Chapter 2 Page 1

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Boss looked at the weird-looking machine not knowing if he was lying. He looked at his friends and his brother, even Papyrus who just shrugged. Boss sighed, summoned the strongest magical attack he could, and hit the target right in the middle. The machine gave a strange noise and sound. Boss felt a sharp pain in his bones and hissed at the pain. He fell to his knees clenching his ribs in pain. James noticed this and tried to help, but Boss didn't want his help. He tried to run but couldn't, Red summoned his Gaster Blasters, and Sans also summoned his magic. Papyrus didn't know what to do, he was caught in the middle of all this. James backed away with his hands in the air and slowly sat down on the floor.

The group was surprised by this but kept their guard up. "Hey. I know you don't want people to touch you. But from what those readings just said, along with the way you're in pain you need help. I want to be able to help you, I know you have no reason at all to trust me. But I guarantee I'm not like some of the humans you've met before. I know that you guys aren't pets, I know you aren't just some toy that can easily be replaced. I know you all have a high intelligence of a young adult, though it depends on the bitty type." The group stared at him.

James slowly stood up with his hands raised in the air. " Here how about this, one or all of you can have your attacks out and aim at me. If I do anything funny or if I'm hurting your friend you all can attack me if you want, and I won't do anything about it." Red looked at him with anger, he knew he wasn't lying, but he still didn't like it. "Ya know we can easily kill ya in a few seconds flat. You expect us to believe a word you say?" James was shocked and stared at Red with disbelief. Red looked confused. "What the hell are you gawking at?" James snapped out of it. "nothing. Just got a little surprised for a split second. You don't have to trust me as a human, but you can trust me as a vet who is willing to help you."

The group looked confused, but Papyrus was the only one who knew what to do. "Okay! We'll trust you just this once! But I do ask that you don't tell (Y/N) everything. Pretty please and thank you!" Boss looked at Papyrus with a drained look. He sighed and turned back to James. He beckoned James to come closer. James understood and went in, to get a closer look. James saw how Boss was bleeding out a little bit of magic. He quickly went to grab all the materials necessary to help Boss.

After grabbing the necessary materials he quickly put on a pair of rubber gloves. He quickly went over to Boss and grabbed something from the nearby pile of stuff. It was a tiny hospital gown. He handed it to Boss and even grabbed a tiny changing room. So that way Boss could have some privacy. Boss understood and quickly and painfully went in. As Boss was getting dressed James got a few more for the rest of the group. Red saw how long he and Sans were. Red didn't like what he was seeing. "Ya trying to piss me off!?" James looked confused. "Ya trying to say something about our height! Ya asshole!" James realized why he was so mad. "No. We ran out of the appropriate size for a Bitty Sans. So I had to go with the Bitty Papyrus size." Red rolled his eyes light as he looked at the oversized hospital gown. He looked like he was wearing a dress that was way too long for him.

Boss came out of the tiny dressing room with his clothes neatly folded in one hand and his boots in his other hand. Boss came out and saw how there was a tiny bench attached to the dressing room. He sat his clothes on the bench and put his boats beside it. As he looked at James, he saw a privacy screen at another table. James brought over a cart from that other table. "Now Boss I'm going to slowly pick you up and put you on the cart. That way you don't try and bite me or feel uncomfortable." Boss sighed but he nodded. James slowly picked him up and placed him on the cart. And took Boss over to the secluded space, for some privacy from the others. Boss saw a small medical bed for him to sit on. "Alright Boss. I'm going to need you to lie down, that way I can remove the bandages on you and put on a gel that's going to help your bones heal better. Then I'm going to put medical bandages on and slowly wrap around it then I'm going to put a spray that's going to make them stick to you a little better. At any time you're uncomfortable please tell me then I'll give you a moment to breathe. If you want you can have your brother over here to keep you safe and to keep an eye on me. Do you want that?" Boss was laying on the bed and shaking a little. He slowly nodded. James understood what Boss wanted, and was about to walk over when he felt a weight on his shoulder. He saw the tiny bitty named Red on his shoulder. "I'm here Boss. Don't worry, I'll watch the quack." Red said while holding a Gaster blaster next to him. Boss looked a little calmer but didn't want to appear weak so he kept his tough guy act up. "Alright Boss. I'm going to start is that okay?" Boss took a deep breath in and looked at Red and then at James. "Yes."

---Sorry gonna stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this! I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to update for so long. I will do better to write as often as I can. I hope that you guys can accept my apologies. I hope that you all have a wonderful day!---

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