Page 11

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You walk back to the table and grab their candy, open the bags for them, and head to the fridge to grab a ketchup pack. You then head over back to the couch to give the Bittys their candy, and the ketchup pack to Sans. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

"Here you guys are. Do you guys want anything else?" "NO THANK YOU (Y/N)!" "Yeah, thanks." Sans said with a small smile. "No problem." I see Red eyeing Sans and his ketchup pack. "Oh, Red did you want me to get you a mustard pack?" He looked up at me. Yeah. Alright, one moment. I walk to the fridge and grab a mustard pack. I walk back to the couch and hand Red his mustard pack. Thanks. No problem. I then see Papyrus taking a small piece of cotton candy, he placed it in his mouth, and I could see his eyes/eye sockets light up. THIS IS SO GOOD!! SANS YOU MUST TRY THIS! Sans then takes a small piece and places it in his mouth. Wow, your right bro this is good! Sans then try his, it was banana flavored Laffy taffy. He had a really big smile on his face. I see him reading the joke on the wrapper, and chuckling at it. I smile, then see Red unwrap a red starburst, and place it in his mouth. He had a huge smile on his face. HOLY F#CKING SH!T THIS IS F#CKING GOOD! Hehe, I told you guys would like it.

 I see Sans glaring at Red. Hehe, you guys are funny. ( Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? Did I forget to close the fridge? No, I would never forget that. I know it had something to do with food. Ah now I remember, the spaghetti, and hot dogs.) Hey guys I'll be right back. Where are you going? Papyrus said in a confused toneOh, I just have to go and see if I have the stuff for dinner. That way I don't have to go to the store three times. Oh Okay! Papyrus said in a smile. (Hehe so cute.) I then leave and head to the kitchen.

Sans thought P.O.V 

I'm not going to lie she was right this candy stuff is good, and the jokes are pretty funny. I'm glad Papyrus likes his candy too. Red looks like he is enjoying himself. Boss still looks a little tense but at the same time a little calm. I'm not going to lie this human is full of surprises. Now that I think about it living here would be quite nice. It's peaceful, we are getting fed, and (Y/N) does seem quite harmless. Better see how the rest of the day plays out, before making my final decision.

(Y/N) thought P.O.V

Yes! I have all the stuff to make dinner! I only have to go out twice today. I then notice the time on the oven, it was 9:00 AM. Man time flies by! Wait I almost forgot I still need to get them some new clothes. Hmmm... I think there should be a Bitty clothing store nearby. It should be opened by now. Better tell the guys to get ready to leave again. I hope Boss won't be too annoyed.

Boss Thought P.O.V

How can they be so relaxed? Even Sans is relaxed, and he is never relaxed around humans. I don't get it. How can they be relaxed after what a human did to us!? HOW CAN MY FRIEND AND MY BROTHER SAY THAT THIS HUMAN IS DIFFERENT!? NO HUMAN IS DIFFERENT THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. THEY ALL WANT THE SAME THING TO HURT SOMETHING SMALLER THAN THEM! I DON"T CARE WHAT I HAVE TO DO WE ARE LEAVING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

You walk back to the couch to see Sans, Papyrus,  Red eating their candy, and you see a very  p!ssed looking Boss. You walk over to the couch causing them all to look at you.

Everybody P.O.V

Y/N: Umm.....hey guys good news I got all the stuff for dinner. And umm... there should be a  Bitty clothing store nearby, and I was wondering If we could leave now? If not I understand.

Sans: I don't mind.

Red: Same


Boss: Whatever let's just get going. He said in a flat tone.

Y/N: Alright let me get my purse, then we'll head out. I walk over to the table and grabbed my purse. Then headed to the couch, and turned off the tv. Alright, who wants to ride in my purse, and who wants to ride on my shoulder? I then feel something on my shoulder, I look to see who It was, It was Red. I call shoulder. I then gave a small smile to him. I THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD LIKE TO RIDE ON YOUR SHOULDER! Okay, hope on the, I said placing my hands next to him. NYEHEH THANK YOU! No problem. Alright wh- Wait where's Sans?! I'm right here. I look to see Sans in my purse. Oh, right I forgot that you and Red can do magic. Sorry about that. Meh all good, he said giving me a thumbs up. Heh, alright Boss what about you? I'll take the purse, he said in a flat tone. Alright, here you are, I said placing my hands down next to him. He hops on, I then put him in the purse pocket. Alright, are we all ready to go? I hear a wave of yes. Alright, then let's go.

Sorry going to have to stop here. I hoped you enjoyed this page. I'm sorry it took me a while to update. I will try and update a little sooner. Also, Remember to Stay Determined!!!!!!

I would also like to give a few shout-outs! I would like to thank:










Thank you very much for following me! And for giving my story some stars I deeply apricate It!!! I also want to say thank you to the rest of you for reading my story!

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