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The next morning we got up and prepared to head out.

We took our meal before heading out.

We are all heading out to cross check if everything needed for the birthday is settled.

I told everyone to leave without me because I wanted to go to the airport to wait for Joan.

Jason offered to drive me. After much persuasion I agreed.

The drive to the airport was quite and nerve cracking. I was fumbling with my fingers. Thinking on how to tell him his sister knew of our secret dating.

What's wrong? He asked bringing me out of my trance.

Hmm...... It's about your sister and our relationship.

What's wrong with my sister and our relationship? He asked placing his hands on my lap.

Your sister is aware of our relationship....


I guess we were a little too obvious. If your sister could figure out about our relationship  then probably my sister will soon  find out.......... I said nervously.

Baby don't you think we should let everyone know about our relationship... My friends are already suspicious of my behavior to girls who are not you.

No....... No I have to tell my sister first before anyone.

Don't you think she already knows considering I have been trying to avoid her lately.

If she knew she would have told me.......

How are you so certain?

My sister never hides anything from me.

OK....... So here we are....... He said parking the car.

Thanks...... I said unbuckling my seat belt.

Common........ Say thank you in a more romantic way...... He said pouting.

Like seriously...... I said smiling before placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

I want more..... He said smiling mischievously.

Later..... I said coming down.

So when are they getting here..... He asked following me inside.

Any minute from now......

After waiting for some time..... Joan and Jude arrived.

The moment Joan sighted me she ran to hug me. Leaving her luggage behind for Jude to tend to.

I ran and hugged her too.......

I missed you....... She squealed squeezing the life out of me.

Me too..... I said the moment I could get some air.

Oh Mr beautiful came along...... She whispered.....

Yes.... He drove me here....

Hmm.... He really loves you.... She whispered before Jason walked up to us.

I had already told Joan of our relationship but made her promise to keep it a secret.

Hi..... U must be Joan..... Jason said smiling at her.

Yes....... Pleasure meeting you although I have met you before....... She said smiling

Yeah I remember....... Jason said.

Hi man.... Jude said shaking Jason hand when he got close.

Jason returned the greetings and helped Jude with the luggage.

Joan we are only staying for two days why did you bring all this luggage ......i whispered.

Babe I was so confused on what to wear so I just brought a lot of clothes to select from. And shoes too.

Joan! I groaned.

What? She asked feigning innocence.

That's Joan for you always do things that are out the ordinary.

We got in the car, the two guys at the front leaving us girls at the back.

Joan and I chit chatted all through our drive to the hotel.

If Jason had not offered to drive me here we would have called a cab... In a way am glad he offered to come.

NEIGHBOUR'S (a Nigerian Romance).  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora