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You head out of your apartment, locking the door, and heading to your car. When you arrive at it you unlock it and get in very carefully. Making sure the bittys are alright, you set your purse with Sans, and Boss in it, on the passenger seat. You then put your seat belt on, then grab your phone, and get google maps on. After getting the addressee, it will take a total of 17 minutes to get there, you start the car, and drive to the location. (Authors note: The place your going is not a bitty adoption center, just a clothing store for bittys of all types.) 

--Time skip--

You arrived, and are looking for a parking spot. After finding a parking spot, you get out and locked the car. They started to head to the store. When you get inside the store you see shelves full of tiny clothes, and shoes, and their not that many people in the store. You grab a basket near the door, then head to a nearby shelf, and place Papyrus, Red, Sans, Boss, on the shelf. They then start walking to some clothes.

 Everybody P.O.V

 (Y/N): Alright guys let me know If anything catches your eye sockets.


Sans: Hehe nice bro.


Sans: Nice, I didn't even notice, thanks a Ton for keeping an eye out. A skeleton!


Sans: heheheheh! Awww, come on bro your smiling.

Papyrus: I am, and I hate It.

(Y/N): Hehehe. Alright, I assume you both want these clothes?


(Y/N): No problem Papyrus. Alright, I'll place these In the basket. Oh, and when Boss and Red are done picking out their clothes, let's get you all some shoes.

Sans: We can get shoes?

(Y/N): Yes?

Sans: And we can pick out which ones we want?

(Y/N): Yes?

Papyrus: WOWIE?!?!!! THANK YOU (Y/N)!!!!

(Y/N): No problem Papyrus?

(Authors note: I'm so sorry I completely forgot to mention that they don't have any shoes.)

You then put the black shorts, with a white stripe in the middle,  white shirt, and blue jacket in. And then you put the battle body into the basket too, along with a white pair of socks. ( Sorry It's a little hard for me to describe the battle body armor for Papyrus.

While you were waiting for Red, and Boss to pick their clothes. You, Sans, and Papyrus were just talking. Mostly you and Sans were just telling some bad puns, and Papyrus was begging both of you to stop. After you were talking about what they liked, and disliked. You found out that Papyrus thinks that Junior Jumble is hard for him and that Sans hate having to do any work. After a good ten minutes of waiting Boss, and Red come to you. Red was holding clothes similar to Sans, but the jacket was black, the shirt was the color red,  and the shorts were black with a gold strip down the middle. Along with two pairs of red socks. (The same problem I can't describe the battle body with Boss. Sorry again.)

(Everybody P.O.V)

   (Y/N): Hey Boss, hey Red found some clothes you like?

Red: Yeah we both got the ones we like.

(Y/N): Nice. Alright, now the only thing we need to do Is get you all some shoes.

Red:... We can get some shoes?

(Y/N): Yes? Not going to lie, It's bugging me that you guys don't have shoes. And don't ask why. I don't know why either, It just bugs me.

Red: And we can pick them out?

(Y/n): Yes?

Sans: Believe me I'm just as surprised as you.

Boss: let's just get this over with.

(Y/N): R-Right sorry to make you wait. Here hand me the clothes. And then hop on my hands, and I'll take you all to the shoes.

You take the clothes from both Red and Boss and place It In the basket with the rest of the clothes. After doing that you then place both hands down, for the Bitties to get on. Sans and Red teleported to your hands. Both Papyrus and Boss were kinds of yelling at their brother for teleporting when they only had to walk a few centimeters. You thought It was kind of funny how they acted, and thought It was cute. But then a thought came in why would anyone hurt them?

 (Y/N) Thought P.O.V

Hahahaha, man, these guys are really funny! But... I-I don't get It, why would anyone hurt them? How could any human hurt them? They have been nothing but a delight to hang out with. I don't get It. But then again humans are a real mystery when it comes to stuff like this. Then they act like they don't need an excuse to hurt or cause pain to someone. Sigh..... I hate to think about what these guys had to endure with their last owner. It's not far these guys got a bad owner. Man, I hope that when I take them to the adoption center they will find a much better owner. One that will give them lots of love, care, and attention.                                      Thought P.O.V Ends

After Boss and Papyrus were done scolding their brothers about being lazy bones. You take them all to where the shoes were at. And you place them on a shelf full of little shoes, in many different colors, and sizes. Papyrus looked happy. Sans was a little surprised, and happy at the same time. Red also looked happy, and somewhat relaxed. Boss looked uncomfortable and annoyed. Soon they all started to try on different things. Sans was trying on some pink slippers, that looked soft and comfy. Papyrus was trying on some red-looking boots. Red was putting on some red sneakers. Boss found some red high heel boots. He looked like he liked them. This made you smile, and snicker a little bit at them.

Sorry going to have to stop here

 Hello, I'm so sorry for the late update. I kind of got caught up with some school-related things. 

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