Page 41

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You finished petting all the bittys there, who wanted some petting, while others just sat watching what you were doing. You held out the marble one of the bittys gave you, you smiled warmly at the small gift. As you walked to the front of the store you see Aoi, she saw you and walked over to you.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I saw how Aoi had something in her hand as she walked over to me. "Hello, Aoi and Keeper. I have already finished introducing myself to the water and flying-type bittys. Though the flying-type bittys wanted me to pet all of them for a while, it was so adorable! Oh one of them also gave me this as well, isn't cute?" I showed Aoi and Keeper the marble I got. "I'm glad that you've received a warm welcome here. Oh before I forget here you are." Aoi handed me some laminated note cards, which had holes punched onto the top left-hand side of the cards, which had a silver clip on them. I tilted my head slightly while looking at it until I saw the title "Bitty guide flashcards!" I looked at Aoi and smiled at her. "Thank you! This is perfect! Is it alright if I can take this home and study it? that not allowed? " Keeper popped out of Aoi scarf. "It's for you to keep. It is recommended that you take it home and look over it. That way ya don't accidentally offend someone. Ya know?" I nodded. "Right. Thank you very much. I appreciate the gift" I said as I smiled. I looked through the cards and saw how it had a picture of the bitty along with their bitty type, their likes and dislikes, and what foods they like to eat. It also said what type of bittys they get along with and which ones they don't like. My eyes looked so invested in the cards. Until I realized that I was completely ignoring them. I looked up at them and gave an awkward look and nervous laugh. "Heh...s-sorry about that. I tend to do that a lot when I get new material. Especially when it's a new job and it's something that I find interesting. " I took a deep breath and looked at Aoi with a sheepish look. So I was trying her best to hold back her laughter. "'s okay...m-mistakes h-h-happen from time to time."

---No One's P.O.V---

  Aoi took a deep breath so that she could calm down. It took a couple of them but soon she was completely calm again. She looked at (Y/N) who was still slightly panicking and fiddling with her hands. As she flipped to the next page she stops when it said, Bitty Sans. Aoi saw how (Y/N) looked worried and sad. Aoi didn't know what to say in this type of situation. Aoi then knew what to say to (Y/N).  "Alright now all you gotta do is introduce yourself to the rest and then you can help me out with some restocking of the tiny clothes and pan flips, along with some bitty care supplies. It won't take too long then you can go see how your companions are. Does that sound alright to you?" (Y/N) nodded her head as she gave a warm smile. She then started to wonder how her tiny companions

--- At the Bitty hospital---

The bittys were nervous about their first check-up. Especially since their human wasn't with them, and they were with a stranger. The only thing keeping them from using their magic was so (Y/N) could keep this job and support their family. But when James was going to explain what was going to happen Boss snapped.

" I WILL NOT ALLOW A PATHETIC HUMAN LIKE YOU TO TOUCH THE GREAT AND POWERFUL BOSS! THE ONLY PERSON IS MY HUMAN! TRY ANYTHING FUNNY AND YOU WILL REGRET IT!" James nodded his head, but he didn't say a word. So Boss continued to list his demands. "FURTHERMORE IF YOU TRY ANYTHING FUNNY YOU WILL HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME! AND IF YOU SO MUCH AS TELL MY HUMAN WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO SEE YOU WILL REGRET IT! IS THAT CLEAR!?" James gave a sad smile. "I'm sorry to say but if something is wrong I have to inform your caretaker. That way she can figure out what to do so that way nothing bad happens in the future." Boss and Sans didn't like the sound of that. "Look, pal. Me and Boss here don't want our caretaker to know what's going on, not now at least. So is there any way you explain to her the right course to take that can help a skeleton out, without her completely knowing?" James took a long sigh. "I can tell her enough so she can get a better picture of what's going on. But if it's life-threatening then I will have to tell her." Boss and Sans both sighed out of frustration. Boss started to run his forehead. "Sans, do you agree to this?" Sans nodded his head. "Fine. But if it's not life-threatening you will regret it!" James nodded. "Okay. First I need to check your magical abilities. Let me get the machine." James walked over to one of the cabinets in the room. He opened it up and grabbed the machine that was in there. It was a giant target with a weird machine attached to it. James smiled at the sight of this machine. "Alright, this is a special machine that can calibrate how powerful your magic is. It also tells me if your magic is below the average bitty. That way I can understand what I need to do to get your magic back to its normal level.  All you need to do is hit it while I write down the numbers it's telling me. Now that I explained what my adorable baby can do. Who wants to be the first to go against my adorable baby?"

Sorry gotta stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this page! See you all next time! And remember stay Determined!   : )

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