"Ah... Excellent! It was the right house!"


"May I come in?"

Lucette stared at him in slight disbelief. Out of the ones she has met, this guy was the first one to actually ASK to come in. Hell, he even used the front door!

"Erm, sure..." She moved out of his way and the man stepped in, but stopped before he got all the way in. With an outstretched hand, he calmly said.

"You may call me Victus."

Lucette looked at his hand. He wanted to shake her hand. At least she finally got his name. Knowing this, she smiled at him and took it.

"I'm Lucette..."

The man, named Victus, actually, for once, smiled. It was a tiny smile, but it was more than his usual expressions. He continued to walk inside and made a beeline for the sofa, where Ichthys was half asleep on.

"Excessive need to rest... Hmmm..."

"Ehhh? What? Is that you Santa?"

"I'm not even going to answer that..."

"Why are you here? You didn't answer me last time..."

Corvus had flown from where he was, perched on the stairs, and parked himself on the edge of the sofa. Lucette had walked over, but kept her distance. She still recognised him but at the same time she did not.

"Do you two gentleman mind coming with me?" Victus flat out ignored Corvus' question and asked one of his own.

"Why?" Corvus instantly replied back.

"It's a matter that concerns.... Upstairs...." Victus used an index finger to point up into the air.

"I'm going to go upstairs and read, so you three can... erm... Do what you need to do..." Lucette said while overhearing what was going on. She was carrying the books she brought back with her.

"You do that my dear..."

Lucette smiled at Victus. It was the first time he sounded less monotone and bored. She smiled at him again, and headed straight upstairs.

Lucette got to her bedroom door but, with one hand on the handle, she was curious about what they were going to talk about. However, she also wanted to respect it. Taking a deep breath, she chose the better option, headed into her room and closed the door. She was no longer even a tiny bit curious about what was going on downstairs. Heading over to her wardrobe, she pulled out her purple bean bag that she always used for intense reading sessions. She half wished that she brought a drink with her, but it wasn't a necessary thing. Positioning the bean bag near the balcony door, she plopped herself on it and grabbed 'Murder on the Orient Express' and started to read.

"Why did you need her gone?" Ichthys asked again, scratching his inner ear.

Victus didn't answer him, but had his head tilted slightly, like he was listening out for something. After a short moment, he spoke again.

"Because it concerns her..."

"If it concerns her, then shouldn't she be here?" Corvus questioned him.

"On the contrary, it might be too much... In truth, it is intriguing how you take it..."

"Just get on with it..." Corvus demanded, sounding awfully annoyed about the whole thing.

"Fine, then." Victus moved so he sat cross legged on the armchair. "I take it you have noticed the slight...... Similarities between the girl upstairs and the one you once knew..."

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