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"Alrighty guys, you ready for pizza?" They all looked at me with excited faces. I placed the plate on the couch cushion next to them. "Enjoy my friends, enjoy." As soon as I said that, Red and Sans were drooling over the pizza. Boss and Papyrus however gave it a strange look. "Is something wrong you two?" I said as I tilted my head slightly. Papyrus started to fiddle with his gloves. "We...both don't like greasy food all that much. I'm...s-sorry." I saw how Papyrus was shaking a little. "It's alright, I get it you don't like. You can always have something else. Remember what I said, if you don't like it you can have something else." I saw how Papyrus looked a little guilty. "I'm sorry you got this for us, and I'm being mean about it." I gave a small sigh.

"You're not being mean, you're just telling me how you feel, and there is nothing wrong with that. However I do encourage you both to at least try, just to see if it's okay and it fine if you don't want too." Both Boss and Papyrus grabbed a slice, and took a small bite out of it. They both gave it a strange face. I gave a small chuckle. "I'm proud of you both for trying something new. You two don't have to finish it, here I'll take it." I bend over while holding out my hand. Papyrus and Boss both gave me the adorable tiny slices of pizza. I ate the slices in the blink of an eye. "Well Sans, Red, looks we have to eat all the pizza." I said with a chuckle at the end. I look over to Papyrus and Boss. I walked over to them and started to pet them both. Papyrus gave my left hand a big hug. Boss tried to pretend not to enjoy it, but I could tell he liked it. "Good job, both of ya." I said with a smile at the end. After a few moments I stopped petting both of them.

"Oh before I forget Boss, Papyrus you want some leftover spaghetti?" I saw how happy Papyrus looked. Boss on the other hand looked annoyed. "It will suffice...for now." I nodded. "Well how about tomorrow we can cook whatever you want. I would say today, but I'm really tired and I really don't wanna. that okay?" Boss nodded. I smiled. I go to the kitchen and get two plates that I use for small cheese platters. That I completely forgot that I had. I then placed small portions of spaghetti on both plates, and set on in the microwave. After getting both heated up I take both to the living room, and give both to Papyrus and Boss. I sat down on the ground next to the couch, and pulled out my phone. I went back to the website and typed in the search bar a Uf bitty Papyrus. Soon I saw the search result.

---Underfell Papyrus----

Type: Underfell bitty Papyrus

Species: Skeleton

Gender: Male

Personality: He is very demanding, he expects the very best. He will have a rude attitude and personality. He will expect you to keep everything nice and tidy, and make sure everything is up their standards. He will say a lot of hurtful stuff to you, and will have a short temper too. He will want everything to go his way, and his way alone.

He will be very difficult to take care of. But even with all this they will still love and care for you. If you are ever sad or upset they will do their best to make you happy. They will also tell you just how great you are.

Like: Compliments, praises and saying how great they are. Traps, puzzles, expansive food and clothes. Cats, pasta, lasagna, violence, fluffy bunny books, attention, fruit.

Dislike: Puns, jokes, greasy food, dogs, violence when it involves their friends and family. Not getting attention, or things not going their way, weakness.

--What he needs--

--They will require a lot of attention and care. He will need puzzle books to keep himself busy, and puzzle building materials. (Warning: They will build puzzles that may involve sharp objects such as: Tooth picks, nails, screws, glass, sharp pieces of meatal, and possibly bone attacks. If you do not want him to do his traps out in the open give him his own area to do puzzle traps. Or tell him that he needs to ask for permission before doing a puzzle trap.)

--For clothes they will want a wide verity of clothing for every single occasion possible. So be prepared to spend a lot on clothes.

--Make sure he has a space of his own, preferably the bitty kit you can find at bitty stores, or at bitty centers. Or if you have a good sized doll house that will also do as well. If you want you can also make your own bitty home for them.

-He will mainly need stuff that any human or monster will need. Ex: A tooth brush, cloths, food, ect...

--Extra information-- (Important that you read this)

***If you found one off the street they are mostly likely abandoned. They will be extremely dangerous, be extremely cautious when approaching one. It is possible that they have an Underfell bitty Sans near by. Be even more extremely careful around them.

***Note that if you are able to gain his trust than please take it to the nearest bitty store or shelter.

--Also some people believe that a magic suppression collar (MSC) is required when having a bitty, but this is not true. Suppressing their magic can cause a some pain (Even a small possible chance for death) , and even makes them not able to speak. In fact this is one of the many reasons why it is illegal to have one on a bitty. If you see a bitty with said collar contact the police or the bitty center. Because that bitty could have been apart of the bitty black market.

Going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed. See you all next time!

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