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You were a little surprised to learn that Boss is a little more dangerous than an UT Papyrus. Not only that but you were a little worried about the materials they use to build the traps. It's not that you didn't're just a tad worried it will get out of hand. And that it will end up you having to go to the doctors to get some stitches. You were lost in thought for a moment until you came up with a conclusion. You would give Boss his own area to build his traps/puzzles, same with Papyrus if he wants too.

After deciding that you went to the search bar and looked up Underfell Sans.

---Underfell Sans----

Type: Underfell bitty Sans

Species: Skeleton

Gender: Male

Personality: He is very lazy, just like any other Sans. Similar to the Classic Sans, but is very aggressive. He will act rude, break anything when he's mad, and will swear a lot.

He will act like you are nothing but a mistake. He will refuse anything you cook, until he feels comfortable with you. (Note: he will only want junk food until he feels comfortable with you). He will test your patients to the absolute limits.

He will be very difficult to take care of.  But even with all this they will still love and care for you. If you are ever sad or upset they will make it look like they don't care, but they secretly do care. He will try and give you more cuddles, and will try and be less of a butt.

Like: Junk food, mustard, hot dogs, burgers, fries, apples, promises( only if it's with people they can truly trust!), jokes, dark humor, puns, science, violence, not doing anything, naps, and sleeping.

Dislike: Doing work, not getting any sleep, people with no humor, violence that involves friends or family, broken promises, flowers, and rude people.

--What he needs--

-- He will what his brother ( Underfell Papyrus). A bitty size joke book, things to break or destroy, bitty size mustard bottles, or any regular size bottles of mustard.

--For clothes they will insist that they only need their hoodie. But it's best to have a few extra on hand, just in case.

--Make sure he has a space of his own, preferably the bitty kit you can find at bitty stores, or at bitty centers. Or if you have a good sized doll house that will also do as well. If you want you can also make your own bitty home for them.

-He will mainly need stuff that any human or monster will need. Ex: A tooth brush, cloths, food, ect...

--Extra information-- (Important that you read this)

***If you found one off the street they are mostly likely abandoned. They will be extremely dangerous, be extremely cautious when approaching one. It is possible that they have an Underfell bitty Papyrus near by. Be even more extremely careful around them.

***Note that if you are able to gain his trust than please take him to the nearest bitty store or shelter.

---If you have one off the street please be very understanding, and kind to them. They have been through a lot, and had their trust broken, by someone. At first they will act very rude and very aggressive at first, but they will slowly begin to trust you. And once they do they will do everything to make sure that you are safe and okay.

---Please note that if they aren't some what like this, they have probably been through a very traumatic experience, please make sure you give them a lot of love, and get them some help.

--Also some people believe that a magic suppression collar (MSC) is required when having a bitty, but this is not true. Suppressing their magic can cause a some pain (Even a small possible chance for death) , and even makes them not able to speak. In fact this is one of the many reasons why it is illegal to have one on a bitty. If you see a bitty with said collar, contact the police or the bitty center. Because that bitty could have been apart of the bitty black market.

After reading all this you felt a little more prepared. But you also felt really concerned that you don't know what they went through. Mainly because you don't want to remind them of those bad memories. But you do understand that if they don't want to tell you, they don't have too.

While lost in thought you feel something on your back. You look to see it was Papyrus poking your back. You gave him a blank look at first, but you quickly shook out of it. "Did you need something Papyrus?" He smiled. "Can I cuddle with you, pretty please?" You slightly titled your head and smiled. "Sure, whatever you want little dude." You put your phone on the coffee table and sat on the couch. Papyrus ran to your lap, and climbed on. He put his arms out. You titled your head, but he than pointed to your hand. You put your hand near him and he grabbed it and hugged it tightly. You were surprised at first, but smiled. You weren't sure what these guys went through, or who hurt them, but you did know that you loved this adorable group of skeletons.

Going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed. See you all next time!

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