Page 27

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Boss gave a small sigh, and looked over to Sans. "Sans can you take Red to the couch? I need to to talk to Papyrus." Sans gave a nod. He used his magic to teleported himself and Red to the couch. Boss walked over to Papyrus. "Papyrus did my brother break that bowl over there?" Boss said while pointing to the broken bowl pieces. Papyrus nodded. "Sigh...Will you help me clean it up?" Papyrus gave a smile. "Of course!" Both Boss and Papyrus walked over to the broken bowl shards. Papyrus picked up a shard that was the size of a quarter. When Papyrus picked it up he walked toward the trash can, and Boss picked up one that was also the size of a quarter. They both walked up to the trash can, both Boss and Papyrus used their magic to get the pieces in the trash can.

After a while they almost got all the broken pieces picked up, when you came into the living room. You looked confused for a few seconds. "Ummmm..what? What are two doing!? I said I would clean up the mess! What if one of you or both of you got hurt?!" You said in a worried tone. You quickly walk over to Boss and Papyrus, gently picked them up, and took them to the couch. You walked over to the laundry room, you grabbed the broom and dust. You quickly walk over to the bowl and start sweeping up the mess, as you were sweeping you were a little nervous. After finishing sweeping up the mess, you put the broom and dust pan back in the laundry room. When you came to the living room you see a sleeping Red on the couch, you thought it was adorable. Soon you started to feel a little more calm, and less nervous. You took a deep breath. "Alright guys I'm going to get a snack, do any of you want any?" You said in a whisper.

Papyrus thought about it for a moment, with his left hand under his chin, and shook his head. Boss had was sitting next to Red, with his arms crossed, and shook his head. Sans was laying down next to Papyrus, while Papyrus was sitting next to Sans, and Sans shook his head too. "Alright, I'll be right back, you guys can start the next episode of the show." You said in a whisper. You head to the kitchen, and go inside the pantry to look for your (F/S) (Favorite snack).

---All the bitties thought P.O.V--- (Expect Red)

Papyrus: I hope (Y/N) really is okay. I really want to ask her what's wrong, but I don't want to upset her. I do hope we can find out what's wrong, that way we can fix it, and make her really happy! Then I THE GREAT PAPYRUS CAN BE THE BEST FRIEND SHE'S EVER HAD, AND MAKE EVERYTHING JUST AS GREAT AS ME! NYEHEHE!

Sans: ......I wonder why she reacted like that just now? I mean I get why, but why all those emotions from earlier? Then the lies she's been telling us, that she's fine. I know we haven't known each other that long, but I can't help it. I wonder... the scares on her neck have to do with the way she's acting today?

Boss: Why is she worrying over something so small and pointless? Besides she was taking too long, she should be giving us praise for helping.

(Y/N) Thought P.O.V

Okay, I need to take some deep breathes and stay calm. Right now I need to focus on the good things that happened today. I...have additions to the family, and we're going to hang out right now. What else? I... finally stood up for myself to (Ex/B/N) (Ex Boss Name) today. And I made a new friend that looks like she can possibly be trusted. I...also got some funny photos of Boss doing some poses. Okay, today wasn't that bad, but there is something wrong....I...I can't find my (F/S) anywhere! I know I had it around here somewhere, but I don't know where I put it. This might take a while...unless...did I put it on the top shelf? And....yup I put it up there again.

You quickly get the bag from the top shelf, and quickly make your way to the couch. "Alright guys you ready to hangout ?" You said in a whisper. "Yup!" Papyrus said in a smile. Boss nodded his head. Sans gave you a tiny thumbs up. You gave a small chuckle, and nodded. You gently sat down on the far end of the couch, and as soon as you did Papyrus picked up Sans and walked over to you. Then placed Sans next to you, and started to climb up onto your lap. You thought it was really adorable, and very sweet. You gave him a small smile, and unpaused the show.

---Time skip---

After watching a couple episodes of the show an interesting ad came up, and it was talking about Bitty care. "Have you done proper research on your Bitty? Did you know that not taking the time to do proper research for the Bitty in your care can cost them their life? Some people believe that a Bitty is similar to your everyday average pet, and that they only need food and water. But this is just not true at all. All Bitties have their own special need, not only that but they need love to survive. If you have a Bitty and would like more information about them please go to the website here."

After the ad ended, you were a little curious about your new family members.

(Y/N) Thought P.O.V

Well...I could do the research just to be on the safe side. I already know that their not like pets, and that they should be treated like a human or a monster. But other then that I don't really know the proper care for them. But I can't get up now, Sans and Papyrus are on my lap. Not only that but Boss moved right next to where I'm at, with his brother. I guess...I'll do the research after this episode, besides I left my phone in my room somewhere. So I can't even do the research now even if I wanted too.

Sorry going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed, and sorry for the late update. My family and I are preparing to move, so I've been a little busy. So again sorry for the late update.

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