Page 6

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Boss P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of crying and sniffling. I look around to see my brother was gone, and the door wasn't closed all the way. I start running towards the door. I knew I was right we couldn't trust the human!!! I must save him!!! I run to where the crying was and saw my brother crying, and saw the human about to say something. I quickly summoned a sharp bone and hit the human. When I did the human started to look around to see where it came from, and then she saw me. I screamed. "GIVE ME BACK MY BROTHER!!!!!!"

Miss understanding 

"Boss wh-what's going on? Why did you- "LET GO OF MY BROTHER RIGHT NOW!!!!" He looked completely furious. "Bo-boss what are you doing?" Red said. "I'M SAVING YOU FROM THE HUMAN!!!" Boss got another attack ready. "I don't..sniff.. need saving!" Boss looked in disbelief for a split second. "THE HUMAN IS ABOUT TO HURT YOU!!!" "No, she is not!! (Y/N) can you please put me down?" You were surprised that he said your name. "Ye-yeah sure here you go." You gently placed him down, he immediately ran to his brother and explained what happened.

--Time skip 10 minutes later--

 Boss P.O.V

"So the humans was comforting you when you started to cry?" Red looked at the ground for a split second. "Ye-yes bro." Boss wasn't completely convinced. "This doesn't make any sense why would she comfort you?" "I'm just as confused as you bro, but I do know one thing." "What's that? " "That she is nothing like our old owner. I think that Paps was right, I think we're safe here." "BROTHER NOT YOU TOO!!!"   Red put up his hands in defense. "Look bro I know that you don't like her or trust her, but I do think you should at least apologize to her." Bos looked mad. "NO NO NO NO!!!! I REFUSE TO APOLOGIZE TO THAT HUMAN!!! HOW DARE YOU EVEN SUGGEST THAT!!!" "So-sorry boss!" As much as I hate to say he might have a point the human did comfort him and didn't try to harm him. Maybe I should- NO NO NO THIS IS ALL A TRICK!! Boss thought.

Red Thought P.O.V 

I'm not going to lie I'm just as surprised as my brother when I told him that this place feels safe. I'm still on the fence about this human, but then again not all humans are the same, this one does seem pretty harmless. I look behind me to see that Sans and Paps are there, with a confused, and concerned look on their faces. I get the feeling they are going to ask about all the yelling and screaming, I also turn around to see that the human is drinking some weird liquid from a cup. It strangely smells good.

(Y/N) Thought P.O.V

I think I'll just leave Red to explain what happened, might as well clean the blood off the ground, and my cheek. Why... do I feel like I'm forgetting something? ..... MY (F/B) I forgot to finish making it, and my coffee!! I better hop to it. I finish my breakfast and the rest of my coffee. That's when I noticed that Red is staring at me.  He must have finished explaining what happened to his brother. I look over to see Sans, and Papyrus with a confused look on their faces. I put my mug down.

 "So... I assume that you two must have some questions about all the noise, and what happened, am I right?" They both said yes. "Okay.. how about this, I'll tell you what happened after you guys eat some breakfast.  Sound alright to you?" They both said okay. "Alright, do you guys want french toast or eggs with sausage?" "French toast!!!"  said Papyrus as he raised his hand. "Some eggs and sausage sound egg-xcellent. Sans said while laughing. "SANS IT TOO EARLY FOR YOUR AWFUL PUNS!!!!"  You were chuckling a little. "Sans you really crack me up." Papyrus looked annoyed. "UGHHHH NOT YOU TOO!!!" You were chuckling still. "Okay okay, I'll stop for now. What do you want Boss and Red?"  "I...I want some French toast. Red said. "French toast," Boss said with a flat tone. "Okay I'll get started right away, you guys can go wait on the couch, and watch some t.v.

---Time skip 15 minutes later---

You look over to the couch to see them watching (Name of your favorite t.v show) (For me Steven universe, don't judge.) you thought it was really cute, on how focused they were on the t.v. You set the plates on the table, with some napkins. (yes the french toast, and eggs are bitty size) And grabbed two cups with milk and two straws. Next, you headed to the fridge, grabbing a ketchup pack, and a mustard pack too. You place them on the table, and headed to the couch, and said breakfast was ready. Sans and Red teleport to your hands, next Papyrus ran to your hands, while Boss walked over. You take them to the table and gently place them down. "Hope you guys enjoy the food, let me know if you want more." Papyrus looked happy. "THANK YOU (Y/N)!!!" Sans looked hungry. "Thanks for the grub." Red also looked hungry too. "Thanks (Y/N)."  Boss just stayed quiet and ate his food.

---Time Skip 15 minutes later---

You were cleaning the dishes from the bittys, and yourself as well. When you finished you head back to the table, and sit down. "So I understand that you guys have some questions about all the screaming, and yelling correct?" "Yes, what happened?" Papyrus said while tilting his head. "Red is it alright I tell them what happened or do you not want me to tell?" Red looked a little mad. "Why are you asking me?" "Well, it's always good to ask, because you might want to tell them yourself." Red was still looked mad. "I don't give an F#ck who tells them." You nodded. " Okay, here's what happened I went into my room to check up on you guys to make sure you guys were okay. Next, I closed the door and headed to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast since all of you were still asleep. While I was making (F/B) I felt like I was being watched, and at first, I thought I was being silly so I tried to ignore it. But I just couldn't shake the feeling, and so I look to see Red was watching me. I was kinda confused so I asked him what he was doing out here. He then looked really scared so I was about to ask what happened when he started to apologize for leaving the room. I turned off the stove, walked over and he started to cry, saying how sorry he was. I then picked him up and hugged him then told him that he had nothing to apologize for. Then Boss came over and thought that I was hurting him or I was about to hurt him. Then he threw a sharp bone at me, and yelled saying to give him back his brother. Then Red told him that this was all a misunderstanding. And that's the short version of why there was screaming,  and yelling.

Sorry but going to have to stop here. I hoped you enjoyed this page. The next update will be soon, until then Stay Determined!!!!!!

You and Your Bitty PalsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ