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Papyrus heads to the cotton/feather mess, and starts to make a pile. After Papyrus had finished making the pile, he asked Sans to take it to the trash. Sans then used his magic to pick it all, and then teleported out of the room. Papyrus then starts to double check to make sure he got everything. Sans came in and saw how Papyrus was looking around. "Hey bro, whatcha doing?" Papyrus then turned around. "Oh I'm making sure we got everything." Papyrus then goes back to looking around. Sans takes a quick glance over the bed. "Hey bro I think we got everything." Papyrus looked at his brother. "Yes, I think your right brother."

Papyrus thought P.O.V

We did get all the cotton/feathers off the bed, nyeh....but I wish we could fix the pillow and blanket, not to mention the curtains too. But...we did our best to fix this! And hopefully (Y/N) will be happy with our hard work.

"Alright brother lets get back to eating breakfast!" Papyrus said in a happy tone. Sans nodded. "And you think... Red will calm down after a while?" Sans gave a shrug. "I'm gonna be honest I don't know, it could take awhile." Papyrus nodded his head. He then started to walk to the end of the bed, and starts to use the blanket rope again. Sans just teleported down near the bed, but as soon as he touched the ground he felt extremely tired. He put his hand on his, as he started to feel a little dizzy too. When Papyrus got to the ground, he saw how his brother looked dizzy, and quickly rushed over to him. "SANS ARE YOU OKAY!?" Papyrus said in an extremely worried tone. "Yeah don't worry bro I just over used my magic, that's all." Papyrus was really worried, and decided to lift his brother up. "Uhhh...paps not that I don't mind the free ride, but why are ya doing this?" Sans said in a slightly amused tone. "Well since you look a little dizzy, I thought I could carry you to the couch." Sans gave a small chuckle. " Heheh Alright bro." 

Sans then starts to close his eye sockets, and slowly fall asleep. Papyrus then starts to walk out of the room, and into the living room. When he got there he saw Red sitting on the couch, still looking very p!ssed. Red saw how Papyrus holding Sans, and how he was asleep. Red sighed, and teleported near the two. He then grabbed Papyrus and teleported the them on the couch. Papyrus went to on a corner on the couch and, very gently placed Sans down. Red then goes to a nearby mustard pack, and he rips it open. Just as he was about to drink the mustard, he saw out of the corner of his eye socket that Papyrus was staring. "What do you want?" Red said in less angry voice. "I...wanted to know if... your still mad at me." Papyrus said while looking at the ground. Red gave a sigh. "Papyrus...I'm not mad at you I'm mad at (Y/N) for taking Boss some where, and I'm mad at myself for trusting them. But I defiantly ain't mad at you, but right now I just want some space. That way I have a plan to figure out where Boss is, and how to get him back. " Papyrus then nodded. "Okay, but if you need someone to talk to I am here!" Red gave a small smile and nod. "Aright." Red went back to eating his mustard, Papyrus went to the remote to try and figure out hos it works. But what they both didn't know is that Sans was still awake.

Sans Thought P.O.V

Well...sounds like things between Red and my bro are okay now, I wonder how long that will last, oh well. Red is right though, Boss could be endanger, but she doesn't have that menacing aura. And yet Boss is missing, but something tells me he's in no real danger. But the question remains...where is he?

Back to the present time.

You and Boss arrived at the ice-cream shop, called Baskin-Robbines (Sorry if you don't like or know what this place is. You can change it to a one you know.) You were currently looking for a place to park, and after a car left you took there spot. You take off your seat belt, and gently pick up Boss and place him on your shoulder. After doing that you grab your purse, phone, keys, and after you got out you locked the car. You then head inside to see only a few people in line, and one person had a Toriel bitty on their shoulder. You walk at the end of the line, and look at the ice- cream options along with Boss. "Alright Boss what would you like?" Boss took a moment to look at the options'. "I have narrowed it down to the flavors called strawberry, and this rainbow sherbet." You nodded very gently. "Excellent choice...if you want you can get both in a cone or a bowl, with of course toppings!" Boss was a little surprised. "Really?" "Yup I told you I would make this special for you, and I do my best to keep my word, or a promise." You said smiling. "What are you going to get?" You took a monet to see the options, and soon you saw your favorite ice-cream." I'm gonna get some (F/I/F) (Favorite/Ice-cream/Flavor). Oh...wait I just realized, did you want any toppings?" Boss was quite for a moment. "No I'm okay." You nodded very gently. "Alright well if your sure, then we better get ready to order." You were the next person in line, the women who was at the cashier saw you and gave you a funny look. "What would you like Mrs. ?" She said in a confused tone. "I would like to get a scoop of strawberry, and a rainbow sherbet. Oh..wait...Boss did you want it in a cone or a bowl?" " I would like a cone." You gave a small nod. "And I would like it in a cone, and for me I would like a (F/I/F) in a cone/bowl please and thank you." She gave a nods, and goes to get the bitty size cones, she then gets the two scoops up of ice-cream. After she hands you the very tiny bitty cone, she then starts to get your ice-cream ready.

 After she hands you the very tiny bitty cone, she then starts to get your ice-cream ready

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(Anyone else think the ice-cream in the picture is adorable!?)

You gave Boss his ice-cream, and waited for your order to be ready. Soon the lady gave you your order, and you had already got your credit card ready. After paying for both ice-creams the lady stopped you. "Wait Mrs.! I need to ask you something." You were a bit confused, but you stayed. "Do you need something?" She nodded. " I was wondering if I could ask your bitty a quick question?" You gave a very slow nod. "Excuse me, but did she do this to you?" You were still very confused on what was going on. "NO!, SHE DIDN'T DO ANY OF THIS TO ME!" She nodded her head. "Sorry...I thought that he was in danger, see I also have a bitty who had gone through some stuff, and I was just making sure he was okay." She said looking at the ground. "It's alright, you did the right thing by asking, if I was in your shoes I would have also asked." You said smiling. "Thank you for understanding Mrs., and again I'm really sorry." "It really is okay, no need to apologize." You said giving a small chuckle.

Sorry going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this! Also I would like to thank you all for reading this, giving me stars, and following me! Again thank you all so very much!!!!!!!

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