Chapter 2 Page 11

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"I'm gonna go talk to James so I know how to properly help all of you, epically Boss here." You walk towards the front where James and Dewdrop were. You saw James still holding onto that orange folder, looking at you with a concerned look. "So...everything okay?" James said trying to lighten the mood. You shrugged. "Everything is fine now, but I think all of us can agree we all have some issues we all need to work on. And I'm probably going to have to look for a therapist for my small friends. " Dewdrop flew right in front of you. "Well, you'll be happy to know that a few therapists come here for free! Momma Cry talked to a few nearby communities and schools to have some people come over here to talk with a few of us! Meetings start next week on Wednesday!" 

You looked very relieved. "Perfect! Thank you for telling me! I'll talk with them and encourage them to try it out!" James looked at you trying to figure you out. "What do you mean by encouraging them? You aren't going to force them to do it?" You looked slightly upset. "No. I refuse to force them to do something they aren't ready to do. I...I know that people need to be pushed into things that they don't want to do to get better, but I feel as if it's too soon. Ya know?" 

  James smiled. "Of course. It's nice to see you care about them deeply." You nodded. "Yeah. Oh and before I forget can you tell me what I can do to help my companions?" James nodded. " may want...sit down for this." You looked confused until you realized that James was going to tell you some information that Boss, Sans, Red, and Papyrus didn't want you to know. "Wait...I know their conditions aren't the best, but I just want to know how to take care of them." You saw how James raised an eyebrow. "I know it's your job to inform people about what's going on with their bitty, but I want to hear it from them." James nodded. "Alright." 

  James started to explain how Boss, Red, and Papyrus would need to be extra cared for since they got injected with extra magic to help them heal. That and for them to come back for a few checkups. James also explained how Sans is the least hurt one out of all of them, which you both admitted was surprising. After a few minutes, James explained how they would all be checked back up in a few weeks you agreed and decided to end the conversation there. Before you could leave James handed you that envelope had in his hand the whole time. You opened it up to see adoption papers.

 You opened it up to see adoption papers

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 You looked at James in shock. "Is this what I think it is?" James nodded. "Yup. Think of it as a welcome to the job gift." You extended out your hand in appreciation. James shook your hand with a goofy grin. "Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you so much!" Dewdrop flew onto James' shoulder with a big grin. "I think this will be a nice surprise for them." Dewdrop said with his wings fluttering slightly in excitement. You nodded. "Do you guys have a pen I can borrow?" Before James could say anything Dewdrop pulled out a pen out of nowhere. You were very interested in where he hid that pen but now was not the time. Dewdrop flew over to you with the pen in hand. "Thank you dewdrop!" Dewdrop smiled at you and gave you a thumbs-up.

   You walked back into the room where the bittys were. They were still on the table looking a little gloomy. "Hey, guys." The bittys looked at you with shame and embarrassment. "James didn't give the details of what exactly is going on with all of you, but he did tell me how some of you got injected with extra magic to help you heal better." As soon as you said that a sigh of relief washed over them all. "And...I have a little surprise for you all, think of it as a way to move forward and... a peace offering. That and an apology for making you all worry." You walked over to the group with the envelope in hand. "Do you guys want to know what it is?" Sans gave you a small nod.  "Whatever, and sure." Red said as he rolled his eye lights. "Yes please!" Papyrus said trying to get out of his gloomy state. "As long as it isn't something ridiculous." Boss said with his arms crossed. You nodded. "Of course. I can promise it's not. But I need you all to close your eyes first!" 

They all did except for Boss who did hesitate for a moment but did it anyway. You grabbed out the four certificates and place all four in front of each of them. You smiled with a big grin. "Alright, open your eyes and look at the ground!" They all opened and saw the adoption papers. They were all taken aback by this not moving for a few moments, that was until Sans started to cry a little, trying his best to hold back the upcoming tears. Red, Papyrus, and Boss were all soon starting to either cry or tear up. "Oh no! I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry! This was a terrible idea I-" You were cut off. "NO! WE-WE L-LOVE IT! WE! WE!" Papyrus started to go on a full sobbing. 

You felt your heart split in two seeing your friends crying like this. So you decided to engulf the whole group in a big hug, which led to you sinking to the floor. They held onto you, tightly all while sobbing, you also started to cry too. "th-thank you! thank-thank you!" Sans said holding onto your apron still crying his little eyes out. Hearing this you started to cry even harder, hugging them a little tighter refusing to let them get go. Boss was holding  your hand, crying and shaking. "th-this b-b-better n-n-not be some c-cruel prank!" Red said barely getting through the sentence. "Of course not! Y-You boneheads! We're family!" You said trying to calm both yourself and them down. Hearing this they all started to cry even more. 

You tried your best to calm them all down, including yourself, but you had no luck. James and Dewdrop came in and saw how you were struggling to handle the situation. After a good 10 minutes of James helping you all calm down, the tension in the room began to dissipate. James had a calming presence, and his soothing words and reassuring demeanor helped ease the whole group. As James continued to provide support and comfort to the group, Dewdrop,  the empathetic soul, fluttered around, attending to the needs of everyone present. With gentle grace, Dewdrop placed a water bottle in front of you, knowing that staying hydrated was essential during times of stress. The sight of the eyedropper and tiny cups for your miniature companions brought a smile to your face, realizing that even the smallest members of your group were being cared for.

Dewdrop then presented a bag of tiny chocolate chip cookies, carefully placing them on the ground next to you. The aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the room, instantly lifting everyone's spirits. It was a small gesture, but one that carried immense meaning—comfort and solace in the form of delectable treats.

Grateful for the thoughtful gesture, you distributed the miniature cups to your tiny companions, filling them with water from the eyedropper. Each bitty eagerly sipped from their cups, finding solace in the simple act of nourishment. Their tiny voices filled the room with a soft chatter as they nibbled on the tiny chocolate chip cookies, everyone soon started to feel better and less worked up. You looked at James and Dewdrop and mouthed a thank you. They both responded with a smile.

---Sorry I have to stop right here I hope you all enjoyed this page! See you all next time!---

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