Chapter 2 Page 14

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---Time Skip to the hangout on Saturday with Mary---


You wake up to a low alarm sound, while the sun shined on your face. You quickly turned off the alarm, still feeling tired. "'s time to wake up...we need to eat some breakfast...and I need to take a shower." You heard mixed sounds of noooooos from Red and Sans. "Guys...I let us sleep in on purpose, we need to wake's almost noon." I hear the sound of tiny running footsteps. "(Y/N)! Me and Boss made breakfast! So we need you to wake up!" You hear Papyrus say with pride. "Indeed. So wake up before I get annoyed. And Red get up, or I'll give your portion to (Y/n)." You quickly get up, making sure you don't fling off Red and Sans. And head to your closet to put on your favorite hangout outfit.

You head out of your room and head to the kitchen to see slightly burned scrambled eggs in a pan, and a makeshift book staircase and rope leading to the stove and fridge. Boss and Papyrus stand proudly at the food they worked so hard on. You grab a plate for yourself and your small friends and a mug for your coffee/tea/juice/milk/water. And two shot glasses for some milk, mustard, and ketchup packs for your small friends. You all eat breakfast all while complimenting Boss and Papyrus about how well they did for making you this breakfast, but you did ask that next time they wake you up before they start cooking so you can watch some masters in session. They both looked proud and agreed to allow you to watch them. After finishing breakfast you all head down to the car and start driving to Marys' house for the hangout, it took about 15 minutes to get there. You had 3 minutes to spare and decided to talk with your tiny friends.

As you pulled into Mary's driveway, a wave of excitement mixed with a touch of nervousness washed over you. You parked the car and took a deep breath, turning to your tiny friends who were in your purse/on your shoulders. They looked up at you with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. "Remember, guys, just be yourselves and have fun," you reassured them. "And if you ever feel uncomfortable or want to come back to the car, just let me know." You saw nods of understanding from each of them, and you couldn't help but smile at their bravery. With the courage in hand, you made your way to Mary's front door and rang the bell. After a few moments, the door opened, revealing Mary with a welcoming smile on her face.

"(Y/N)! So good to see you!" She greeted you warmly, then glanced at your tiny friends. "And these must be your tiny friends! How adorable!" You introduced Mary to each of your tiny friends, and they all gave her friendly waves and greetings in their unique ways. Papyrus, being the enthusiastic one, practically shouted, "HELLO, NEW FRIEND! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" Red, always the cool and collected one, simply nodded and said, "Sup." Sans, with his perpetual grin, chimed in, "hey there, heh." Boss, maintaining his usual stern demeanor, gave a respectful nod. "I am Boss. A pleasure to see you again."

Mary's eyes sparkled with delight as she interacted with your tiny friends. "Oh, they're wonderful! Come on in, everyone. I've set up a whole play area for the bittys, and I even made some tiny snacks for them." You followed Mary into her living room and saw the play area, was like a miniature wonderland, complete with tiny furniture, a little playground, and even a small swimming pool filled with some tiny inflatables. "Wow, this is incredible!" you exclaimed, impressed by Mary's dedication to creating a bitty-friendly environment.

As you set down your tiny friends to explore their new surroundings they came in contact with Mary's three bittys. One was made out of blue fire, wearing a black suit, and white gloves with a blue tie. The other one was a white ghost with black headphones and a pink scarf that had small red hearts. The other one looked like a pink robot wearing a hot pink leather jacket, black leather pants, and a pink feather scarf. You looked at Mary for an introduction. "These are my friends. The ghost-type bitty is named Wisp, and next to him is our blue fire friend named Peppermint. And finally saving the best for last is our rising star! The one and only...Sirius!" 

You smiled as you watched your tiny friends and Mary's bittys begin to interact. It was fascinating to see how different and unique each of these little personalities was. Papyrus, always eager to make new friends, struck up a conversation with Sirius, the stylish pink robot. "HELLO, SIRIUS! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! IT'S A PLEASURE TO MEET SUCH A COOL-LOOKING FELLOW!" Sirius, with a confident and flamboyant demeanor, gave Papyrus a theatrical bow. "Why, hello there, Papyrus! The pleasure is all mine, darling. I must say, your sense of style is quite impressive as well!" Papyrus beamed with happiness from receiving such a nice compliment. Red, who was usually reserved, seemed to hit it off with Peppermint, the blue fire bitty. They shared nods and smiles, silently appreciating each other's company. Sans, true to his laid-back nature, found common ground with Wisp, the ghost bitty, they both seemed to enjoy a more relaxed conversation. Wisp even let Sans borrow his headphones to listen to some tunes.  Boss, being the cautious and observant one, kept a close eye on the interactions but remained reserved for the time being.

As your tiny friends and Mary's bittys started to engage in various activities, from playing games to sharing stories, you and Mary took a seat to chat, far away from the play area but just enough to keep an eye on them. "Soooo... Mary how'd... you meet your tiny friends?" Mary looked slightly taken aback. "Oh, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable. I was... just curious. " Mary shook her head. "It's fine. I kind of did tell you back at the ice cream shop that I had a bitty who went through some unpleasant situations. Well, Peppermint is actually the first bitty I adopted and brought home." You looked very intrigued by this. "Really?" Mary nodded. " Yes. I actually found him a few years ago on the 5th of October. It was raining that day, and I wanted to go grab some snacks, but my car was still in the shop because the engine was acting up, so I had to walk with an umbrella. And when I was halfway there I saw something lightly glowing in the bushes, I looked and saw a tiny blue flame bitty. He was passed out in the bushes and wore nothing but a baggy tee shirt and gloves. I scooped him up and ran as fast as I could to bring him home. I actually called in sick that very day and stayed with for three days, nursing back to health." 

You looked at Mary with admiration and respect. "That was a very noble and kind thing of you to do." She smiled. "Thanks. I appreciate it. Anyway,  when he woke up he was at first slightly timid to be around me, and after a few weeks, he got used to me. Then one day I woke up to find him resting on top of me with a folded sheet of paper, he woke up and handed it to me. I open it up and see a drawing of me and him hugging each other, and underneath the drawing, he writes 'Will you please adopt me?' I can't tell you how happy I was, that same day I went out with him to get his adoption papers signed. He was so happy, and I was too." You looked at Mary with such a big happy grin. The story tugged at your heartstrings. "Wow! I'm happy that you decided to get snacks that day!" Mary started to laugh. "You and me both. I swear I should thank my sweet tooth for dragging me out of bed!" You and Mary both started to die of laughter.

 ---Sorry I'm going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this page! See you all next time!---

You and Your Bitty PalsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz