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I stayed in my room till 4pm. Watching a movie.

I was trying to erase the memory of the girl  screams out of my head. But it just keeps coming.

I was staring at the movie but my  mind was elsewhere.

I was so turned on. I tried pleasuring myself but it failed. I didn't feel anything.

What the hell is wrong with me.... Why was I behaving like some horny bitch.

I finally gave up. Got up from my bed and stomped off downstairs to prepare dinner.

I was contemplating was to prepare before I finally decided on fried egg and yam .with spicy chicken.

I brought out the yam, sliced and peeled the yam before washing and putting it in a pot to cook.

I don't always eat the food prepared by the cook. I didn't want to be a burden. So I always cook for myself. I only used his ingredients which I will replace when I receive my pay.

What u doing....... Jason asked walking into the kitchen.

Speaking of the devil.... I thought.

Nothing much. Just fixing myself my dinner.... I said faking a smile .i noticed his hair was wet. He must have taken a shower after the fuck fiesta..

Can I indulge...... He asked.

U want to eat my food...... I asked shocked.

Yes if it's OK by u...

Sure... I said trying to hide my disgust.

Like wats wrong with me, why am I pissed off with him.

Can I assist you.... He asked staring at me.

Hmm... Sure.

So what u preparing?

Just a simple meal of boiled yam, fried egg and spicy chicken.

Nice..... He said smiling.

I already put the yam on the cooker. U can help with breaking and whisking of the eggs.... And yes slicing of the veggies.

OK.... He replied getting to work....

So when did u wake up. When I came in u were sleeping on the couch.

I woke up to the sound of your loud fucking.... I said in my head.

Hmm I think around 2 or so...

Really... So....... He stammered.

Yes.... I heard your little party..... It's totally fine. I said bringing out the chicken.

OK... He said breaking 5 eggs into a bowl.

Here are the veggies.... I said handing them to him...

OK.... He said taking them from my hands and washed them...

I handed him the chopping board and directed him on how to slice them.

Oh no.... That's not how to slice them.... I said when I saw him cutting the onions, pepper and tomatoes big like a ball.

Let me show u.. I said taking the knife from him and directing him on Wat to do..

I tried to ignore the way he was close to me, the way his breath was fanning my neck as he looked down at what I was doing .he was too close for comfort...

OK let me try, he said taking the knife from my hands creating contact in the process...

He must have noticed the way I jerked at the close contact. Because I felt him smile.

As I was about to turn .i hit his chest   .

Am..... So.... r..ry....... I stammered.

I made a mistake and looked up at him. His eyes were filled with lust. His eyes was completely mirroring my own thoughts. I was lusting for this guy and he knew it.

Slowly, slowly he brought his head closer to mine...... I should have pushed him away.... I should have even slapped him . But as he drew closer. I closed my eyes and anticipated for Wats next.

His lips finally met mine..... Slowly he licked my  bottom lip. Urging me to open up. I opened up and met his tongue.

The kiss went from slow and sensual to hard and fast. Before I knew it I was kissing him back hard. I was meeting his strokes back.

Before I knew Wat was happening he had lifted me up on the counter, gripping my butts. I started moaning hard and started grinding on him...

Oh fuck... I moaned.....

Before I could grasp the situation. He was unbuttoning my shorts..

My senses slapped me hard on my face.

I quickly pushed him off and ran upstairs and looked the door behind me.

What the hell just happened.......... Wat the fuck had I just done.

I had let my lust taken over my senses......

How am I going to face him.........

Oh no........

Oh oh Becky is in a deep shit. Lol. This chapter is totally 🔥  right....

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Love favvy.

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