly put your soul back to see that you're in a room filled with tiny terrariums, each with a different tiny doll house. 

You hear another tiny *Clink-Clink* sound. You look to see that it was bitty, it looked similar to Sans, but different, his eyes were a light baby blue, and he even had a dark blue scarf. You looked a little confused by this. "Ummm...hi? Did you need something?" You said in confusion.

---Sorry, but I'm going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this page! See you all next time!---

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