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Like seriously man, why did you bring that girl..... I asked Jide the moment we got settled in.

Am I not allowed to date.... He asked frowning.

U shouldn't have shown interest in my sister then.......

So what do u expect me to do, crawl after your precious sister till she accepts my proposal.

You don't deserve my sister if u are going to behave this way.

Keep your sister to yourself, am tired of chasing a girl who doesn't have any form of feelings for me.

U better keep your words and don't you fucking look at her again.......

Fine.... He said leaving the suite angrily.

Jerk..... I scoffed.

Man I don't mean to intrude but I think he's right. Like seriously he has been in love with your sister for years...... But ur sister never looked his way. Instead she had kissed a guy just few days after rejecting him. I still remember how dejected he had felt before coming to meet you to tutor him....matt said.

Yes I think he's right John said

Uhhhh...... I groaned...... Am sorry I just felt protective of Jenny. I saw the hurt written on her features when she saw Jide with that girl.

I think it's high time you talk to your sister about Jide ,if she's in OR not... She should stop playing the guy..... So he can know where he stands.

OK I will.... So let's finish unpacking and get food for the ladies....

Finally... Am starving......... Paul said groaning........which made us laugh.

Paul was one of our close friend but he was never around. He's always on a plane traveling to one business or another.

After some few hours we called for room services and ordered food for both suites. I had apologized to Jide and promised to stay out of the matter and let the both of them fix their issues.

The next day the girls got dressed  as we all went touring. All through the day Becky was avoiding me. I don't know why but I intend to find out.

NEIGHBOUR'S (a Nigerian Romance).  Where stories live. Discover now