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What the fuck are u talking about...... I asked shocked.

Babe this is the best I could come up with..... 

I should share a house with a guy? Like seriously that's the best u can come up with  ..

I still can't comprehend what Joan was talking about. I had stayed with them for a week.. We had searched for a cheap and affordable apartment, up to no avail  ..

I thought apartments were expensive in port Harcourt but port Harcourt is learning from Abuja....

Jude has also been trying to help me out but all to no avail... Apartments in Abuja are way too expensive for me.

Joan and Jude had even offered for me to stay with them but I refused. I hate being a nuisance to anyone....

I had almost given up and prepared to call my boss, when Joan rushed in smiling.... That my problem was solved.

I had hugged her happily, thinking the issue was solved. Well that was until she opened her mouth and spilled out the surprising words.

"Through Jude connection, he has been able to secure you a place. But u have to share it with a guy. "

Are u OK?  I asked.

Yes.... It's not totally bad.

Of course it is..... I sighed

Wait let me straighten it out for you......

OK....... Spill.

Well the guy is looking for someone  like a caretaker....

A nanny.... I shouted cutting her off.

Noooooo.let me explain


He's looking for someone to take care of his house. Like someone who will monitor his house whenever he's out of town...

He could hire someone for that. ...i stated matter of factly.

U don't understand, the guys super rich and doesn't trust anyone. He's looking for someone  he can trust with his property.  

He sounds like a psychopath..

Becks like seriously......Joan called.

So am just a caretaker of his home. That's all.

Yes and in exchange you can stay for free.....

Hmm that's really weird....

What's weird.....

How can he feel comfortable staying with someone he doesn't know.... 

Well the house is very big so u guys won't run into each that much. It will look as if u don't really stay there.

So am I going to do the cleaning and cooking or washing or warming his bed.... I said sarcastically.

Becks... U really are crazy, u know that right.....

Wat just stating facts....

Well nothing of that sort is required. He has a cook and cleaning aids. Your duty is to supervise everything...

Why does he need a supervisor.....

He's a CEO so his full attention is on his company and as a result his mansion is lacking care... Jude words not mine....

The guy must be super rich...... I said smiling.

So I heard...... So u buying it.

Let me think about it...... I don't want to let desperation lead me down to doom................

Hi was this chapter.

Do u think Becky will buy Joan idea?.

Wat do u think of Joan idea?

Let's all watch and find out how it plays out......

Tanks everyone for giving my novel a chance.

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Love #favvy.


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