Page 18

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You get up and head to the laundry room to grab your work clothes. You then head to the bathroom to start changing into your work clothes and putting your hair into a ponytail/bun (it can be breaded if you want.) You then head to the kitchen, and start making your f/b, and getting a cup of f/d. After garbing the breakfast ingredients you started on your breakfast.

--Time skip--

After finishing your breakfast you realize you haven't checked on the bitties. So you quietly tiptoe to your room. As you open the door, you look on the bed, to see four sleeping skeletons.

(Y/N) Thought P.O.V

" Aww, they all look so cute!!! But...I wonder if these guys will be okay, while I'm at work? Maybe I can ask if I can take them to work with me?.... Nope! I hear my boss nagging me already! Okay, I'll just wake them up and let them know I have to go. But...they all look so sleepy. Okay, maybe... if I leave some snacks out and leave some notes around the apartment? They'll be okay...right? 

You close the door, leaving it just a little opened, and head to the kitchen. You look in one of the draws next to the sink. When you open it up you see a notepad and a few pens. You grab the (f/c) pen and tear out two pages of paper. After writing on the two pages of paper, you leave one on the couch. You then tip to back to your room and leave the note on the bed. You quickly head back to the kitchen and start grabbing snacks from the pantry and the fridge, and put them on the couch. But you wonder if Papyrus and Boss will be able to get up? So you grabbed a few books that were on the coffee table and made stairs out of the books. You then look at the time on your phone to see it was almost time to go. You quickly get your purse, hanging from the chair, and head to the door to get your shoes, after getting them on you go out the door, and lock it too.

--Time Skip--

After finding a parking spot you quickly head inside to see Mrs./Mr. (B/N) near the door."(Y/N) you were almost late!'' She/He said in a rude tone "Sorry Mrs./Mr. traffic was-" You were then cut off. "Also...what's with your face? Did someone throw a glass bottle at you? "She/He said in a mocking tone. "No, I-" You were cut off again. "Oh, I'm just teasing you. Now go put your stuff up, and for goodness sakes get your name tag on." She/He said in a rude tone. "Yes, Mrs./Mr.  (B/N)." You quickly head to your locker in the back and place your purse in there. You then open up your purse to grab your name tag, but you see someone you didn't expect. It was Boss! He was in your purse! "Boss!?! What are you doing here!? How did you even get in there!?" You said in a surprised tone. " Well here's what happened."

--Boss Flashback--

"I woke up to the sound of the floorboards creaking, and the door slowly creaking opening up. So I closed my eye sockets again. I waited for a few minutes until the door started to make creaking sounds again. When I look over I see that the door was slightly open. So I got up and went to see what was going on. After I got to the kitchen I see you all dressed up and ready to go. I didn't know where you were going. So I wanted to go with you. I thought you would have said no, so I had to think of another way. That's when I saw your purse hanging from the chair. I then got in and closed the zipper."

Flash back ends

You look at him and start to chuckle, but after a few seconds, you begin to laugh. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!?" Sorry Boss, this just reminds me of something that one of my brothers did, when we were little. Here Boss let's get you out of there." You said in a giggly voice. You gently pick up Boss and place him on your shoulder. You then reach back in your purse and grab your name tag. "Alright...looks like you get to spend a day with me at work. Or maybe...I can ask Mrs./Mr. (b/n) if I can drop you off back" You were cut off. "(Y/N) WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG!!!" You quickly rush to the counter. " What took you so long!? And what's with the pet on your shoulder?" She/He said in a rude tone. "P-pet? Oh, Boss isn't-" You were cut off again. "That thing isn't supposed to be here, and why does it have bandages? You know what...never mind I don't care. If that thing is going to stay here keep it out of trouble Or else! Got it?" They said in a rude tone. " Yes ma'am/sir" " Good now get to work!"

---Time skip---

Throughout the last few hours, you had to deal with a Karen, and a ken. Boss wanted to yell at them so bad, but you told him to calm down, and that you can handle this. A little later you got him a Mini bagel to snack on. You were on the cash register taking people's orders. When a bunny lady walks in.

(Y/N) Thought P.O.V
Whoa so cool! I haven't seen a monster for a long while. Then again it makes sense. I am in one of the most human-populated cities.

(Y/N) P.O.V
"Hello, Mrs. Welcome to the (c/n) (cafe name) what can I get you?" She looked at the menu for a moment. "I'll take a chocolate muffin and a latte. Please and thank you." She said in a kind voice. "Alrighty, Mrs. That will be 5.71. What's the name of your order?" She thought for a moment. " Are initials okay?" I nodded. " M.C.," She said. " Alrighty, thank you very much. I'll let you when it's ready." She nodded and went to go sit down at a table near the window.

Sorry going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed it. 

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