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Bunny lady thought P.O.V

This is something you don't see every day. I have never seen an Uf (Underfell) bitty Papyrus so calm and relaxed before. But I do wonder why he has bandages? Did the girl do it to him? Or is he a rescue bitty? I hope that he's a rescue bitty. I better keep an eye on them for a while. Just to make sure that he isn't in any danger. Just to be on the safe side.

You start preparing the latte and getting a bag for the chocolate muffin. When you finish making the latte you grab the muffin and then put it in the bag.  You call out the initials. "Mrs. M.C your order is ready." The bunny lady then walks over to you and grabs her order. "Enjoy your order Mrs." You said with a genuine smile. "Thank you." She said with a smile. She then walks back to her table. You start taking the other people's orders and start making the drinks they wanted.

Fast-forward Lunchtime

(Y/N) P.O.V 

I got in line for the front counter. "Hey Boss it's my lunch break right now, do you want anything to eat and drink?" Boss was quiet for a moment. "I'll have whatever you packed for lunch." "The thing is...I may... or may not have forgotten to pack a lunch for myself." I said as my voice had gotten a little quiet. I hear Boss sigh. "Very well...I'll take...the mini strawberry pie, and a cup of milk." I nodded. "Alright." I was the next person. "Hello, what can I get you?" One of my coworkers said. "Hi, I would like a mini strawberry pie, and for the drink some milk." They nodded. "I'll also take F/P (Favorite pastries) and an F/D, pleas and thank you."  They nodded again. "Alright, that will be a total of $13.27." I nodded and handed them my debit card. Then I just realized something. "Oh and before I forget can I have one of the really small cups for the milk?" They nodded. "Okay, what will be the name of your order?" "Boss. Please and thank you." They looked at me strangely and nodded. "Alright, we'll call you when your order is ready." I nodded and went to a table nearby a window. A couple of tables away from the bunny lady. I sat down and grabbed Boss, very gently, and put him on the table. He just looked at me strangely.

Boss thought P.O.V

Why did she let herself be pushed around by those other humans? Why does she not stand up for herself? Nyhe...looks like I the Great, and terrible Boss will have to teach her to toughen up.

You saw how Boss was in deep thought, and you wonder if you should start a conversation. You wonder if you should ask how he is. While in deep you didn't notice that Boss saw you staring at him. "Do you want something?" He asked in a questioning tone. "Uh....just wondering how are you?" You said while rubbing the back of your neck. "Well other than having to listen to some very annoying humans here and there, I'm fine. But I'm curious why didn't you stand up for yourself?" You paused for a few seconds. "Well...I just didn't want to cause more drama. Not only that but reasoning with a Karen, and ken is pointless." Boss nodded. "And that other human?" It took you a moment to realize what he was asking about. "Oh, your talking about Mrs./Mr. (B/N). The thing about them is that I have to listen to him/her if I don't want to lose my job." Boss looked mad but nodded his head. "Don't worry Boss, one-day karma will get them," I said with a grin. "Boss your order is ready!" One of your coworkers said. You got up and grabbed the tray with the bag of food, and the drinks too. You then walk back to the table, that Boss was at, and place down the tray. "For the great and terrible Boss is his food and drink." You hand him his mini strawberry pie and a tiny cup of milk. (In case you're wondering it's the size of a shot glass. The only difference is it's made out of plastic). Boss smiles for a moment, but he quickly hides it.

--Time skip---

 (Y/N) P.O.V

"Hey, Boss do you think when we get back home Red will attack me and try to kill me?" Boss paused for a moment. "Most likely." " Well...I do hope that the great and terrible Boss will hopefully help me? " I said in a hope full tone. He gave it some thought and said. "No." He then starts to smirk. "Well looks like I'm dead," I said in a joking tone. "It would seem so." Well...if I do die I leave everything to you guys. Everything but my (f/c) robe. I want to be buried in something comfy." I started to chuckle. Boss then rolls his eyes lights. " Now your just being dramatic. My brother is far too lazy to do anything." 

---Meanwhile, Bunny lady thought P.O.V---! SEEING A UF BITTY PAPYRUS SO CALM, AND SEEING ONE SMILE!!! IT'S SO RARE!! HOW IS SHE ABLE TO DO IT?! It seems that the human that she works for isn't the best boss. I wonder...if she'd like a job? But...I will have to see if she can be trusted at the shop, I refuse to have the bitties feel unsafe, but how can I make sure she can be trusted?

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