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---Time skip to dinner---

You heard a loud rumbling sound. It sounded like you would have a mini lawnmower in your stomach if you could. You looked pretty surprised by how loud it was. The skeleton group looked at you with wide eye sockets. "Heh. Dinner time from the sounds of it." Sans said with a carefree smile. You rolled your eyes at him. "Yeah, yeah."

You grabbed your phone to see it was pretty much dinner time. You looked at Boss with a distressed look. You realized that you won't have any time to make what Boss wanted for dinner. You knew you would have to do it for tomorrow's dinner. You felt really bad, not only that but you were worried that Boss would be upset. And to add on top of all that you felt exhausted.

 You were about to speak when Papyrus saw your face. "Human, what's wrong?" You looked at Papyrus with a still worried look. "Oh...umm...I just realized that I might have to make the dinner Boss wanted for tomorrow. Not only that but I feel really tired and exhausted right now, I don't know why though." I waited to get scolded by Boss....but nothing happened. "Oh no! Are you okay (Y/N)?" Papyrus said in a worried tone. "Yeah, just tired, not only that but my back is kind of killing me too." As soon as I said that Boss had a worried look on him. " Why is your back killing you?" Boss said in a concerned tone. " Well...sleeping on the couch wasn't exactly the greatest, it wasn't terrible, just not the greatest. And tackling a guy onto the ground wasn't exactly the best thing for my back, don't regret it though, but don't worry I'll be fine. "

 Sans looked at me. " is getting late. I say we eat whatever's left of the pizza, and any snacks we got here." Sans said while shrugging. The rest thought for a moment and nodded in agreement with what Sans mentioned. "I agree with Smiles. We all should just take it easy." Red said while stretching. You could hear his bones pop a little here and there. You snickered a little at Red. "Are... you all sure I don't mind making something for all of y'all." They all nodded in agreement. You get a few slices for you, Sans, and Red, then head to the kitchen and put the slices in the microwave. While waiting you get some (Favorite chips) for Papyrus and Boss. And when the microwave was finished you head back to the couch with all the food in your hands.

---Time Skip after you finished with dinner---

After finishing the food you got all the cups, bowls, and plates out of the Livingroom into the kitchen sink. You were going to do the dishes early in the morning, before going to the bitty center to possibly get a job there. You head back to the couch, and turn off the tv, and head to your room and place the bitties down. 

You head to the bathroom and start brushing your teeth, after finishing you head to your closet to get your other rob. When you are about to leave Boss says something you didn't expect to hear. "Where do you think your going (Y/N)?"  Boss said while standing up with his arms folded. You tilted your head slightly while looking very confused. "I'm going to the couch to sleep there?" You said very confusedly about what was going on and wondered if you did something wrong. "Who said you were sleeping on the couch tonight? Do any of you remember saying that?" 

You heard every one of them saying no or nope. You looked very confused about what exactly was going on. Boss had a smug look on his face. "Well, it would seem like you're staying with us tonight. Wheater you like it or not." You were still confused about what was going on until it clicked to you, they just wanted you to stay with them. "Pfft, alright Boss you guys win, looks like I'm staying here." You say as you jokingly put your hands up in defeat. 

Boss and the rest looked very happy. They all moved to where the pillow was and waited for you. You lay down with them and pulled the blanket onto yourself. Sans got in your hair next to your right ear. Papyrus took your left shoulder and cuddled into your neck. Boss took your right shoulder and cuddled into your neck. Red got into your hair next to your left ear. You smiled and slowly started to close your eyes. "Goodnight guys, see y'all in the morning."

Everyone thought P.O.V

Papyrus: This is amazing! My brother and friends finally found someone who loves us! NYHEHEHEHEH. This is truly a dream come true for us! I cannot wait to spend more time with (Y/N), and get to know her even more! I'm so glad she found us in that box. I'm SO HAPPY! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE HAVE AN OWNER THAT'S JUST AS GREAT AS ME, WHICH IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE, BUT HERE SHE IS! NYEHEHEHEHE.

Sans: Heh... this is pretty nice, we got a human that loves us, we have a home, and we know we can trust her, I can feel it in my skin. But all jokes aside this human is different from most I've met. Maybe we can even tell her about... H...I...M...Nah better not, unless she asks then maybe. I'm thinking about all the bad times we had with... I...I better stay up a little just to be safe.

Boss: nice and warm. Nyhe I'm glad that Papyrus and Red were right about (Y/N). Though something is not right's far too quiet. Hmmm...I might have to do a perimeter check, and look for a suitable spot for MY GREAT AND TERRIBLE TRAPS! NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH. 

Red: Man this is kind of nice, I can fall asleep without staying awake until midnight. Though I should do a quick check around here, just to be on the safe side.

Going to have to stop here. I hope you all enjoyed this page. I would also like to thank you for all of your patience.

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