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After the lady again apologized for one hundredth time, and you telling her that it's okay, you and Boss take a table near the window. After sitting down you very carefully place him on the table. You gave an evil smirk to Boss. He was confused at first, but he soon realized what you were going to do. "Bone- " Before you could finish Boss cut you off. "(Y/N) don't you dare." You still had that evil smirk on your face. "Do what?" You said in a joking tone.   "Your going to say a horrible pun!" You had a pretended to look hurt. "I was just going to say bone-apatite." Boss looked completely furious at you. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO TORMENT ME WITH YOUR AWFUL PUNS!?" You gave a shrug. "It's just nice to be me once in awhile."

Boss gave you a confused look, as he started to eat his ice-cream. As soon as he took his first lick his eye-sockets widen up completely. You started to give a chuckle. "Heh, something tells me you really like the ice-cream." Boss didn't move or say anything, he was frozen like a statue. You thought this level of cuteness was too good of an opportunity to pass, so you quickly get your phone and take a picture. "Heh, I'm so going to keeping this as my lock screen background." Boss then snapped out of his trance, and looked very angry. "(Y/N) will delete that picture, and...forget that I made that look." Boss said as he cleared his throat.

"Hmmmmm...No. I really like this picture." You said with a smirk, while showing him the picture. Boss sighed, but then smirked. "You know, your ice-cream is melting." You look to in your left/right hand to see that Boss was right, your ice-cream was starting to drip on your hand, and on to your pants. You quickly get up only to get a napkin only to have the cone break, and the ice-cream fall on the floor.  " ice-cream." Boss was laughing like crazy. "NYEHEHEHEHE-NYEHEHEHEH NYEHEHEHEHEH TH-THIS COULDN'T BE MORE HALIRIOUS!" You gave Boss a really look. You quickly got up to get some napkins from the counter, and start to clean up the mess on your hand and pants. The you quickly finish what's left of your cone, and throw away the used napkins in a nearby trash can. Grabbed some more napkins and starts to clean the mess up, all while Boss was smirking. "Looks like karma got you." You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, yeah." After you finished cleaning the mess, you went to the trash can and threw away the used napkins. Sat back down with a slightly upset look on your face. Boss went back to eating his ice cream like nothing happened.

You grabbed your phone from out of your purse, and searched the web for job positions. You found some that were about an hour away from your apartment. After awhile of searching you found one, Mrs. Mama cry's Bitty Adoption center. You weren't sure if this would be a good idea, but you were a little desperate. So you decided to check out the place tomorrow to see if you'd fit in. While looking out your phone you see the girl from earlier, standing on your right side.

(Y/N): "Ummmm...hi? Did you need something?"

Cashier lady: "Yeah, I saw what happened so I was curious if I could buy you another ice-cream?"

(Y/N): "Oh, you don't have to."

Cashier lady: "I insist."

(Y/N): "Oh thank very much...uhhh...I'm sorry but I don't see your name tag."

Cashier lady: "Oh, my name is Mary. I accidentally left my name tag at my house."

(Y/N): " Well thank you very much Mrs. Marry, but you don't have to do this."

Mary:" Of course I do! It's the least I can do!"

You thanked her again, and as soon as she left you started to play some games on your phone. Boss was completely surprised by what just happened, but he continued to eat his ice-cream. After a few moments later Mary came over with your (F/I/F), and had a napkin with her. "Thank you again, I really appreciate it." She smiled as she nodded her head, and was about to leave when she stopped. You looked at her with a confused look. She started to fiddle with her hands, and looked a little nervous. "Umm...I was wondering if I could get your phone number, you seem like a really nice person and I'd really like to be your friend. 

(Y/N) Thought P.O.V

She-she wants to be my friend? I-I don't understand? Why would she want to be my friend? What if this is just like last time? What if she's just like them? No-no remember what (Mrs./Mr.) (T/N) (Therapist name) said. This is just my anxiety giving me the worst case scenario, and that I need to go to my safe place.

You took a small deep breath, and put on a small fake smile. "Sure, it would be nice to get to know you." Mary looked really happy and gave a smile, she then grabbed her black phone with red hearts and handed it to you. You typed in your name and phone number, and handed her phone back to her. You then handed her your phone, and watched her type her name and number. When she handed your phone back you saw she put an ice-cream emoji by her name. You gave a chuckle, and told her you'd text her later. After she left you started to eat your ice-cream.

While eating you noticed that Boss was finished with his ice-cream and looked a little board, so you propped up your phone so he could play games on it. When you were going to show him the games you had, he clicked on the camera by accident. He was a little surprised, but he saw himself  he did a little pose. His hands on his side, and his head up in the air. You ate your ice-cream as you watched him do other poses. After awhile you finished your ice-cream. Boss saw this and pushed your phone to you. And when you looked in the gallery you saw that he took 15 pictures of himself, each with a different pose. You chuckled as you put your phone in your purse, and place your hand down near Boss. He hopped on your hands, and you put him on your shoulder. You then grabbed your purse, and said goodbye to Mary. You head out of there, and head to your car.

Sorry going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this. And sorry for the late update, I had to study and take a few tests. See you all next time!

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