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---Time skip to where you fall asleep---

As you fell into a land of dreams and make-believe, you had a nice dream for once. You were dreaming about how you first met the bittys. You felt the rain on your face, the cold air blowing past you from time to time. Hearing cars driving through puddles, hearing windshield wipers go back and forth. Walking towards the trail, and hearing frogs crock and a few crickets chirping. And slowly walking towards a strange box under a bridge in the distance.

Meanwhile Red, Boss, and Sans were wide awake, they were keeping watch over you and Papyrus. Red was near the window watching the rainfall while watching the cars drive through some puddles. But his eye was glowing in the darkest shade of blood-red imaginable. Sans was on your desk looking at the door. It was like he was planning or expecting something or someone to come through that door. Boss was on the floor, he used the rope blanket, he was scoping out the room. Making sure it was safe and looking for a perfect spot for his traps. He found a few spots that could work for his magnificent traps. He thought he could put a spike trap on top of the door frame and the only thing holding it was some string. Another place he thought was on top of your desk was to put a small but powerful catapult. That was able to launch shards of glass, sharp metal objects, or even some bone attacks. Boss was smirking at all the possibilities to defend his territory, his home, his family.

Soon Sans teleported to where Red was. "Heya Red, yawn... can't sleep?" Sans asked while yawning. Red still had his eye sockets glowing while looking at Sans. "Yup. You too smiles?" Red said while looking back at the window. Sans nodded. "Heh. It's funny, usually, we get any chance just to sleep or not do work, and yet here we are awake and doing work. I hope we don't work ourselves down to the bone." Both Sans and Red started to laugh while trying to stay quiet. Boss heard this and started to groan. They stopped when they heard Papyrus groan in annoyance, at the pun. Red, Sans, and even Boss were quietly laughing at the sound of this. They then heard how you chuckled for a split second. Red and Sans were clutching their nonexistent stomach. Boss was trying to compose himself. After a few seconds, both finally stopped and were calm. Sans stretched as he started to talk. "Welp, I'm hitting the hay. If I stay awake any longer I'm gonna sleep like the dead for the rest of the day." Sans teleported back to bed and went back to his spot. Red looked out the window one last time and took in a long deep breath.

Red Thought P.O.V

'Sigh...smiles is right we need to hit the hay soon. Can't stay up all night worrying about that piece of sh#t. Besides I need to be logical about this, we aren't wearing those f#king collars anymore, and we have magic to help us. Plus I get the feeling (Y/N) here would probably rip the f#cker in half if we ever see him. Heh.'


Red was lost in thought and didn't notice Boss trying to get his attention. The problem was Boss was still on the ground, while Red was on the windowsill. Boss was getting frustrated and decided to use the rope blanket, to get to higher ground. When Boss finally got to the top he finally got Red's attention, Red quickly teleported to Boss.

Red and Boss P.O.V

Red: "Heya Boss, what do ya need?"

Boss: "I've finished scooping the place out, I know where we should fortify our defensive to keep our home safe."

Red: "...Ummm...Boss?"

Boss: "What Red?"

Red: "You just called this place home, and you're already setting up a defensive perimeter for this place."

Boss: "...I...Sh#t up Red...I...I'm too tired to be dealing with your antics, we're going to bed."

Red: "But Boss we're already on top of that."

Boss: "...Red...seriously you just had to make that pun?! I swear I'm going to grind your bones into dust!"

Red: "Heh, sorry Boss."

Boss: "Sigh...I will let it slide because I am far too tired and far too Great to deal with this. Sight...come on let's go to bed, but don't think your off the hook, I expect you to put some backbone into some hard work tomorrow."

Red:" Heheheheh, nice pun Boss."

Boss:" Of course, after all, I am the Great and terrible Boss.


Both Boss and Red went back to their original spots and slowly fell asleep. After many hours the sun started to come up, and the reflection of the sun bouncing off cars was started to wake you up. You gently get to realize that the bittys are still asleep. You slowly move your arm to get your phone to look at the time it was 9:15 Am. You remember that the Bitty adoption center opens at 10:00 Am. Part of you knew that you needed to get up, but the other part of you didn't want to. 

---(Y/N) P.O.V---

I start to put my phone back on my nightstand. "Sigh, guys, I need to get up, you guys have to wake up. I'm sorry" I hear some groans and even heard someone say five more minutes. "Guys, please I need to get up. See there's this place I want to look at to see if I can get a job there, and I sorta want to get there a little bit before it opens up. So pretty please can you guys wake up?" I felt them slowly get up and walk off of me. I slowly sat up and stretched my muscles. Look to see the bittys still looking a little tired. "Tell you what, how about you guys stay asleep while I get ready and get breakfast on the table. Then I'll come and get you guys and we'll eat together sound good?" I got some nods from all, except Boss and Papyrus. "What's wrong you two?" Bos crossed his arms. "Who said you'll be cooking without the Great and Terrible Boss?" He said while smirking. I looked a little surprised by this until Papyrus spoke up. "Yeah, and you also need to cook with the Great Papyrus too!" He said while giving Me a big smile. I gave a smile. "Of course how foolish was I to not include the two stars of this house?" I said while patting both of their heads. Papyrus looked even happier, Boss had a mixed expression of hating and loving it at the same time. I smiled. "Okay guys let me get into something more proper then we'll get started on breakfast." I saw them both nod.

Sorry going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this! See you all next time! : )

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