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(Y/N) P.O.V

"Hey, Boss do you think when we get back home Red will attack me and try to kill me?" Boss paused for a moment. "Most likely." " Well...I do hope that the great and terrible Boss will hopefully help me? " I said in a hope full tone. He gave it some thought and said. "No." He then starts to smirk. "Well looks like I'm dead," I said in a joking tone. "It would seem so." Well...if I do die I leave everything to you guys. Everything but my (f/c) robe. I want to be buried in something comfy." I started to chuckle. Boss then rolls his eyes lights. " Now your just being dramatic. My brother is far too lazy to do anything." You looked away from him still looking hurt, but you were trying to hide your smile.

---Meanwhile, Bunny lady thought P.O.V---! SEEING A UF BITTY PAPYRUS SO CALM, AND SEEING ONE SMILE!!! IT'S SO RARE!! HOW IS SHE ABLE TO DO IT?! It seems that the human that she works for isn't the best boss. I wonder...if she'd like a job? But...I have to make sure she can be trusted at the shop, I refuse to have the bitties feel unsafe, but how can I make sure she can be trusted?

After a few seconds, you look back to Boss with a big grin. He just rolled his eye lights."We better start eating before my lunch break is up." Boss then nods his head.

You and Boss mostly just ate and talked about how crowded it is in the city, and how annoying the Karen and ken were. After the two of you finished eating you got up and walked over to the trash can, and threw away the trash.  And put the tray on top with the rest of them. You then head back to the table and sit back down. The two of you were about to start talking again, when your boss, Mr./Mrs. (B/N), came to your table.

(Y//N) P.O.V

"Hello, Mrs./Mr. (B/N) did you need something?" I said a little confused. "Sorry (Y/N), but I'm going to have to ask you to cut your lunch break short. I need you to go sweep a mess near the fire escape door and sweep near the widow. Then go back to taking people's orders, got it?" She/He said in a rude tone. "Yes Sir/Ma'am." My boss then starts walking away, while grinning. I sighed heavily. "Sorry Boss looks like our break from people is let me give you a...hand. I place my hands down on the table. Boss looks a little annoyed.  "I swear if that was a pun! I will let my brother attack you, and I'll join him!" I chuckled "Aww your right, after all, we don't want all these puns to... get out of hand." Boss looked completely furious. "HOW DARE YOU MAKE THE SAME PUN TWICE!!! I was full-on laughing at his reaction. "Hahahhahahahahah...  I'm sorry Boss I couldn't help it. I swear that was the last one." I then take my other hand and hold out my pinky. "What are you doing?" I looked at him confused for a second. "This is something called a pinky promise. It means that I promise not to do it again, or not do it again for a reasonable amount of time." Boss looked a little confused." What happens if you do break the promise?" I thought for a moment, it then hit me. "Well if I do break the promise then we can get ice cream." Boss shakes my pinky with his hand, he then walks onto my other hand. I then lift him to my shoulder, he hops off and grabs on my uniform. "Alight, but I have one question...what's this ice cream?" I froze for a few seconds (Get it? Froze? Lol. Sorry couldn't help it. ) "Change in plans, remind me after work to get ice cream." "Oookay?" 

Bunny lady thought P.O.V

This is unbelievable. That girl is treating him like a person, and not some pet or object! And she didn't get upset when he was yelling at her! People like her are hard to come by, epically those that can calm down an Uf bitty. Hmmmmm...I wonder if I can get a chance to talk to her, and ask her a few questions; to see if she can be trusted?

You walk to the cleaning supply closet, grabbing a broom, and a dustpan. You then start heading to the fire escape door, when you get there you see a huge croissant and doughnut mess. You sigh and start cleaning the very big mess, while cleaning you hear some snickering from your someone. You look over to see your boss, with a smug grin. You ignore it and go back to cleaning, but while cleaning you hear some low growling. "Boss it's okay, calm down." You say in a very low whisper. After you finished sweeping, you head to one of the tables and start sweeping. There wasn't a lot to sweep so it didn't take too long. But as soon as you finish you hear someone. "Excuse me Mrs." You look to see a man calling you. He had black hair,  a black jacket, a white shirt, a blue star, blue jeans, and red shoes. "Hello sir how can I help you?" The man then smiles. "Well, I was wondering if I can hold your bitty for a few seconds?" The Stranger said. " I'm sorry sir, but I don't think he would like that have a nice day." You then turn around and try to leave, but the man grabs your arm. "Awww come on it's only for a few seconds, not only that but it's just a stupid pet, it's not like it will mind." 


Bunny lady thought P.O.V

That a#shole!!! Who does he think he is? Bitties are not just some objects, or some cat or dog!  They are just as intelligent as any human or monster, heck maybe even more!!! Heck, I should go and just give him a piece of my mind! Wait...this is the perfect test! This will help me figure out if she really can be trusted. But...the bitty doesn't need to be in that situation... as must as I hate to do this I have to sit this one out. 

Back to what's happening

You push the man away from you and take a deep breath. "A couple of things sir." You say with a venomous tone. You start to clench your fist, you look at him with a dead-eye stare. "First off Boss is not some kind of cat or dog! He is just like every other human and monster! Second, off you don't f#king grab somebody like that, epically with those filthy hands of yours! And third! When someone says NO they mean NO! Now either you get the f#ck out sir, or sit you're a#s down. Your choice." The man looked p!ssed. He then grabs Boss and pushes you to the ground. He runs to the door but you quickly get up and tackled him to the ground, and punch him in the face. You then quickly grab Boss and try to get away, but the man then grabs your foot. Before he could pull you to the ground you kick him right in the face. The man then holds his nose as blood drips onto the floor. "That's what you get you f#ker."You said in a p!ssed tone. Your boss then comes out. "(Y/N)!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? WHY THE H#LL IS THERE A CUSTOMER BLEEDING ON THE FLOOR!? WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!? EXPLAIN RIGHT NOW!!!" 

(Y/N) P.O.V

"Mrs./Mr. (B/N) this man tried to take Boss away from me! He grabbed him and bolted for the door, but I tackled him to the ground. I then grabbed Boss and tried to get away, but he grabbed onto my leg so I kicked him in his face. I did what I had to do to protect my family member." She/He looked at the man and went over to help him. "I'm so sorry sir. I don't know what's gotten into her. She's usually not like this at all, I'm again so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?" The man then wipes his nose and looks at you. "Well since you offered I would like that bitty she has." The man said smiling while holding his nose. "Of course sir, (Y/N) give him the pet." "Mrs./Sir. I can not." I saw how she/he looked p!ssed at me. "(Y/N) you hurt a valuable customer, over a pet that you can easily get a new one! Not only that but if you don't you will get fired!" I took a deep breath then. "Alright, it's obvious what I have to do. I quit." "Good I'm- Wait! What did you say?" Mrs./Mr. (B/N) said in a shocked tone. "I said I quit. Also before I go I just want to say that you are an awful person that nobody likes. I hope karma comes and bites you in the A$$. One more thing if I ever hear you say that Boss or any other bitty is a pet you will regret it." I then take off my green apron, along with my name tag. Making sure that Boss didn't fall off my shoulder. (Just letting you know the white shirt is yours. It was kind of required that wear a white shirt to work. Just letting you know so there is no confusion.) I gave a huge smile, and walk out the door while flipping off my now ex-boss. I look back to see a shocked (Ex/B/N) (Ex/ Boss/ Name).

Sorry going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed it. Also sorry that the update was late. One more thing HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE YOU ALL HAD AN AWESOME DAY!!!!!

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